

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | An Anniversary Celebration {Closed}
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Thyme blinked in surprise at Krethen. He expected the Tundra to leave immediately. He scratched his neck, a little nervously. No one's ever bothered to ask about it before.

"Well, everyone in our little clan knows," he replied to the first question. "Roku doesn't care. The dragons that are brought to me are either runaway exalts, who refuse to fight, or dragons who commit such serious crimes it calls for execution. No matter whom they are, they will be executed by my claws. They don't have a choice."

He glanced down at the curious dragon. This was the most he's talked in months; he didn't even talk this much to Tevra. It warmed his voice up, and it didn't sound as rough as before. It still rumbled, but that was his natural voice.

Thyme blinked in surprise at Krethen. He expected the Tundra to leave immediately. He scratched his neck, a little nervously. No one's ever bothered to ask about it before.

"Well, everyone in our little clan knows," he replied to the first question. "Roku doesn't care. The dragons that are brought to me are either runaway exalts, who refuse to fight, or dragons who commit such serious crimes it calls for execution. No matter whom they are, they will be executed by my claws. They don't have a choice."

He glanced down at the curious dragon. This was the most he's talked in months; he didn't even talk this much to Tevra. It warmed his voice up, and it didn't sound as rough as before. It still rumbled, but that was his natural voice.
Asher gandered up at him it mute confusion, keeping her hold on the greenery of her interest with possibly too much vigor. Though her ears did pluck his questions with eager welcome, and she continued as if in hope to cease said situation.

She began somewhat sullenly (with what little she even showed), her eyes drifting back down to his garbs... Only to draw he attention back to them, ushering the female back to her personal game of kneading.
"People don't like me."
She stated blatantly, her eyes keeping a stare at the mixture of plants with almost uncanny dedication. But she hardly cared. Truthfully, she kinda wishes them for her own. Maybe she could snag some branches and make herself a little coat.

( @Lynchly
This scene is adorabl! XD)
Asher gandered up at him it mute confusion, keeping her hold on the greenery of her interest with possibly too much vigor. Though her ears did pluck his questions with eager welcome, and she continued as if in hope to cease said situation.

She began somewhat sullenly (with what little she even showed), her eyes drifting back down to his garbs... Only to draw he attention back to them, ushering the female back to her personal game of kneading.
"People don't like me."
She stated blatantly, her eyes keeping a stare at the mixture of plants with almost uncanny dedication. But she hardly cared. Truthfully, she kinda wishes them for her own. Maybe she could snag some branches and make herself a little coat.

( @Lynchly
This scene is adorabl! XD)
| @Lynchly |

Iolani smiles and nods warmly, pushing his goggles further up his forehead as they begin to slip down. "My own little ones are here tonight! They are quite easy to spot, having coloration very similar to my own." At this, he laughs and shuffles his glittering wings. "Yes, they do have shockingly disproportionate appetites for ones so small!" Gathering a pawfull of mussels onto a platter, he eyes the kegs of ale and other beverages nearby. Turning his gaze back to the smaller Wildclaw "Well, McGee, can I get you a drink?"

| @CorgiWithATie |

Accross the room, never breaking eye contact with Roku, Eila gives a coy smile as he kisses her paw. Following politely as he leads her, she composes herself as they take their place on the floor. The previous song has just ended, and the harpist raises his head to speak.
"My dear guests, we will give you one more song before our Matriarch takes the stage. This one has been passed down for generations among clans of the shrieking wilds, refined and perfected by our ancestors. If you do not know the steps, one of our clan members can teach you! So, without further ado, the Turas-Lapa!" He deftly plucks the first notes of the tune, and the rest of the musicians join in. It is a reel, with a quick and airy melody and steady, heavy drumbeat to keep time. Cocking her head and smiling coquettishly, Eila chirrs to her partner, "Ready? I'll teach you as we go." The dragon pairs begin the dance, placing one foot in front of the other and bobbing their heads as they twirl around their partners. Eila sweeps Roku into the rhythm, quickly talking him through each movement of each paw and agilely avoiding being stepped on. Soon they are stepping as smoothly as those around them, and the music is gaining speed. She laughs with abandon as they fly and whirl across the compacted earthen floor. The piper crescendoes to a frantic trill, and the harpist's fingers fly over the strings. The Guardian with the drum rattles each claw across the skin between each beat, to create a more complex rhythm. By the time the final note sounds, the dancers are panting and laughing from exertion. Taking a step back, Eila beams between breaths. "Did you enjoy it?"

