look at the Dragon Rescue Association! there's a iri/shim/und boy!
look at the Dragon Rescue Association! there's a iri/shim/und boy!
whispin awww they're all so pretty! I'll keep this in mind for sure, but i'll have to pass right now. If you need help with it in the future let me know!
whispin awww they're all so pretty! I'll keep this in mind for sure, but i'll have to pass right now. If you need help with it in the future let me know!
@GalacticGod I have these two!
They cost 25kt, but you may have some discounts you apply for! Otherwise, we can work out a payment plan!
GalacticGod I have these two!

They cost 25kt, but you may have some discounts you apply for! Otherwise, we can work out a payment plan!
anipwrites they're pretty, but the color combos aren't really my thing. Thank you for showing me though!
anipwrites they're pretty, but the color combos aren't really my thing. Thank you for showing me though!
F Wildclaw
12 KT by CR
20 KT by AH
Adult preview in bio[/columns]
F Wildclaw
50 KT by CR
60 KT by AH
Adult preview in bio[/columns]
M Wildclaw
25 KT by CR
30 KT by AH[/columns]
sqld thank you, but nothing's really jumping out at me
sqld thank you, but nothing's really jumping out at me
If you are still looking I have some eggs that will hatch in a few days. You can see the parents I the nesting site and look at the progeny if you like and see what you think
If you are still looking I have some eggs that will hatch in a few days. You can see the parents I the nesting site and look at the progeny if you like and see what you think
“I look inside myself and see my heart is black”
@Galacticgod My hatchery is 95% Wildclaws.
[quote]Marzipan - male w/lore - 200k or 300 gems
(XXY - plat/plat/maize)
[b]V-DAY BEBE[/b]
[quote]Tatau - male w/lore - 90k or 130 gems
(XXY - white/white/jungle)
[quote]Tatau - female w/lore - 90k or 130 gems
(XXY - white/white/spring)
I also have a new pairing in my hatchery
Galacticgod My hatchery is 95% Wildclaws.
Marzipan - male w/lore - 200k or 300 gems
(XXY - plat/plat/maize)

Tatau - male w/lore - 90k or 130 gems
(XXY - white/white/jungle)

Tatau - female w/lore - 90k or 130 gems
(XXY - white/white/spring)

I also have a new pairing in my hatchery
Previews in their bios. 13k but willing to haggle

Previews in their bios. 13k but willing to haggle