

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
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Hello there! I'm looking for a 1x1 rp partner or a small group to roleplay with! I'd hope to find someone who is interested in a semi-literate, long term roleplay with me!

Characters I have to rp with besides the dragons in my lair;;

  • Vinzintine A little alien who is member of a made up race of mine. Typically, she is a semi-mad scientist who has developed portal travel and uses it to travel long distances. I have her dragonized version in my lair. Her usual age in my rps are 20s to 30s range.
  • Paradigm The son of Vinzintine and a demon character of mine. He's a little mischievous trickster sort of kid. He's kind of boastful, cocky, and has a mountain of self confidence but really, he's super emotional and sensitive. Like, if someone insults him or says something bad about him then he's basically a puddle of tears. His age will usually range from 10 to 17.
  • Shark Fursona I thought up a Black Tipped Reef Shark fursona recently. She's basically a representation of me; she's relatively short with a bored and perhaps even irritated expression. But her expression is just a facade, if you talk to her then she's pretty friendly and will laugh at about anything most days but others, her expression will accurately represent her attitude. I'd range her age from 16-20. I also have other fursonas to so I don't have just this one.
  • Anthopyllite & Slocum These are two Steven Universe ocs of mine; Anthophyllite is a high ranking officer under Yellow Diamond and Slocum is her tall personal guard. Anthophyllite is an evil, un-compassionate, cruel, pessimistic, and sarcastic character. While Slocum is kind, severely protective of Anthophyllite, generous, obedient, and smiley. She also get things done, much to Anthophyllite's favor.
  • Hara This character doesn't really have a designated fandom or specific universe i'd roleplay them in. Hara uses they/them pronouns since originally, they were a fusion of a male and female character. They also have 3 eyes; one eye on one side of the face and the other two eyes are stacked on top of each other . I can supply a reference. c:
  • Others I have so many characters so feel free to ask me about characters for certain things like apocalyptic or supernatural or anything like that!

What I'll roleplay

I'll roleplay the basics. Post-Apocalypse, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and so forth. You can kinda get a feel for what I'm into based on my characters. I'll also roleplay fandoms! Liiike Steven Universe, HTTYD, Furries, and others. Just ask!

Where I'll roleplay at;;

I can roleplay here on Flight Rising in the messages or on the forums, but I can also roleplay through skype. I'd advise not going off of Flight Rising though because I'll likely forget about the roleplay. cx I'm very forgetful, oops.

Do Not's;;

Do not use a God-like oc. Just, please don't. They're no fun for others.
Do not be illiterate. Occasional slip-ups are okay but I love when my partners have good grammar and spelling. It makes the roleplaying experience so much enjoyable.
Do not kill my characters. What am I supposed to do if you kill them? Like????
Do not post one liners. I can understand that finding something to reply with is hard but please give me something to work with.

What I am willing to do;;

I'm perfectly fine with relationships, whether it's with my dragons or will my characters. I'm also okay with inter-clan relationships. I'd actually encourage this if we do a Flight Rising rp, I've been curious about inter-clan relationships for a while now.

I think that's the basics. If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate at all to ask! c:
I await you inquiry!
Hello there! I'm looking for a 1x1 rp partner or a small group to roleplay with! I'd hope to find someone who is interested in a semi-literate, long term roleplay with me!

Characters I have to rp with besides the dragons in my lair;;

  • Vinzintine A little alien who is member of a made up race of mine. Typically, she is a semi-mad scientist who has developed portal travel and uses it to travel long distances. I have her dragonized version in my lair. Her usual age in my rps are 20s to 30s range.
  • Paradigm The son of Vinzintine and a demon character of mine. He's a little mischievous trickster sort of kid. He's kind of boastful, cocky, and has a mountain of self confidence but really, he's super emotional and sensitive. Like, if someone insults him or says something bad about him then he's basically a puddle of tears. His age will usually range from 10 to 17.
  • Shark Fursona I thought up a Black Tipped Reef Shark fursona recently. She's basically a representation of me; she's relatively short with a bored and perhaps even irritated expression. But her expression is just a facade, if you talk to her then she's pretty friendly and will laugh at about anything most days but others, her expression will accurately represent her attitude. I'd range her age from 16-20. I also have other fursonas to so I don't have just this one.
  • Anthopyllite & Slocum These are two Steven Universe ocs of mine; Anthophyllite is a high ranking officer under Yellow Diamond and Slocum is her tall personal guard. Anthophyllite is an evil, un-compassionate, cruel, pessimistic, and sarcastic character. While Slocum is kind, severely protective of Anthophyllite, generous, obedient, and smiley. She also get things done, much to Anthophyllite's favor.
  • Hara This character doesn't really have a designated fandom or specific universe i'd roleplay them in. Hara uses they/them pronouns since originally, they were a fusion of a male and female character. They also have 3 eyes; one eye on one side of the face and the other two eyes are stacked on top of each other . I can supply a reference. c:
  • Others I have so many characters so feel free to ask me about characters for certain things like apocalyptic or supernatural or anything like that!