| @Kirevne; @Nevesrulesall |

"Thank you, all, we will return after a word from Lady Azoulas!" To widespread applause, the musicians exit the stage. After the noise dies down to a murmur, Azoulas ascends the low steps to the wooden platform. A Wildwood Owl, its long leafy feathers trailing to the ground, rides between her shoulders. Looking out at the assembled guests and clan members, the massive Guardian smiles glowingly with pride.

"My, look at all of you! You are all so lovely this evening. First of all, thank you. If you are a stranger who happened upon our gathering today, I thank you. If you are one of those who aided me when Arcadia was new, who grew with me and became my family, I thank you. If you are a returning friend, I thank you. You are all welcome, and we are so glad you are here. After all, we are all part of a whole. We are each an integral part of the world we inhabit, and the sooner we acknowledge this, the easier it becomes to strive for peace. This is what I hope each of you takes away from this night of celebration and good cheer; look around you, there are dragons from every Flight, every part of this world. We dine together, and laugh together, and weep together, as friends, lovers, and family. The point I am getting at is... the better you understand those you thought were your enemy, the more you will want to be their friend. And I dearly wish that we might be friends. Now, I shall not keep you long! Let the revelries continue!" She raises her wings to their full breadth, candlelight shining through their leathery membranes. Many shout and raise their mugs of ale as she steps back into the crowd, and the performers return to play another lively dance.
| @Lynchly |

Iolani smiles and nods warmly, pushing his goggles further up his forehead as they begin to slip down. "My own little ones are here tonight! They are quite easy to spot, having coloration very similar to my own." At this, he laughs and shuffles his glittering wings. "Yes, they do have shockingly disproportionate appetites for ones so small!" Gathering a pawfull of mussels onto a platter, he eyes the kegs of ale and other beverages nearby. Turning his gaze back to the smaller Wildclaw "Well, McGee, can I get you a drink?"

| @CorgiWithATie |

Accross the room, never breaking eye contact with Roku, Eila gives a coy smile as he kisses her paw. Following politely as he leads her, she composes herself as they take their place on the floor. The previous song has just ended, and the harpist raises his head to speak.
"My dear guests, we will give you one more song before our Matriarch takes the stage. This one has been passed down for generations among clans of the shrieking wilds, refined and perfected by our ancestors. If you do not know the steps, one of our clan members can teach you! So, without further ado, the Turas-Lapa!" He deftly plucks the first notes of the tune, and the rest of the musicians join in. It is a reel, with a quick and airy melody and steady, heavy drumbeat to keep time. Cocking her head and smiling coquettishly, Eila chirrs to her partner, "Ready? I'll teach you as we go." The dragon pairs begin the dance, placing one foot in front of the other and bobbing their heads as they twirl around their partners. Eila sweeps Roku into the rhythm, quickly talking him through each movement of each paw and agilely avoiding being stepped on. Soon they are stepping as smoothly as those around them, and the music is gaining speed. She laughs with abandon as they fly and whirl across the compacted earthen floor. The piper crescendoes to a frantic trill, and the harpist's fingers fly over the strings. The Guardian with the drum rattles each claw across the skin between each beat, to create a more complex rhythm. By the time the final note sounds, the dancers are panting and laughing from exertion. Taking a step back, Eila beams between breaths. "Did you enjoy it?"

| @Kirevne; @Nevesrulesall |

"Thank you, all, we will return after a word from Lady Azoulas!" To widespread applause, the musicians exit the stage. After the noise dies down to a murmur, Azoulas ascends the low steps to the wooden platform. A Wildwood Owl, its long leafy feathers trailing to the ground, rides between her shoulders. Looking out at the assembled guests and clan members, the massive Guardian smiles glowingly with pride.

