TOPIC | Theme Week: Trickmurk Circus

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Eurynome and Signus :)
my progen, and clan leader, is undoubtedly my shadiest dragon haha. recently decked out with the new apparel and accent i got !
Don't have many shadow-inspired dragons in my lair atm, but there are some!
This lady still has her exalt fodder name, but I managed to snag her before she went off to one of the deities and I've loved her ever since. The sneakiest snek of them all.
This guy may not have been born in the shadows, but the colours under his Dark Ice skin tells a different story!
This guy I mainly just bought because he has colours I love, and is rocking his new skin! Let's just say he focus more on the glowy neon bits of shadow flight than the rest.
(Also, I'm super stoked over winning a skin contest for the first time! I've gotten so many compliments I'm just a flustered mess at this point, ahah)
Don't have many shadow-inspired dragons in my lair atm, but there are some!
This lady still has her exalt fodder name, but I managed to snag her before she went off to one of the deities and I've loved her ever since. The sneakiest snek of them all.
This guy may not have been born in the shadows, but the colours under his Dark Ice skin tells a different story!
This guy I mainly just bought because he has colours I love, and is rocking his new skin! Let's just say he focus more on the glowy neon bits of shadow flight than the rest.
(Also, I'm super stoked over winning a skin contest for the first time! I've gotten so many compliments I'm just a flustered mess at this point, ahah)
This lady still has her exalt fodder name, but I managed to snag her before she went off to one of the deities and I've loved her ever since. The sneakiest snek of them all.
This guy may not have been born in the shadows, but the colours under his Dark Ice skin tells a different story!
This guy I mainly just bought because he has colours I love, and is rocking his new skin! Let's just say he focus more on the glowy neon bits of shadow flight than the rest.
(Also, I'm super stoked over winning a skin contest for the first time! I've gotten so many compliments I'm just a flustered mess at this point, ahah)
Here are my lovely shadow babies!
Penumbra is one of the ones I'm most proud of, she's my shaman, and I love her color scheme.
Nebula is adorable
And SirViolet who is the very first triple color dragon I've ever hatched.
A recent arrival, haven't figured out who he is in the clan.
Dusk, the dragon responsible for performing rituals in honor of the Shadowbinder.
What have I done to my once-Light-themed scholar dragon??!
Oh dear, dear, dear.
I keep telling myself I need more Shadow-themed dragons in my lair, but haven't gotten to adding to that team yet. I'm happy with the ones I do have though, they are happy Shadow reps.
Right now I have two main shadow dragons, they are:
[b]Lynith[/b], our clan mystic. She is slightly off her rocker but always in good spirits and hasn't blown anything up yet! She has a terrible habit of trying to spike the Boss' coffee...or switch it out with herbal tea. >.> I swear she is trying to get me fired. xD
Her assistant is fairly new to our clan, but [b]Taen[/b] here is happy to help keep things from blowing up and is usually the one making sure all the herbs are not poisonous...>.>'
They both need more apparel, and I haven't decided what shadowy items to adorn Taen with yet, but I loves them just the same! ^.^
Right now I have two main shadow dragons, they are:
Lynith, our clan mystic. She is slightly off her rocker but always in good spirits and hasn't blown anything up yet! She has a terrible habit of trying to spike the Boss' coffee...or switch it out with herbal tea. >.> I swear she is trying to get me fired. xD

Her assistant is fairly new to our clan, but Taen here is happy to help keep things from blowing up and is usually the one making sure all the herbs are not poisonous...>.>'

They both need more apparel, and I haven't decided what shadowy items to adorn Taen with yet, but I loves them just the same! ^.^
Lynith, our clan mystic. She is slightly off her rocker but always in good spirits and hasn't blown anything up yet! She has a terrible habit of trying to spike the Boss' coffee...or switch it out with herbal tea. >.> I swear she is trying to get me fired. xD

Her assistant is fairly new to our clan, but Taen here is happy to help keep things from blowing up and is usually the one making sure all the herbs are not poisonous...>.>'

They both need more apparel, and I haven't decided what shadowy items to adorn Taen with yet, but I loves them just the same! ^.^

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