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TOPIC | Coming out..Was it hard for you as well?
I'm only really open my sexual and romantic orientation up on the Internet.
The majority of family is Catholic, aka Pretty Darn Homophobic.
I came out to my mom as bisexual and she took it well. But when I also told her that I was aromantic, she brushed it off saying that I was still maturing and that one day I would find a partner (I was 17 at that time).
Other than that, I'm vague about my orientation with people I encounter with my daily life.
I'm only really open my sexual and romantic orientation up on the Internet.
The majority of family is Catholic, aka Pretty Darn Homophobic.
I came out to my mom as bisexual and she took it well. But when I also told her that I was aromantic, she brushed it off saying that I was still maturing and that one day I would find a partner (I was 17 at that time).
Other than that, I'm vague about my orientation with people I encounter with my daily life.
What a coincidence, I happened to just tell my dad that I'm trans today!
He took it really well because he's a cool guy and a great dad (he'd taken it well before when I told him I was probably gay a few years back). Of course, it is a really big thing to be told and his brain is a little frazzled by the news, but he supports me and will try his best to get his head around it all!

But even though I knew he'd never react horribly, it was still really hard for me and it took a while to get the courage to tell him. You know when you're anticipating a big conversation, and you keep on rehearsing all kinds of potential outcomes over and over in your head? And you repeat things in your mind so much you kind of forget how to speak them as real words, and it's really hard to spit out? I'd been doing that for a while, and couldn't stop thinking about it, and it was making me feel pretty crappy for some weeks.

So I came home today after a rather hard day at work, where I'd been feeling particularly down (misgendering didn't help at all, oh boy), and after a lot of sitting on the sofa and moping quietly next to him I finally got up the guts to say (I told him while standing up, I felt braver that way?? hmm). And he was surprised, but also not surprised, and really supportive and we discussed a lot of things.

And... I feel so much better now! Totally a weight has been lifted.

And then I told my friend via chat, who I'd discussed gendery things with before, and she was great about it obviously. Hooray!

So yes, it was hard, but thankfully I am very lucky to have my dad who will help make things easier rather than harder from here!
What a coincidence, I happened to just tell my dad that I'm trans today!
He took it really well because he's a cool guy and a great dad (he'd taken it well before when I told him I was probably gay a few years back). Of course, it is a really big thing to be told and his brain is a little frazzled by the news, but he supports me and will try his best to get his head around it all!

But even though I knew he'd never react horribly, it was still really hard for me and it took a while to get the courage to tell him. You know when you're anticipating a big conversation, and you keep on rehearsing all kinds of potential outcomes over and over in your head? And you repeat things in your mind so much you kind of forget how to speak them as real words, and it's really hard to spit out? I'd been doing that for a while, and couldn't stop thinking about it, and it was making me feel pretty crappy for some weeks.

So I came home today after a rather hard day at work, where I'd been feeling particularly down (misgendering didn't help at all, oh boy), and after a lot of sitting on the sofa and moping quietly next to him I finally got up the guts to say (I told him while standing up, I felt braver that way?? hmm). And he was surprised, but also not surprised, and really supportive and we discussed a lot of things.

And... I feel so much better now! Totally a weight has been lifted.

And then I told my friend via chat, who I'd discussed gendery things with before, and she was great about it obviously. Hooray!

So yes, it was hard, but thankfully I am very lucky to have my dad who will help make things easier rather than harder from here!

I haven't fully come out yet since my parents don't know. (Only 2 of my cousins but I'll talk about that in a bit lol) But my friends know! I was anxious at first, very VERY anxious. I was scared that they would avoid me, spread rumors, or/and think I was a perv for being bisexual. But I was wrong, they are very accepting and I'm deeply grateful :)

My two cousins....oh boy. This was at a family gathering lol I accidentally came out to them. I'm so glad nobody else was around; that would have been the end of me if they my other family members were around. They have promised me that they wouldn't tell my parents since my mom and dad aren't all that accepting when it comes to LGBT+ folk. My cousins are very accepting and I'm grateful for that as well. I might eventually come out to them if I ever get a girlfriend but who knows :P

I haven't fully come out yet since my parents don't know. (Only 2 of my cousins but I'll talk about that in a bit lol) But my friends know! I was anxious at first, very VERY anxious. I was scared that they would avoid me, spread rumors, or/and think I was a perv for being bisexual. But I was wrong, they are very accepting and I'm deeply grateful :)

My two cousins....oh boy. This was at a family gathering lol I accidentally came out to them. I'm so glad nobody else was around; that would have been the end of me if they my other family members were around. They have promised me that they wouldn't tell my parents since my mom and dad aren't all that accepting when it comes to LGBT+ folk. My cousins are very accepting and I'm grateful for that as well. I might eventually come out to them if I ever get a girlfriend but who knows :P
I still have yet to come out to my parents about being trans ;;

I came out to my two best friends at the end of December and they were both really supportive about it! They call me by my preferred name and use my preferred pronouns and it's awesome that they're so cool with it...though they've also told me not to tell my parents because of how they'll react, now I'm just kind of sitting at half-out not ready to take the next step.

Oh well. It's nice to be able to be male in public at least.
I still have yet to come out to my parents about being trans ;;

I came out to my two best friends at the end of December and they were both really supportive about it! They call me by my preferred name and use my preferred pronouns and it's awesome that they're so cool with it...though they've also told me not to tell my parents because of how they'll react, now I'm just kind of sitting at half-out not ready to take the next step.