"My, look at all of you! You are all so lovely this evening. First of all, thank you. If you are a stranger who happened upon our gathering today, I thank you. If you are one of those who aided me when Arcadia was new, who grew with me and became my family, I thank you. If you are a returning friend, I thank you. You are all welcome, and we are so glad you are here. After all, we are all part of a whole. We are each an integral part of the world we inhabit, and the sooner we acknowledge this, the easier it becomes to strive for peace. This is what I hope each of you takes away from this night of celebration and good cheer; look around you, there are dragons from every Flight, every part of this world. We dine together, and laugh together, and weep together, as friends, lovers, and family. The point I am getting at is... the better you understand those you thought were your enemy, the more you will want to be their friend. And I dearly wish that we might be friends. Now, I shall not keep you long! Let the revelries continue!" She raises her wings to their full breadth, candlelight shining through their leathery membranes. Many shout and raise their mugs of ale as she steps back into the crowd, and the performers return to play another lively dance.
She eyes him with an appraising gaze "Well, I'd like one, but I'll let you know I have a mate," He did mention hatchlings, but of course, that sort of thing varied from clan to clan. In Veldfire, mating was for the good of the lair, as well as for personal attachment. Some pairs in her clan hardly knew each other. Luoin's not really her type either, though she does a fondness for imperials. McGee appreciates a man with bulk.

@Nevesrulesall (AGREED. I love it!)
Oh Gladekeeper, I can't IMAGINE why anyone wouldn't! His teeth grit together in his closed mouth, and he examines his acquaintance once more. As he watches the subtle change in her expression, some part of him fills with guilt. Those words sound familiar.

"Hrrm," he clears his throat and eyes her for a moment. "W-well, parties are great places to find new acquaintances... We've already struck up a conversation, for example!" He fidgets, scratching at his feathered neck, realizing with some regret that he is experiencing genuine concern for this woman. There's a possibility it might offend her, but he has to ask... A mirror, of all dragons, couldn't truly be alone, could she? "Do you...Have a cl-"

Their hostess steps up to talk and Luonto's head snaps to attention, respectfully hearing her out. His feathers bristle with excitement, and he raises himself to get closer to the action. Azoulas is a truly graceful dragon, and surely an honor to her clan.

As he finishes, he goes to clap politely, only to realize in the titillation surrounding her passionate oration, he'd forgotten his conversation partner. He's somehow managed to drag Asher off her seat and onto what he now realizes, is the dance floor. "Oh, goodness!" he flutters, unsure what move to make. He's already attracted some attention, and now they're surrounded by commotion.

(I hope you don't mind the liberties I took with her position!)

She eyes him with an appraising gaze "Well, I'd like one, but I'll let you know I have a mate," He did mention hatchlings, but of course, that sort of thing varied from clan to clan. In Veldfire, mating was for the good of the lair, as well as for personal attachment. Some pairs in her clan hardly knew each other. Luoin's not really her type either, though she does a fondness for imperials. McGee appreciates a man with bulk.

@Nevesrulesall (AGREED. I love it!)
Oh Gladekeeper, I can't IMAGINE why anyone wouldn't! His teeth grit together in his closed mouth, and he examines his acquaintance once more. As he watches the subtle change in her expression, some part of him fills with guilt. Those words sound familiar.

"Hrrm," he clears his throat and eyes her for a moment. "W-well, parties are great places to find new acquaintances... We've already struck up a conversation, for example!" He fidgets, scratching at his feathered neck, realizing with some regret that he is experiencing genuine concern for this woman. There's a possibility it might offend her, but he has to ask... A mirror, of all dragons, couldn't truly be alone, could she? "Do you...Have a cl-"

Their hostess steps up to talk and Luonto's head snaps to attention, respectfully hearing her out. His feathers bristle with excitement, and he raises himself to get closer to the action. Azoulas is a truly graceful dragon, and surely an honor to her clan.

As he finishes, he goes to clap politely, only to realize in the titillation surrounding her passionate oration, he'd forgotten his conversation partner. He's somehow managed to drag Asher off her seat and onto what he now realizes, is the dance floor. "Oh, goodness!" he flutters, unsure what move to make. He's already attracted some attention, and now they're surrounded by commotion.

(I hope you don't mind the liberties I took with her position!)

