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TOPIC | Uncommon/Odd Fears

I'm scared of seaweed. Nope, not the ocean or water. Nope, not fish. Seaweed.

I'm scared of seaweed. Nope, not the ocean or water. Nope, not fish. Seaweed.

they/them | med student
martial artist
Okay this is going to sound very weird but it's 100% true. I have a phobia of sport balls. They absolutely terrify me. I'm fine when they are on the ground or being held but once they are in the air and out of others control, they scare me. I've never told anyone this really before because I feel like no one would truly understand or they'd think something is wrong with me or that I'm over reacting. I've accepted that I'm weird and I have no problem with others knowing but the fact they may think something is wrong with me freaks me out and makes me never want to tell anyone I know in real life, ever.
Okay this is going to sound very weird but it's 100% true. I have a phobia of sport balls. They absolutely terrify me. I'm fine when they are on the ground or being held but once they are in the air and out of others control, they scare me. I've never told anyone this really before because I feel like no one would truly understand or they'd think something is wrong with me or that I'm over reacting. I've accepted that I'm weird and I have no problem with others knowing but the fact they may think something is wrong with me freaks me out and makes me never want to tell anyone I know in real life, ever.

I have really bad emetophobia. :'| It's gotten to the point of interfering with my daily life, so I should probably go see someone about that, but I'm too scared to actually talk about it l-lol.......

@Roadhog - Seaweed is the worst! ;___; Any kind of water weed freaks me out, honestly... I don't really know why, since it's just a harmless plant, but the fear of touching seaweed/water weeds is why I'm super hesitant about swimming in oceans or lakes.
I have really bad emetophobia. :'| It's gotten to the point of interfering with my daily life, so I should probably go see someone about that, but I'm too scared to actually talk about it l-lol.......

@Roadhog - Seaweed is the worst! ;___; Any kind of water weed freaks me out, honestly... I don't really know why, since it's just a harmless plant, but the fear of touching seaweed/water weeds is why I'm super hesitant about swimming in oceans or lakes.
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Not really uncommon but usually misunderstood fear: Large horses. I just can't bring myself to trust them now due to past trauma.
Not really uncommon but usually misunderstood fear: Large horses. I just can't bring myself to trust them now due to past trauma.



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I'm afraid of getting the answering machine. I don't know why but I've just been afraid of the thread's since I was a little kid, it's part of the reason why I don't call people. I'm also afraid of pain, it's not necessarily the needles I'm afraid of, it's the pain that comes with them.
I'm afraid of getting the answering machine. I don't know why but I've just been afraid of the thread's since I was a little kid, it's part of the reason why I don't call people. I'm also afraid of pain, it's not necessarily the needles I'm afraid of, it's the pain that comes with them.
I have an irrational fear of a very specific kind of bird. Not caused by anything, as far as I'm aware. I really don't want to say what it is, but know that it's a nonthreatening, docile bird that I doubt anyone else in the world is afraid of, specifically.

Other birds? Fine! I even go bird-watching with a giant pair of binoculars! Vultures? Love 'em. Muscovy ducks? Beautiful in their own way. This one specific bird? NOPE.

The best part is, there's a food item here on FR that's that bird and.....I ad-blocked it because seeing it makes me uncomfortable......
I have an irrational fear of a very specific kind of bird. Not caused by anything, as far as I'm aware. I really don't want to say what it is, but know that it's a nonthreatening, docile bird that I doubt anyone else in the world is afraid of, specifically.

Other birds? Fine! I even go bird-watching with a giant pair of binoculars! Vultures? Love 'em. Muscovy ducks? Beautiful in their own way. This one specific bird? NOPE.

The best part is, there's a food item here on FR that's that bird and.....I ad-blocked it because seeing it makes me uncomfortable......
Fish. It get's worse the bigger and uglier they are.
Fish. It get's worse the bigger and uglier they are.



I wish I was kidding.

I wish I was kidding.
@Rachie I know someone who also fears mayonnaise (and snakes. But thats not me).

Bald people.

Okay. So they dont really scare me (though I was a little scared when I was younger), I just like my hair, I guess (I have a lot of it. Hairy siblings where you at, yo?).
@Rachie I know someone who also fears mayonnaise (and snakes. But thats not me).

Bald people.

Okay. So they dont really scare me (though I was a little scared when I was younger), I just like my hair, I guess (I have a lot of it. Hairy siblings where you at, yo?).
... solitude's fun, don't get me wrong. For heaven's sake after a hundred years.... -BEN
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