Oh well. It's nice to be able to be male in public at least.
I came out as trans about five years ago to my parents, my mother accepted me and my father thinks I'm a lesbian in denial (I'm actually pansexual.) The rest of my family has been mixed about it.

I think my friends thought I was joking for a few years and a few of them I never talked to again and some have said transphobic things to me over the years and a few have been supportive of me, another mixed bag but I did feel a shock in knowing how many of my friends purely hung around in case I became an available date for them, those people all disappeared quickly and thankfully in retrospect.
I came out as trans about five years ago to my parents, my mother accepted me and my father thinks I'm a lesbian in denial (I'm actually pansexual.) The rest of my family has been mixed about it.

I think my friends thought I was joking for a few years and a few of them I never talked to again and some have said transphobic things to me over the years and a few have been supportive of me, another mixed bag but I did feel a shock in knowing how many of my friends purely hung around in case I became an available date for them, those people all disappeared quickly and thankfully in retrospect.
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In a way, I've long been out to my mom and her mom about being an asexual/aegosexual and an aromantic. Their response wasn't exactly negative, but they're obviously those types who don't think asexuality is valid; no matter how many times I tell them that I have zero interest in having a spouse or kids in the future, they still constantly hound me about it in the most disrespectful way possible from thinking that I'll "change my mind later". I also find that extremely offensive because I'm already in a long-distance queer relationship with someone, which they don't know about, and they'd probably make me give him up if they did... My older brother is the only person in real life who is perfectly okay with what I am, and supports me rather than bugging me to change. :'v

I haven't told them a thing about my gender identity [demiboy/possibly bigender], but I have no plans to; my mom and grandma are kinda transphobic because they don't understand the concept of it, and mom in particular has an obsession with me being as "feminine" as possible just because that's what she likes. I already don't feel comfortable with telling her normal things about myself because of the kind of person she is; if she discovered that I identify as something other than what she wants, she'd probably treat me awfully for the rest of my life.
In a way, I've long been out to my mom and her mom about being an asexual/aegosexual and an aromantic. Their response wasn't exactly negative, but they're obviously those types who don't think asexuality is valid; no matter how many times I tell them that I have zero interest in having a spouse or kids in the future, they still constantly hound me about it in the most disrespectful way possible from thinking that I'll "change my mind later". I also find that extremely offensive because I'm already in a long-distance queer relationship with someone, which they don't know about, and they'd probably make me give him up if they did... My older brother is the only person in real life who is perfectly okay with what I am, and supports me rather than bugging me to change. :'v

I haven't told them a thing about my gender identity [demiboy/possibly bigender], but I have no plans to; my mom and grandma are kinda transphobic because they don't understand the concept of it, and mom in particular has an obsession with me being as "feminine" as possible just because that's what she likes. I already don't feel comfortable with telling her normal things about myself because of the kind of person she is; if she discovered that I identify as something other than what she wants, she'd probably treat me awfully for the rest of my life.
+ 0 FR Time
Aro ace here! Coming out was less me going up to my parents and saying 'I'm aro ace' and more me making All The Jokes about how I'll grow up single with a house full of cats at family gatherings, they more or less get it now (and seem to be pretty chill about it).
Aro ace here! Coming out was less me going up to my parents and saying 'I'm aro ace' and more me making All The Jokes about how I'll grow up single with a house full of cats at family gatherings, they more or less get it now (and seem to be pretty chill about it).
i tried coming out as genderqueer a few years ago.
i was deep into my tumblr social justice warrior phase at the time, though, and it didn't go very well - i got really upset when they didn't get it and started crying a lot.
it took awhile to come to terms with, but i don't blame anyone i came out to back then for not taking me seriously, because i was kind of an idiot back then.

i think i'm doing better now.
i don't think i'm going to come out again though.
i tried coming out as genderqueer a few years ago.
i was deep into my tumblr social justice warrior phase at the time, though, and it didn't go very well - i got really upset when they didn't get it and started crying a lot.
it took awhile to come to terms with, but i don't blame anyone i came out to back then for not taking me seriously, because i was kind of an idiot back then.

i think i'm doing better now.
i don't think i'm going to come out again though.
~~~ a vertical line that looks like the side of a speech bubblea pixel of a stone/beige/brown tundra wearing dark cloth and various jewelry ~ ~ywrA5FE.png mQ0CvT6.png ZlHPBW0.png
~~» code shop
~~» mass hatch
~~» gen1 sales
~~» accent sales
I asked my mom what she would think if I "theoretically" wanted to become a man.
She said she would kill me.
So there's that.
I asked my mom what she would think if I "theoretically" wanted to become a man.
She said she would kill me.
So there's that.
The first two people I told about my asexuality and aromanticism was two of my friends at lunch one day. I just dropped the ball. Since we were all talking about the subject anyway.
Told my sister next, and she accepted it completely.
On my 16th birthday, I told my mom about it. While she totally supported it, she eluded to saying "Just wait. In a few years you'll be telling me about someone you like and we'll remember this conversation"

that kinda left me in a bad mood.
The first two people I told about my asexuality and aromanticism was two of my friends at lunch one day. I just dropped the ball. Since we were all talking about the subject anyway.
Told my sister next, and she accepted it completely.
On my 16th birthday, I told my mom about it. While she totally supported it, she eluded to saying "Just wait. In a few years you'll be telling me about someone you like and we'll remember this conversation"

that kinda left me in a bad mood.
Fen / Vyrus | FR +3
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