@Lynchly @Azoulas
The events transpired so robustly that she nearly lost her mental track of them; which were honestly already a little unsteady. Her 'acquaintance' -as he called himself- still stood at her front, his form cascading her in shadow from the overhanging lights. Her eyes lifted to greet his for a mere moment, confusion on her face, before tilting her head to watch the hostess stride away from her perch.

"I've missed something important..."
She practically whispered, eyeing some guards cautiously from their post a brief distance from them.
The Mirror tensed ever so gently and pressed herself next to that of The Acquaintance, her head lowered in silent shame.
"I wonder if that's wrong...hmmm"
Asher murmured incoherently to herself, and for the first time, a set of vibrant orange eyes flickered open; before shutting again in an instant. She reeled back in response, knocking against The Acquaintance and giving a low whimper. Opening her heat sensitive iris' was obviously not the brightest idea in a room sprinkled with fire.

The dragoness' head shook itself a moment in surprise, her other pair wide and alert to her immediate surroundings. But after a quick moment of self realization, her muscles relaxed and she hummed quietly to herself.
"Acquaintance, will she kill me if I didn't listen?"
She inquired; as if the past ten seconds or so were completely erased from her memory. Something that, honestly, wouldn't be all that surprising. She had done that several times, after all...

The thought elicited a low whine from the female, who nonchalantly leaned against him without much concern for the onlooking crowd. She may have a creepy queen person after her, and that would really be a shame; given she wouldn't get anymore of the fish that was offered. She hoped her eyes had been cast elsewhere at the time.

(Tis fine ^^)
@Lynchly @Azoulas
The events transpired so robustly that she nearly lost her mental track of them; which were honestly already a little unsteady. Her 'acquaintance' -as he called himself- still stood at her front, his form cascading her in shadow from the overhanging lights. Her eyes lifted to greet his for a mere moment, confusion on her face, before tilting her head to watch the hostess stride away from her perch.

"I've missed something important..."
She practically whispered, eyeing some guards cautiously from their post a brief distance from them.
The Mirror tensed ever so gently and pressed herself next to that of The Acquaintance, her head lowered in silent shame.
"I wonder if that's wrong...hmmm"
Asher murmured incoherently to herself, and for the first time, a set of vibrant orange eyes flickered open; before shutting again in an instant. She reeled back in response, knocking against The Acquaintance and giving a low whimper. Opening her heat sensitive iris' was obviously not the brightest idea in a room sprinkled with fire.

The dragoness' head shook itself a moment in surprise, her other pair wide and alert to her immediate surroundings. But after a quick moment of self realization, her muscles relaxed and she hummed quietly to herself.
"Acquaintance, will she kill me if I didn't listen?"
She inquired; as if the past ten seconds or so were completely erased from her memory. Something that, honestly, wouldn't be all that surprising. She had done that several times, after all...

The thought elicited a low whine from the female, who nonchalantly leaned against him without much concern for the onlooking crowd. She may have a creepy queen person after her, and that would really be a shame; given she wouldn't get anymore of the fish that was offered. She hoped her eyes had been cast elsewhere at the time.

(Tis fine ^^)
Thyme seems surprised about Krethen's response. To be fair, he was surprised as well! "it must be a terrible situation. I've never known that exalts would run away." All he ever knew was the honour that would befall one when he was to be exalted. Appearently it wasn't all fun and games....

His mind couldn't linger on the matter as the music ceases and an impressive Guardian takes to the stage. She speaks of "those who happened upon this gathering". Krethen is curious, would there be more than just him?
The guardian continues to speak about friendship and being together despite all the differences. She was right, and those words silenced the last bit of worry in him. Only curiosity remained. So he turns to Thyme again.
"Wow, she sure knows how to make a speech. Do you know her?"
Thyme seems surprised about Krethen's response. To be fair, he was surprised as well! "it must be a terrible situation. I've never known that exalts would run away." All he ever knew was the honour that would befall one when he was to be exalted. Appearently it wasn't all fun and games....