What I'll roleplay

I'll roleplay the basics. Post-Apocalypse, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and so forth. You can kinda get a feel for what I'm into based on my characters. I'll also roleplay fandoms! Liiike Steven Universe, HTTYD, Furries, and others. Just ask!

Where I'll roleplay at;;

I can roleplay here on Flight Rising in the messages or on the forums, but I can also roleplay through skype. I'd advise not going off of Flight Rising though because I'll likely forget about the roleplay. cx I'm very forgetful, oops.

Do Not's;;

Do not use a God-like oc. Just, please don't. They're no fun for others.
Do not be illiterate. Occasional slip-ups are okay but I love when my partners have good grammar and spelling. It makes the roleplaying experience so much enjoyable.
Do not kill my characters. What am I supposed to do if you kill them? Like????
Do not post one liners. I can understand that finding something to reply with is hard but please give me something to work with.

What I am willing to do;;

I'm perfectly fine with relationships, whether it's with my dragons or will my characters. I'm also okay with inter-clan relationships. I'd actually encourage this if we do a Flight Rising rp, I've been curious about inter-clan relationships for a while now.

I think that's the basics. If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate at all to ask! c:
I await you inquiry!
@MissHolmes I'd be interested in an inter clan RP, though I was wondering if you were thinking multiple dragons, or just single dragons? Also are we using the actual feral dragons to RP with, or gijinkas? I always thought gijinka woul be interesting to RP with :P The dragons I'd mainly be using would be- [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I mostly RP male characters- and I tend to like relationship RP's (somewhat romantic, or actual romantic, depending on what you prefer)

I'd be interested in an inter clan RP, though I was wondering if you were thinking multiple dragons, or just single dragons?

Also are we using the actual feral dragons to RP with, or gijinkas? I always thought gijinka woul be interesting to RP with :P

The dragons I'd mainly be using would be-





I mostly RP male characters- and I tend to like relationship RP's (somewhat romantic, or actual romantic, depending on what you prefer)

Come see the stuffed animals I make! (instagram)

Hm that's fine! We could definitely roleplay with multiple dragons but not too many. Anything over 3 or 4 starts to get a little confusing. As for gijinkas, I've never had a roleplay like that so maybe we could just try it and see how it turns out?

Also for the relationships, would you be looking more for MalexMale or MalexFemale or a mix of those? You can choose what dragons from my lair you'd like to see me roleplay as if you'd like! I'd like to use Othim because she's such a cutie. Whether she'd be compatible with any of your boys up there, i'm not sure.

Hm that's fine! We could definitely roleplay with multiple dragons but not too many. Anything over 3 or 4 starts to get a little confusing. As for gijinkas, I've never had a roleplay like that so maybe we could just try it and see how it turns out?

Also for the relationships, would you be looking more for MalexMale or MalexFemale or a mix of those? You can choose what dragons from my lair you'd like to see me roleplay as if you'd like! I'd like to use Othim because she's such a cutie. Whether she'd be compatible with any of your boys up there, i'm not sure.

I'm fine with either femalexmale or malexmale though I have more experience with heterosexual :P

Oh that's fine, I'll just stick with 3 then :P


Ashflight (the grumpy one, nice but socially awkward as heck) (hetero)

Sunfall (the flirty one- usually his flirting is subconscious because he uses it as a guard against people getting too close to him- though he's secretly lonely) (bi)

Heitor (the paladin must-rescue-the-damsel type, but tends to be dense and clumsy so he does more harm than good) (bi)

I'm fine with either femalexmale or malexmale though I have more experience with heterosexual :P

Oh that's fine, I'll just stick with 3 then :P


Ashflight (the grumpy one, nice but socially awkward as heck) (hetero)

Sunfall (the flirty one- usually his flirting is subconscious because he uses it as a guard against people getting too close to him- though he's secretly lonely) (bi)

Heitor (the paladin must-rescue-the-damsel type, but tends to be dense and clumsy so he does more harm than good) (bi)
Come see the stuffed animals I make! (instagram)

Hmmm. Alrighty! So I'll use..

