
Items For Sale

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My Smokebillow Sham for your Cragbacked Bouldursa?

My Smokebillow Sham for your Cragbacked Bouldursa?
@gearfeathers Sure! I'll send over the Unlikely Alliance now! You can respond to my message with the Bogus Manamonger! Thanks for the trade!
@gearfeathers Sure! I'll send over the Unlikely Alliance now! You can respond to my message with the Bogus Manamonger! Thanks for the trade!
lemmi | female | FR+1
@KittyMarspian Okay, one second ^^
@KittyMarspian Okay, one second ^^
please ping if you respond/quote except in my own threads

looking to buy skycat, golden idol, cog frog, pm if you're selling

I've got two of the Conjurer's Hats, would love to trade them for the wooden Marionette and/or the Fallbrush Fraud.

I've got two of the Conjurer's Hats, would love to trade them for the wooden Marionette and/or the Fallbrush Fraud.
My wishlist
Things I hoard:
Everglade Hedgehog Sandstrike Hedgehog
[quote name="ChocoXCheese" date=2015-12-23 22:54:25] Please send me a PM to make an offer, since this thread moves very fast. [b]Have[/b]: [center][Item=Murktooth Bramblekeep] x1[Item=Timber Tender] x1 [Item=Slumbering Charlatan] x2 [Item=Jawlocker] x1[Item=Ectoplasmime] x1[/center] ----- [b]Want[/b]: [center][item=Strange Chest][Item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][item=Agol] [item=Yellow Goo][item=Yellow Ooze][item=Yellow Sludge] [item=Conjurer's Cloak][Item=Conjurer's Herb Pouch][Item=Conjurer's Cobwebs][Item=Conjurer's Staff] [item=Magician's Cloak][Item=Magician's Hat][Item=Magician's Herb Pouch][Item=Magician's Cobwebs][Item=Magician's Staff] [item=Witch's Cloak][Item=Witch's Hat][Item=Witch's Herb Pouch][Item=Witch's Cobwebs][Item=Witch's Staff] [item=Sorcerer's Cloak][Item=Sorcerer's Hat][Item=Sorcerer's Herb Pouch][Item=Sorcerer's Cobwebs][Item=Sorcerer's Staff] [item=Enchanter's Cloak][Item=Enchanter's Hat][Item=Enchanter's Herb Pouch][Item=Enchanter's Cobwebs][Item=Enchanter's Staff][/center] [/quote]
ChocoXCheese wrote on 2015-12-23:
Please send me a PM to make an offer, since this thread moves very fast.


Murktooth Bramblekeep x1 Timber Tender x1
Slumbering Charlatan x2
Jawlocker x1 Ectoplasmime x1


Strange Chest Unhatched Nocturne Egg Agol
Yellow Goo Yellow Ooze Yellow Sludge
Conjurer's Cloak Conjurer's Herb Pouch Conjurer's Cobwebs Conjurer's Staff
Magician's Cloak Magician's Hat Magician's Herb Pouch Magician's Cobwebs Magician's Staff
Witch's Cloak Witch's Hat Witch's Herb Pouch Witch's Cobwebs Witch's Staff
Sorcerer's Cloak Sorcerer's Hat Sorcerer's Herb Pouch Sorcerer's Cobwebs Sorcerer's Staff
Enchanter's Cloak Enchanter's Hat Enchanter's Herb Pouch Enchanter's Cobwebs Enchanter's Staff
@MegaVenusaur That sounds great! I'll send the bear over in a message right now; you can respond to it with the Sham! ^^ Thanks for the trade!
@MegaVenusaur That sounds great! I'll send the bear over in a message right now; you can respond to it with the Sham! ^^ Thanks for the trade!
lemmi | female | FR+1
Have: [item=ectoplasmime][item=timber tender][item=polarfreeze defender][item=painted marionette]x2 [item=mimic powder]x99 Want: [item=magma embear][item=smokebillow sham] 1:1 [item=unhatched nocturne egg] 4:1 [item=breed change: nocturne] 5:1 [item=strange chest] 2:1 [item=witch's cloak][item=witch's cobwebs][item=witch's staff] 1:1 [item=magician's cloak][item=magician's cobwebs][item=magician's staff][item=magician's hat] 1:1 (note that all of these trades are x:1 on my side -- e.g., you get two familiars and I get one chest.)