His mind couldn't linger on the matter as the music ceases and an impressive Guardian takes to the stage. She speaks of "those who happened upon this gathering". Krethen is curious, would there be more than just him?
The guardian continues to speak about friendship and being together despite all the differences. She was right, and those words silenced the last bit of worry in him. Only curiosity remained. So he turns to Thyme again.
"Wow, she sure knows how to make a speech. Do you know her?"
As Eila guided him through the steps, Roku picked up quickly. The choreography matched the song perfectly, he noted, as the song got faster, so did they. He hadn't realized they were moving in perfect sync until the song ended, where they broke apart, panting.

Roku gave his partner a wide grin. "I loved it. It was the most fun I've had with another female. Thank you for such a wonderful time, and teaching me the dance, too!"

He brushed his muzzle against hers, in a friendly, thankful gesture. He paused to place the rose he had in his scarf in between her antlers and feathers. He turned to go back to Thyme, before pausing and turning back. "You're welcome to join us over here, if you want. But if you need to talk to some of the other guests, I understand."

Roku smiled over to the Skydancer, pausing to see if she came with. He fully planned to teach everyone back home the dance she had taught him. It was elegant and smooth, something Thyme probably couldn't do.


Thyme hummed and nodded. "Yes. Being exalted is not pleasant for all."

He paused and listened to the speech. He wasn't very interested, but caught a few words here and there. Afterwards, he looked down at the Tundra that asked him a question.

"Hm? No, I don't. But I'm fairly certain not many dragons here actually know her. Just here for the party."

As Eila guided him through the steps, Roku picked up quickly. The choreography matched the song perfectly, he noted, as the song got faster, so did they. He hadn't realized they were moving in perfect sync until the song ended, where they broke apart, panting.

Roku gave his partner a wide grin. "I loved it. It was the most fun I've had with another female. Thank you for such a wonderful time, and teaching me the dance, too!"

He brushed his muzzle against hers, in a friendly, thankful gesture. He paused to place the rose he had in his scarf in between her antlers and feathers. He turned to go back to Thyme, before pausing and turning back. "You're welcome to join us over here, if you want. But if you need to talk to some of the other guests, I understand."

Roku smiled over to the Skydancer, pausing to see if she came with. He fully planned to teach everyone back home the dance she had taught him. It was elegant and smooth, something Thyme probably couldn't do.


Thyme hummed and nodded. "Yes. Being exalted is not pleasant for all."

He paused and listened to the speech. He wasn't very interested, but caught a few words here and there. Afterwards, he looked down at the Tundra that asked him a question.

"Hm? No, I don't. But I'm fairly certain not many dragons here actually know her. Just here for the party."


Luonto stood frozen in shock and embarrassment. "Goodness! I think not... She doesn't really seem like the sort to go so far..." He began to drag her off the floor, realizing there was no smooth way to get out of this. His narrowly-avoided dance partner seemed to grow upset "Um, are you alright miss...?" His head feathers twitched. "Oh really, I haven't even introduced myself! I'm Luonto, amba--," he realizes halfway through that his entire title might be a little complex for her. "...Luonto." he concludes. He half-leads half-pulls her back to seating where they can rest, watching her carefully.

Luonto stood frozen in shock and embarrassment. "Goodness! I think not... She doesn't really seem like the sort to go so far..." He began to drag her off the floor, realizing there was no smooth way to get out of this. His narrowly-avoided dance partner seemed to grow upset "Um, are you alright miss...?" His head feathers twitched. "Oh really, I haven't even introduced myself! I'm Luonto, amba--," he realizes halfway through that his entire title might be a little complex for her. "...Luonto." he concludes. He half-leads half-pulls her back to seating where they can rest, watching her carefully.
| @Lynchly |

Iolani dips his head respectfully, "Then I offer you a drink as new friends." With a flick of his tail, he glides toward the wall lined with barrels. The bar, an overgrown root that has been sanded and polished to have a flat surface, is lined with dragons of various sizes perched with their mugs and tumblers. Some of them turn and greet Iolani enthusiastically as he approaches, to which he responds with a grin and a laugh. To the dragon behind the bar, a young Pearlcatcher male covered in colorful curling tattoos, he calls out an order of two pints of home-made ale. Glancing behind him to be sure McGee is following, he gives her another half-smile.

| @CorgiWithATie; @Kirevne |

Eila ducks her head bashfully at Roku's amiable gesture, and nods at his suggestion. "It was the most fun I've ever had during that dance! If you'll excuse me a moment, I'd like to find my sister. She showed her face for mother's speech, but she's gone back to hiding. Such a shy thing, my Petra is! She could use new friends and some company. I will return momentarily!" With a small courtesy that rustles the leaves adorning her shoulders, she disappears into the crowd.

