
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Theme Week: Your Favorite Dragon!
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Skycracks is my favourite! She was one of the first dragons I bought from the AH, and has been in my lair well over a year now. I just really [i]really [/i]like her colours (especially after getting her that piebald/peregrine combination!) Also, she was my first level 25 dragon so there has been countless hours of time to get closer with her. If I could only keep one dragon from my lair, 'Cracks would be the one to stay with me.


Skycracks is my favourite! She was one of the first dragons I bought from the AH, and has been in my lair well over a year now. I just really really like her colours (especially after getting her that piebald/peregrine combination!)
Also, she was my first level 25 dragon so there has been countless hours of time to get closer with her. If I could only keep one dragon from my lair, 'Cracks would be the one to stay with me.
Oh my, this is an incredibly hard choice, since I put a lot of hard work into so many of my dragons, but if I have to choose just one, I suppose it would have to be my avatar boy, James. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] He's loosely based on my favorite reality tv show host. Though he's not as 'like' the person as another of my dragons, I actually like him better. He's kind of a cosplay of a cosplay, since the host liked to dress up occasionally as James Bond for the show (tuxedo and all). He was my second purchased imp, a long time ago, as I got him when he was still a hatchling. I know i could never sell or exalt him, it wouldn't feel right without him in my lair, I think. :)
Oh my, this is an incredibly hard choice, since I put a lot of hard work into so many of my dragons, but if I have to choose just one, I suppose it would have to be my avatar boy, James.


He's loosely based on my favorite reality tv show host. Though he's not as 'like' the person as another of my dragons, I actually like him better. He's kind of a cosplay of a cosplay, since the host liked to dress up occasionally as James Bond for the show (tuxedo and all). He was my second purchased imp, a long time ago, as I got him when he was still a hatchling. I know i could never sell or exalt him, it wouldn't feel right without him in my lair, I think. :)
Uuugh. This is just. Probably the single hardest thing I could have to choose. But my mind is made up, and I'm going to have to go with: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Grimshaw[/b] the Dark. Clan Sorcerer, Resurrectionist, Shade Researcher, Necromancer, and Caretaker of Undead Dragons for the Clan in the Mists. Grimshaw is can I put into words how amazing this guy is? He's gone from just a pretty noodle I picked up in the AH to one of [i]the[/i] most fleshed out characters in my entire lair. A perfect mix of light and dark. Tragic. Shade-Touched. And yet, redeemed. Absolutely freaking stunning--a character that's brought me closer to amazing people, and has challenged me to think outside the box. Heck, even the plot I'm writing out on Tumblr right now is centered mostly around him (and his horrifically sad relationship with what's [i]supposed[/i] to be his Guardian). Words can't express how happy I am to have him, and how lucky I feel to have concocted such a ridiculously gut-wrenching plot to go with him (I cannot BEGIN to tell you how many character developments stemmed from his story alone--like HOLY CRAP). Ugh. I love him so much... [img][/img] Look at that small, sad man (and give him soft, gentle pets). (Courtesy @Zephemeral -- who I love forever and ever for such an amazing picture of him.)
Uuugh. This is just. Probably the single hardest thing I could have to choose. But my mind is made up, and I'm going to have to go with:


Grimshaw the Dark. Clan Sorcerer, Resurrectionist, Shade Researcher, Necromancer, and Caretaker of Undead Dragons for the Clan in the Mists.

Grimshaw is can I put into words how amazing this guy is? He's gone from just a pretty noodle I picked up in the AH to one of the most fleshed out characters in my entire lair. A perfect mix of light and dark. Tragic. Shade-Touched. And yet, redeemed. Absolutely freaking stunning--a character that's brought me closer to amazing people, and has challenged me to think outside the box.

Heck, even the plot I'm writing out on Tumblr right now is centered mostly around him (and his horrifically sad relationship with what's supposed to be his Guardian).

Words can't express how happy I am to have him, and how lucky I feel to have concocted such a ridiculously gut-wrenching plot to go with him (I cannot BEGIN to tell you how many character developments stemmed from his story alone--like HOLY CRAP). Ugh. I love him so much...


Look at that small, sad man (and give him soft, gentle pets). (Courtesy @Zephemeral -- who I love forever and ever for such an amazing picture of him.)
"One touch of nature...HEbwaBf.gif...makes the whole world kin."
[img][/img] My oldest dragon, one of the first dragons I hatched and kept along with his brother. Going on Two years now and still kickin around. Plotted out so many stories involving him, as well as that he was the one I gave a gifted WC scroll to so very very long ago ; 3;

My oldest dragon, one of the first dragons I hatched and kept along with his brother. Going on Two years now and still kickin around. Plotted out so many stories involving him, as well as that he was the one I gave a gifted WC scroll to so very very long ago ; 3;
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] This is Thor. Definitely my favorite, appearance wise. And the accent just goes so well.


This is Thor. Definitely my favorite, appearance wise. And the accent just goes so well.
But I knew him...
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Conti, cause he's just so darn pretty and his character is great, too.


Conti, cause he's just so darn pretty and his character is great, too.
Rotating image of my OCs drawn as tiny porcelain kittens drinking porcelain milk
I'd have to say my progen, Koori is my favorite [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I dunno if it's the fact that she was my first dragon or her color scheme (I still need to gene her fully, you'd think after two years I would have figured this out) but she's definitely my favorite in my lair
I'd have to say my progen, Koori is my favorite


I dunno if it's the fact that she was my first dragon or her color scheme (I still need to gene her fully, you'd think after two years I would have figured this out) but she's definitely my favorite in my lair
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Nivalis is my progen, and is my favourite. I have put so much work into her and I love her so much~


Nivalis is my progen, and is my favourite. I have put so much work into her and I love her so much~
[img][/img] My baby and my clan leader Morrigan. The story behind her is pretty cool. I was dragon-shopping, and I saw this really cute Guardian dragonet. I had the treasure, so why not buy her? Well, twice the random name tried to name her after one of my enemies. I told my friend @Snowcherry and she went and looked at Morrigan. Turns out, she was trying to get the money for Morrigan. Whelp. I offered Morrigan back to her, but because our friendship is a constant who is the nicer person race, she let me keep Morrigan. Well, look where Morrigan turned out, leading lady of Clan Lupus.

My baby and my clan leader Morrigan. The story behind her is pretty cool. I was dragon-shopping, and I saw this really cute Guardian dragonet. I had the treasure, so why not buy her? Well, twice the random name tried to name her after one of my enemies. I told my friend @Snowcherry and she went and looked at Morrigan. Turns out, she was trying to get the money for Morrigan. Whelp. I offered Morrigan back to her, but because our friendship is a constant who is the nicer person race, she let me keep Morrigan. Well, look where Morrigan turned out, leading lady of Clan Lupus.
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Lollipop is easily my favorite dragon, he's so cute and fluffy! I found him on the AH the week I started playing, and we've been inseparable since. I can't really pinpoint [i]why[/i] he's my favorite, though, I just know I love him to bits and he's never leaving me! He's silly, adorable, and works hard to keep his friends happy.
Lollipop is easily my favorite dragon, he's so cute and fluffy! I found him on the AH the week I started playing, and we've been inseparable since. I can't really pinpoint why he's my favorite, though, I just know I love him to bits and he's never leaving me! He's silly, adorable, and works hard to keep his friends happy.
+3 FR time
Imo (that's i m o)
she/her or they/them