Ectoplasmime Timber Tender Polarfreeze Defender Painted Marionette x2 Mimic Powder x99


Magma Embear Smokebillow Sham 1:1
Unhatched Nocturne Egg 4:1
Breed Change: Nocturne 5:1
Strange Chest 2:1
Witch's Cloak Witch's Cobwebs Witch's Staff 1:1
Magician's Cloak Magician's Cobwebs Magician's Staff Magician's Hat 1:1

(note that all of these trades are x:1 on my side -- e.g., you get two familiars and I get one chest.)
please ping if you respond/quote except in my own threads

looking to buy skycat, golden idol, cog frog, pm if you're selling
HAVE: [item=Jawlocker] [item=Slumbering Charlatan] [item=Sunsea Pseudo] [item=Leporidae Guise] x42 [item=Mimic Powder] x16 as well as various food from coli (just ask me if I have the food that you're looking for and I'll see if I have them.) WANT: [item=unhatched nocturne egg] (REALLY REALLY want) I also have one extra of [item=Stardust scholar] if anyone wants that fam in exchange for an egg :) Please PM me the offers, or ping me! This thread moves fast and I can't keep up with it LOL Will trade multiple things for an egg :)

Jawlocker Slumbering Charlatan Sunsea Pseudo Leporidae Guise x42 Mimic Powder x16 as well as various food from coli (just ask me if I have the food that you're looking for and I'll see if I have them.)


Unhatched Nocturne Egg (REALLY REALLY want)

I also have one extra of Stardust Scholar if anyone wants that fam in exchange for an egg :)

Please PM me the offers, or ping me! This thread moves fast and I can't keep up with it LOL

Will trade multiple things for an egg :)
Have: [item=Thornthick Thief]x1 [item=Fungusbearing Phony]x1 [item=Jawlocker]x1 [item=Livewire Grizzly]x1 [item=Smokebillow Sham]x2 [item=Timber Tender]x2 [item=Voltspire Intruder]x2 Want: [item=Wooden Marionette] @SapphireElegy

Thornthick Thief x1 Fungusbearing Phony x1 Jawlocker x1 Livewire Grizzly x1
Smokebillow Sham x2 Timber Tender x2 Voltspire Intruder x2


Wooden Marionette

G1 Gene Projects
   Breed out the Basic
For Sale
   Banescale STP/Rainbow Challenge
[center][quote=Have] [item=snarling mimic][item=jawlocker][item=timber tender][item=bogus manamonger][item=cragbacked bouldursa][item=cragbacked bouldursa][item=animated statue][item=animated statue][item=lavaborne hoax][item=lavaborne hoax] [item=copper muck][item=silver muck] + Swipp items + Other items (ask) [/quote] [quote=Want] [item=strange chest][item=unhatched nocturne egg][item=breed change: nocturne] [item=conjurer's staff][item=conjurer's staff][item=conjurer's cloak][item=conjurer's hat] [item=gold muck] [/quote]
Have wrote:
Snarling Mimic Jawlocker Timber Tender Bogus Manamonger Cragbacked Bouldursa Cragbacked Bouldursa Animated Statue Animated Statue Lavaborne Hoax Lavaborne Hoax
Copper Muck Silver Muck
+ Swipp items
+ Other items (ask)
Want wrote:
Strange Chest Unhatched Nocturne Egg Breed Change: Nocturne
Conjurer's Staff Conjurer's Staff Conjurer's Cloak Conjurer's Hat
Gold Muck