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TOPIC | Orlando, Florida
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I'm so disgusted by this... What makes it even worse is that there's really nothing I can do, I live far away from Florida and even if I lived closer I don't know if I would be old enough to donate blood :/
I'm so disgusted by this... What makes it even worse is that there's really nothing I can do, I live far away from Florida and even if I lived closer I don't know if I would be old enough to donate blood :/
Feel free to click and feed my creatures!
[quote name="Cockatrice" date=2016-06-12 14:46:06] I wouldn't be shocked if we start hearing about how much his wife and kid loved him and get article after article about how people he knew are "shocked, because he was a nice, quiet guy" if they can't dig their hooks in to the racist angle as deep as they'd like. [/quote] Yeeaaah..There's already been an article about his ex-wife who said that he beat and abused her.
Cockatrice wrote on 2016-06-12:
I wouldn't be shocked if we start hearing about how much his wife and kid loved him and get article after article about how people he knew are "shocked, because he was a nice, quiet guy" if they can't dig their hooks in to the racist angle as deep as they'd like.

Yeeaaah..There's already been an article about his ex-wife who said that he beat and abused her.
Tell me your desire
while you pull me from the fire
and we'll seal the deal with a kiss
A man with weapons an intent to harm was arrested at an L.A. pride parade today as well. Stay safe everyone if you're going to attend pride events. We don't need any more people to die or become injured today. There's been too much violence and there doesn't need to be more
A man with weapons an intent to harm was arrested at an L.A. pride parade today as well. Stay safe everyone if you're going to attend pride events. We don't need any more people to die or become injured today. There's been too much violence and there doesn't need to be more

Well-behaved women seldom make history - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
End corruption now

Hey, don't beat yourself up about this. Rather than worry about donating blood or money, maybe pick up litter in a park or make someone a gift or buy a gift and do it in the victims' memory sort of thing? Or donate something you no longer need?

That's only if you want to though; even if you don't, my point still stands-don't beat yourself up over this. It won't change what happened and it doesn't make you any less of a human being that you aren't able to.

Edit-Also what Plenilune said. Make sure you go with someone and remain aware of your surroundings and where to go if something were to happen. No shame in staying home if you don't think that you'd be safe either.

Hey, don't beat yourself up about this. Rather than worry about donating blood or money, maybe pick up litter in a park or make someone a gift or buy a gift and do it in the victims' memory sort of thing? Or donate something you no longer need?

That's only if you want to though; even if you don't, my point still stands-don't beat yourself up over this. It won't change what happened and it doesn't make you any less of a human being that you aren't able to.

Edit-Also what Plenilune said. Make sure you go with someone and remain aware of your surroundings and where to go if something were to happen. No shame in staying home if you don't think that you'd be safe either.
Coelum Ad Proelium Elige
I own the most wonderful Shiba Inus named Jiro and Lou!
What do Shiba Inus~ like to dream about? Is it dancing Hainus?
This is incredibly upsetting. I don't know why, humanity has come so far and we can even make a giant metal plane that weighs tons fly but we can't even accept each other for who we love.

My heart goes out to all those affected and the entirety of Orlando. It's been a rough two days but you are all stronger than the people who committed this horrible crime and you can make it through.
This is incredibly upsetting. I don't know why, humanity has come so far and we can even make a giant metal plane that weighs tons fly but we can't even accept each other for who we love.

My heart goes out to all those affected and the entirety of Orlando. It's been a rough two days but you are all stronger than the people who committed this horrible crime and you can make it through.
knowledge of comprehension, benevolence, and aesthetics | active | slowly revamping
There are many vigils today for those lost. I'm going to one today, and I hope others have one nearby them as well. My love goes out to others in the LGBT community who are scared by this. Please take care of each other in these trying times, everyone.
There are many vigils today for those lost. I'm going to one today, and I hope others have one nearby them as well. My love goes out to others in the LGBT community who are scared by this. Please take care of each other in these trying times, everyone.
This is the reason I am so terrified for so many of my friends. In Highschool, I kind of just became friends with all of the LGBT people, most of which I didn't even know were LGBT until they came out, our town was very narrow minded and allowed a lot of discrimination to happen in the schools and out. Now most of us are adults, and they are all happily out, have support groups and are generally living their lives as they wish.