Othim - A helpful little Healer, Witch Mirror with a heart of gold and who is the daughter of a Succubus tyrant witch of sorts.


Well here's a list of dragons that I might could use:

Rubrik, Slocum, Charybdis, Sylve, Kimiyo, Shenandoah, Astrophyllite, Nav, Tethys, Mandalore, Vincent, Yrthraz, and Beauthian.

Some dragons I don't have personalities for yet so aaahh.

Hmmm. Alrighty! So I'll use..

Othim - A helpful little Healer, Witch Mirror with a heart of gold and who is the daughter of a Succubus tyrant witch of sorts.


Well here's a list of dragons that I might could use:

Rubrik, Slocum, Charybdis, Sylve, Kimiyo, Shenandoah, Astrophyllite, Nav, Tethys, Mandalore, Vincent, Yrthraz, and Beauthian.

Some dragons I don't have personalities for yet so aaahh.

I think Slocum would be interesting in relation to either Heitor or Ashflight.

Kimiyo would get along great with Sunfall. Seriously XD

So... how do you want to set this? How would our clans meet? Some great war, or some catastrophe or something less dramatic?

I think Slocum would be interesting in relation to either Heitor or Ashflight.

Kimiyo would get along great with Sunfall. Seriously XD

So... how do you want to set this? How would our clans meet? Some great war, or some catastrophe or something less dramatic?
Come see the stuffed animals I make! (instagram)

If you're still looking for another partner, I'd be interested. o:
I have characters, fursonas, dragons (albeit a bit themed), and like whatever you're up for, really.
= v= b
Not very picky.
( I actually do have some gem characters too, though I'm not expertly versed in the SU fandom. )

(( But hey if not, that's cool, too. 0: ))

If you're still looking for another partner, I'd be interested. o:
I have characters, fursonas, dragons (albeit a bit themed), and like whatever you're up for, really.
= v= b
Not very picky.
( I actually do have some gem characters too, though I'm not expertly versed in the SU fandom. )

(( But hey if not, that's cool, too. 0: ))
@missholmes i hope im not too late ^^; i have a few dragons im my lair that id love to rp with! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] its up to you which you'd prefer :P but fair warning, im not especially good at dragon rps... ^^; unless theyre gijnkas that being said i do have a fursona, gemsona, and other characters im comfortable rping as!! as for theme/genre, im open to anything ^_^
i hope im not too late ^^;
i have a few dragons im my lair that id love to rp with!




its up to you which you'd prefer :P but fair warning, im not especially good at dragon rps... ^^; unless theyre gijnkas
that being said i do have a fursona, gemsona, and other characters im comfortable rping as!!
as for theme/genre, im open to anything ^_^


Hm! Okay! So I'd say the pairs would be Ashflight and Othim (( Their genes match also =w= )), Kimiyo and Sunfall, and then Slocum and Heitor? Does that sound okay?

As for the plot, perhaps some huge disaster happens in Light flight territory ( cause im light flight ) and my clan is forced to scatter for safety. Then Slocum ends up leading Kimiyo and Othim to the Nature territory? Because she feels a calling in her Wlidclaw heart to seek refuge there? Oh! And were we doing the feral dragons or the gijnkas?


Well, are there any kinds of roleplays that you'd like to try or that you've been craving? I'd say I have the most experience roleplaying my alien character, Vinzintine, and some of my dragons in my lair. I'm pretty indecisive as to what sort of roleplay i'd be interested in .3.


Your dragons are gorgeous! The funny part is, I have no experience rping with gijnkas, like at all. Though, first time for everything, right? Maybe you could shoot me a pm with a little bit of details on the characters you'd be up for using in general?


Hm! Okay! So I'd say the pairs would be Ashflight and Othim (( Their genes match also =w= )), Kimiyo and Sunfall, and then Slocum and Heitor? Does that sound okay?

As for the plot, perhaps some huge disaster happens in Light flight territory ( cause im light flight ) and my clan is forced to scatter for safety. Then Slocum ends up leading Kimiyo and Othim to the Nature territory? Because she feels a calling in her Wlidclaw heart to seek refuge there? Oh! And were we doing the feral dragons or the gijnkas?


Well, are there any kinds of roleplays that you'd like to try or that you've been craving? I'd say I have the most experience roleplaying my alien character, Vinzintine, and some of my dragons in my lair. I'm pretty indecisive as to what sort of roleplay i'd be interested in .3.


Your dragons are gorgeous! The funny part is, I have no experience rping with gijnkas, like at all. Though, first time for everything, right? Maybe you could shoot me a pm with a little bit of details on the characters you'd be up for using in general?
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