A few minutes pass before Eila returns, practically dragging a Guardian female whose face displays her obvious discomfort at being in such a crowded space. Eila stops before Roku and Thyme, then blinks and nods amicably before turning to look at her sister. "This is my elder sister, Petra! She doesn't like parties mostly, but she's happy to meet so many new dragons from so many different places." Here Eila elbows her sister furtively, who gives a halfhearted smile. Eila then acknowledges Thyme and Krethen with a small smile and a "How do you do." There is an awkward silence as Petra stares nervously at Thyme, Roku, Krethen, and Eila in succession...
| @Lynchly |

Iolani dips his head respectfully, "Then I offer you a drink as new friends." With a flick of his tail, he glides toward the wall lined with barrels. The bar, an overgrown root that has been sanded and polished to have a flat surface, is lined with dragons of various sizes perched with their mugs and tumblers. Some of them turn and greet Iolani enthusiastically as he approaches, to which he responds with a grin and a laugh. To the dragon behind the bar, a young Pearlcatcher male covered in colorful curling tattoos, he calls out an order of two pints of home-made ale. Glancing behind him to be sure McGee is following, he gives her another half-smile.

| @CorgiWithATie; @Kirevne |

Eila ducks her head bashfully at Roku's amiable gesture, and nods at his suggestion. "It was the most fun I've ever had during that dance! If you'll excuse me a moment, I'd like to find my sister. She showed her face for mother's speech, but she's gone back to hiding. Such a shy thing, my Petra is! She could use new friends and some company. I will return momentarily!" With a small courtesy that rustles the leaves adorning her shoulders, she disappears into the crowd.

A few minutes pass before Eila returns, practically dragging a Guardian female whose face displays her obvious discomfort at being in such a crowded space. Eila stops before Roku and Thyme, then blinks and nods amicably before turning to look at her sister. "This is my elder sister, Petra! She doesn't like parties mostly, but she's happy to meet so many new dragons from so many different places." Here Eila elbows her sister furtively, who gives a halfhearted smile. Eila then acknowledges Thyme and Krethen with a small smile and a "How do you do." There is an awkward silence as Petra stares nervously at Thyme, Roku, Krethen, and Eila in succession...
Krethen has to laugh at Thyme's remark. There is definately truth in his words. Roku has returned, and Krethen greets him with an friendly slap on the shoulder. "You're back! I thought we had lost you to the pretty girl fo...." he pauses mid sentence as Eila returns as well, now joined by a shy but beautiful guardian.

Now Krethen's timing is impeccable as he recovers himself and greets the pair of dragons. "Good evening ladies. Eila, you sure showed Roku how to dance!" Then his eye goes to the Guardian standing slightly behind Eila. The entire company looks tiny in conparison to the majestic guardian, and Krethen can't help but look at her in awe. "Where are manners?" He starts the conversation. "The name is Krethen." He bows down as a greeting "Just Krethen,for ny titles have yet to be earned. Whom do i have the honour of speaking to, milady?" He looks up with those last words, his eyes searching for the guardian's to meet.
Krethen has to laugh at Thyme's remark. There is definately truth in his words. Roku has returned, and Krethen greets him with an friendly slap on the shoulder. "You're back! I thought we had lost you to the pretty girl fo...." he pauses mid sentence as Eila returns as well, now joined by a shy but beautiful guardian.

Now Krethen's timing is impeccable as he recovers himself and greets the pair of dragons. "Good evening ladies. Eila, you sure showed Roku how to dance!" Then his eye goes to the Guardian standing slightly behind Eila. The entire company looks tiny in conparison to the majestic guardian, and Krethen can't help but look at her in awe. "Where are manners?" He starts the conversation. "The name is Krethen." He bows down as a greeting "Just Krethen,for ny titles have yet to be earned. Whom do i have the honour of speaking to, milady?" He looks up with those last words, his eyes searching for the guardian's to meet.
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