But I read about all of the crimes people commit against anyone they see as different.....My heart goes out to the families and friends of the victims, because all I see when I hear about these attacks is the possibility of my friends names being in some news article online one day, and I know I would never recover from loosing them. Knowing the world has lost so many people that deserved to live, all because they don't fit in with how other people think the world should work, makes me sad for the future.
This is the reason I am so terrified for so many of my friends. In Highschool, I kind of just became friends with all of the LGBT people, most of which I didn't even know were LGBT until they came out, our town was very narrow minded and allowed a lot of discrimination to happen in the schools and out. Now most of us are adults, and they are all happily out, have support groups and are generally living their lives as they wish.

But I read about all of the crimes people commit against anyone they see as different.....My heart goes out to the families and friends of the victims, because all I see when I hear about these attacks is the possibility of my friends names being in some news article online one day, and I know I would never recover from loosing them. Knowing the world has lost so many people that deserved to live, all because they don't fit in with how other people think the world should work, makes me sad for the future.
When I checked the news this morning the death toll was 20...I go back less than an hour later and it's 50. I've been scared and upset all day, but I'm trying not to let the negative emotions weigh down on me. I've seen so many people coming together after this event, so many donations, so many acts of pride both by the LGBT community and our allies.

This was a hate crime and an act of terrorism; two of the worst things to come out of humanity. Part of me wishes that the gunman had been captured alive so that he could spend the rest of his life in prison. At least we caught the guy who was going to attack LA pride. He's going to answer for his hatred.
When I checked the news this morning the death toll was 20...I go back less than an hour later and it's 50. I've been scared and upset all day, but I'm trying not to let the negative emotions weigh down on me. I've seen so many people coming together after this event, so many donations, so many acts of pride both by the LGBT community and our allies.

This was a hate crime and an act of terrorism; two of the worst things to come out of humanity. Part of me wishes that the gunman had been captured alive so that he could spend the rest of his life in prison. At least we caught the guy who was going to attack LA pride. He's going to answer for his hatred.
Honestly, waking up to this news today just left me feeling so tired. I'm tired of seeing stuff like this on the news. I am so tired. And now, the first year I've had a chance to go to Pride, and now between the shooting and the guy that was arrested in LA, I'm probably going to back out of going because I'm afraid some yahoo is gonna try something here.

I am so tired.
Honestly, waking up to this news today just left me feeling so tired. I'm tired of seeing stuff like this on the news. I am so tired. And now, the first year I've had a chance to go to Pride, and now between the shooting and the guy that was arrested in LA, I'm probably going to back out of going because I'm afraid some yahoo is gonna try something here.

I am so tired.
Thank you for posting all this information, and for keeping this up-to-date. I've just returned from living in Orlando and have many, many friends who frequented Pulse--
To know this is happening to my communities (both Orlando and the LGBTQ community) is heart-wrenching. I'm tired, I'm sad.

My heart goes out to all those affected; I hope we can all come together with love in this difficult time.
Thank you for posting all this information, and for keeping this up-to-date. I've just returned from living in Orlando and have many, many friends who frequented Pulse--
To know this is happening to my communities (both Orlando and the LGBTQ community) is heart-wrenching. I'm tired, I'm sad.

My heart goes out to all those affected; I hope we can all come together with love in this difficult time.
shel • 30/f
+2 fr time
nature legacy | wishlist
'Rise; and put on your Foliage, and be seene
To come forth, like the Spring-time, fresh and greene'

--Robert Herrick
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