
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Free Nest Rentals! All 11 Flights!

You got it

You got it
@FlameMight Would you be able to nest these coatls? I'd like their nest to hatch after greenskeeper's but before the colorwheel expansion [url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url] I can also give you extra helpings of seafood with the CR!
@FlameMight Would you be able to nest these coatls? I'd like their nest to hatch after greenskeeper's but before the colorwheel expansion



I can also give you extra helpings of seafood with the CR!

Hello! Happy Greenkeeper! Does anyone have space to hatch a nest for me today? I have a boon so they won't be long~

Hello! Happy Greenkeeper! Does anyone have space to hatch a nest for me today? I have a boon so they won't be long~
flower-grrl vo5QYDb.png
FR +3
*Wind Council
*Bamboo buying
@PhantomNimbus Yes i can. Send them over!
@PhantomNimbus Yes i can. Send them over!
@FLamemight sent CR for coatls & eels!
@FLamemight sent CR for coatls & eels!
@PhantomNimbus Thank you! I'll take good care of you coatls.
@PhantomNimbus Thank you! I'll take good care of you coatls.

Does anyone have a nest for me?

Does anyone have a nest for me?
@Ajdar I do!
@Ajdar I do!
Happy greenskeeper to you too!
I have one nest free, send them over whenever you wish c:
Happy greenskeeper to you too!
I have one nest free, send them over whenever you wish c:

Does anyone have a light nest available? c:

Does anyone have a light nest available? c: