
Dragon Trading

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TOPIC | Please take these dragons
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I wish I could say I had fun, but being publicly called a scammer over a newbie error soured this game for me. All the same, I don't want these dragons that people have trusted me with to get neglected and forgotten. Some of the dragons in my lair are going back to the friend who referred me to this game, but these ones need homes or they'll be forgotten. Someone please take them. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I wish I could say I had fun, but being publicly called a scammer over a newbie error soured this game for me.

All the same, I don't want these dragons that people have trusted me with to get neglected and forgotten. Some of the dragons in my lair are going back to the friend who referred me to this game, but these ones need homes or they'll be forgotten. Someone please take them.





I saw that thread before and thought it was unfair, I'm sorry to see that it ruined the experience for you. :(
If you're sure about leaving I could take Hera.
I saw that thread before and thought it was unfair, I'm sorry to see that it ruined the experience for you. :(
If you're sure about leaving I could take Hera.
@Cavatus im really sorry that's happened. there's been a lot of problems with actual scammers during last registration and this one, so people are really on edge i guess, either way, i am sorry :(
If nobody else claims her, i'll take angel
@Cavatus im really sorry that's happened. there's been a lot of problems with actual scammers during last registration and this one, so people are really on edge i guess, either way, i am sorry :(
If nobody else claims her, i'll take angel
I collect birds! All birds! Any birds! Birds!!!!W1Dayps.png
@Cavatus I am so sorry that's happened and I'm sorry it has ruined your time. if you are leaving could I take Lilith please.
@Cavatus I am so sorry that's happened and I'm sorry it has ruined your time. if you are leaving could I take Lilith please.
@Cavatus I feel really bad that happened to you. Best of luck wherever you go next!
Can I have Opal?
@Cavatus I feel really bad that happened to you. Best of luck wherever you go next!
Can I have Opal?

I'm sorry this happened to you. This game is supposed to foster a sense of community, not ostracize its members. I hope that whatever comes your way, people treat you better than they did here.

I'm sorry this happened to you. This game is supposed to foster a sense of community, not ostracize its members. I hope that whatever comes your way, people treat you better than they did here.
tumblr_oppi2bwdig1wnxxc9o1_100.png tumblr_oppk830pW51wnxxc9o1_100.png
@nocturnelle @AquariusStudios @FireFury16 @Totodile3 @Selenite

Thank you for your kind words :) It was unfortunate, but I'll move on. Enjoy your new dragons, and have fun!
@nocturnelle @AquariusStudios @FireFury16 @Totodile3 @Selenite

Thank you for your kind words :) It was unfortunate, but I'll move on. Enjoy your new dragons, and have fun!
@Cavatus Oh no -- I wish you'd reconsider; it was one person, and we're not all unpleasant.
@Cavatus Oh no -- I wish you'd reconsider; it was one person, and we're not all unpleasant.
@Cavatus I'm really sorry that's how our community was introduced to you. I also wish you'd reconsider, but I understand if you'd rather just leave.
If you're certain, I'd be more than happy to give Lazulite a safe home in my lair. Mostly, though, I wanted to offer my apologies for what happened <3
@Cavatus I'm really sorry that's how our community was introduced to you. I also wish you'd reconsider, but I understand if you'd rather just leave.
If you're certain, I'd be more than happy to give Lazulite a safe home in my lair. Mostly, though, I wanted to offer my apologies for what happened <3
Glory to the Gladekeeper
@Cavatus that person was way over the top and I want you to know that despite the fact that I have never interacted with them before, I have blocked them. I have a feeling that many readers of a certain off site blog will feel the same as I do. If you feel like staying (or ever come back) I'd be happy to give you a dragon to do with as you wish.
@Cavatus that person was way over the top and I want you to know that despite the fact that I have never interacted with them before, I have blocked them. I have a feeling that many readers of a certain off site blog will feel the same as I do. If you feel like staying (or ever come back) I'd be happy to give you a dragon to do with as you wish.
Eta Kooram Nah Smech!
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