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TOPIC | Weird childhood stories.
Back when I was in first grade, I was playing on the swing set at the park near my house. Nothing special, save for the fact that prior to the event, I saw my brother and his friends jumping off the swings. Being the curious smol child I was back then, I gave that a try. It was fun, but I faceplanted I the sand. To make it even worse, I had jumped off at the highest point of my swinging too. I stumbled over to a nearby bench in a daze.

A few times before I got a shot, my face would turn green. Not like "I'm so sick I'm gonna hurl" green, I would turn Hulk green.
I hate shots.
Back when I was in first grade, I was playing on the swing set at the park near my house. Nothing special, save for the fact that prior to the event, I saw my brother and his friends jumping off the swings. Being the curious smol child I was back then, I gave that a try. It was fun, but I faceplanted I the sand. To make it even worse, I had jumped off at the highest point of my swinging too. I stumbled over to a nearby bench in a daze.

A few times before I got a shot, my face would turn green. Not like "I'm so sick I'm gonna hurl" green, I would turn Hulk green.
I hate shots.
I also remember in second grade there was this playground war between boys and girls,
and every recess we would be wrestling each other to the ground, claiming
that the side we were on would win, calling for help in a wrestle, and battle cries.
One day it was dress up as your favorite book character day, so my best friend and I
dressed up as cats from some books. I was a grey cat and she was an orange one.
I had a swishy tail and my allies called me " Cat girl."
Anyway, glorious war raged between us girls and boys, and we would go out in "troops"
to battle with the boys. Now, I wasn't much of a fighter, and I only feinted and scratched
with my arms every once in a while, but the others were seriously bringing their
foes to the dirt. On that day, the war was claimed over, with no side that had won.
That is the beautiful war tale that I experienced.

Another time, when I was four, I decided it be a wonderful idea
to have a toy dog's ear in my mouth, swing it by swaying my head, and jumping
off the couch at my sister, who was brushing a toy poodles fur. I was mad for some reason.

Even more far back, I remember I was trying to reach the top of a shelf because
my "pinky" was up there. I have no idea why I said that.

On my fourth birhday, there was a small cake for me and a large cake
for everyone else. I was holding a plastic fork when some kid said, " Eat it whole!"
Somehow, that offended me and I dropped the fork on the table and cried
while my mom tried to console me. I was weird back then.

Also, when our pet bunny died and we were putting his decayed carcass
into the dumpster sadly, I started thinking about a dead goldfish with a hat
and cane tap dancing on a stage and busted out laughing.
I also remember in second grade there was this playground war between boys and girls,
and every recess we would be wrestling each other to the ground, claiming
that the side we were on would win, calling for help in a wrestle, and battle cries.
One day it was dress up as your favorite book character day, so my best friend and I
dressed up as cats from some books. I was a grey cat and she was an orange one.
I had a swishy tail and my allies called me " Cat girl."
Anyway, glorious war raged between us girls and boys, and we would go out in "troops"
to battle with the boys. Now, I wasn't much of a fighter, and I only feinted and scratched
with my arms every once in a while, but the others were seriously bringing their
foes to the dirt. On that day, the war was claimed over, with no side that had won.
That is the beautiful war tale that I experienced.

Another time, when I was four, I decided it be a wonderful idea
to have a toy dog's ear in my mouth, swing it by swaying my head, and jumping
off the couch at my sister, who was brushing a toy poodles fur. I was mad for some reason.

Even more far back, I remember I was trying to reach the top of a shelf because
my "pinky" was up there. I have no idea why I said that.

On my fourth birhday, there was a small cake for me and a large cake
for everyone else. I was holding a plastic fork when some kid said, " Eat it whole!"
Somehow, that offended me and I dropped the fork on the table and cried
while my mom tried to console me. I was weird back then.

Also, when our pet bunny died and we were putting his decayed carcass
into the dumpster sadly, I started thinking about a dead goldfish with a hat
and cane tap dancing on a stage and busted out laughing.

Oh gosh where to start....

I thought it was a good Idea to go to the bathroom and lock the door like a big girl. I couldn't unlock it. It was one of those ones that you just twist. Well my mu. tried to instruct me on how to open the door, still didn't get it open. So Mum called the fire station to get me out. One fireman got a ladder to climb up to the window and another broke the lock off to get me out. When the fireman licked me up I... Peeded on him, apparently I didn't do what I went into the bathroom to do. :/ I got out in the end and got to sit in the front of the fire engine. XD

Oh gosh where to start....

I thought it was a good Idea to go to the bathroom and lock the door like a big girl. I couldn't unlock it. It was one of those ones that you just twist. Well my mu. tried to instruct me on how to open the door, still didn't get it open. So Mum called the fire station to get me out. One fireman got a ladder to climb up to the window and another broke the lock off to get me out. When the fireman licked me up I... Peeded on him, apparently I didn't do what I went into the bathroom to do. :/ I got out in the end and got to sit in the front of the fire engine. XD
im still a kid (14) so..
last year in 7th grade i lept onto a desk and it flipped over. my teacher yelled, "RUST , WHAT ARE YA DOIN??" and my reply was "the floor was lava"

only got one day of detention. that was kind
im still a kid (14) so..
last year in 7th grade i lept onto a desk and it flipped over. my teacher yelled, "RUST , WHAT ARE YA DOIN??" and my reply was "the floor was lava"

only got one day of detention. that was kind
545.gif [english isnt my first languge, sorry about that!!!] 545.gif

That's pretty awesome.

That's pretty awesome.
A mini artwork of Lightweaver by Dovalore. A gold arrow/moon divider by dreamingcity.
FRT+1 | He/Him
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A Magnesium Amphiptere (Desert variant) from Dragon Cave.A male Pillow Dragon from Dragon Cave.
In about 3rd grade I decided to "become a tiger" and proceeded to draw stripes on myself with sharpie. Whoops.

In about 3rd grade I decided to "become a tiger" and proceeded to draw stripes on myself with sharpie. Whoops.

tumblr_inline_n6kdvfauea1qlye38.gif Fear not child, the Shadows will protect you.tumblr_inline_n6kdvfauea1qlye38.gif
I used to use colored highlighters to draw "tattoos" on my hand, and I ate lipstick. :/
I used to use colored highlighters to draw "tattoos" on my hand, and I ate lipstick. :/
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One that might be weird to others but not to me:

On my grandpas property are the remnants of old homesteads. You can go out and find items left behind such as bottles, axeheads, etc. People used to plant Jon quills (some call them daffodils) around their houses. If your in the woods or an old field and see a patch or line if those flowers it's where a house used to be.

As for actual weird stuff: I dreamed of red eyed fish coming after me in my grandpas fish pond. It happened when I was so young I thought it was an actual memory.

One that might be weird to others but not to me:

On my grandpas property are the remnants of old homesteads. You can go out and find items left behind such as bottles, axeheads, etc. People used to plant Jon quills (some call them daffodils) around their houses. If your in the woods or an old field and see a patch or line if those flowers it's where a house used to be.

As for actual weird stuff: I dreamed of red eyed fish coming after me in my grandpas fish pond. It happened when I was so young I thought it was an actual memory.
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We had these Young Authors contests and my writing was just so embarringsly terrible looking back on it.

We had these Young Authors contests and my writing was just so embarringsly terrible looking back on it.

WOAAA that's so funny omg

I can't think of any right now, I'll come back in a bit!
WOAAA that's so funny omg

I can't think of any right now, I'll come back in a bit!