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TOPIC | Familiars
I have been told you can catch them in the monster battles. But how exactly can you? Please help.
I have been told you can catch them in the monster battles. But how exactly can you? Please help.
@BrynnC When you defeat an enemy in the coli, certain enemies have a chance to drop a familiar as loot. If you head on over to guides, theres a stickied thread that has all the info on what familiars drop where c:
@BrynnC When you defeat an enemy in the coli, certain enemies have a chance to drop a familiar as loot. If you head on over to guides, theres a stickied thread that has all the info on what familiars drop where c:
xx Ash
Wildclaw Pixels

nosy little bugger aren't you?
@BrynnC this THREAD shows which familiars (and items) can be found in the Coli!
@BrynnC this THREAD shows which familiars (and items) can be found in the Coli!
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@BrynnC Don't get disheartened if you don't get any familiars from the coli for a while. they drop randomly. I often go through a really long dry spell where I don't get any familiars for ages then all of a sudden three or four will drop in the space of half an hour, it will happen!
@BrynnC Don't get disheartened if you don't get any familiars from the coli for a while. they drop randomly. I often go through a really long dry spell where I don't get any familiars for ages then all of a sudden three or four will drop in the space of half an hour, it will happen!
Thank you all! I was worries I had to have something special.
Thank you all! I was worries I had to have something special.