
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
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well the cool thing about apparel and skins/accents is that they can be reused or resold!
but yeah, that's happened to me many times.
I was sad when I let go of my Metal Gear dragons. I mean, I still have 3 of 'em but I had way more. unfortunately, they weren't really anything special so I ended up selling them off for cheap. but that kinda happens a lot. I sold off my one mirror that was a skydancer that I paid at least 150k for way back when crystal dragons couldn't be gotten so cheaply. I just had the funds and was like YOLO and bought 'im.
made him a mirror, gave him underbelly.
sold him for 8k, because I can't use the coli and would be too lazy anyway...
well the cool thing about apparel and skins/accents is that they can be reused or resold!
but yeah, that's happened to me many times.
I was sad when I let go of my Metal Gear dragons. I mean, I still have 3 of 'em but I had way more. unfortunately, they weren't really anything special so I ended up selling them off for cheap. but that kinda happens a lot. I sold off my one mirror that was a skydancer that I paid at least 150k for way back when crystal dragons couldn't be gotten so cheaply. I just had the funds and was like YOLO and bought 'im.
made him a mirror, gave him underbelly.
sold him for 8k, because I can't use the coli and would be too lazy anyway...
they/them | +2 FR time
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@theravensheflys @Feast @BonBonne @MourningLily @Uzumak

It's the sentimental lore that I've slapped them with that is making this so hard. They have places in it, but they're not large places and they would have a bigger impact if they full on died, sad as they sound. And I've grown tired of their aesthetics.
@theravensheflys @Feast @BonBonne @MourningLily @Uzumak

It's the sentimental lore that I've slapped them with that is making this so hard. They have places in it, but they're not large places and they would have a bigger impact if they full on died, sad as they sound. And I've grown tired of their aesthetics.

Yep. I have urges to mass exalt most of the dragons in my lair. And I have spent a ton on genes, apparel, and accents. I sometimes stumble upon a lair with like 2 pages of permanent 1-2 year old dragons that have a ton of great apparel and are spoiled to the brim with lore and character. I want this style for my own lair, but then I can never seem to keep it to a minimum with dragons. I go through phases, and I like dramatic change. There are so many great combinations of genes and colors and species, and I want to have a bit of them all.

I figure if I really love a dragon I won't ever be tempted to exalt it. If I ever start thinking again and again that I want to get rid of one, I put a lot of thought into it, see what it looks like with no apparel, different genes, etc... And if I don't fall in love again, boom, gone.

Sorry for the small rant, but I definitely relate to this feeling~

Yep. I have urges to mass exalt most of the dragons in my lair. And I have spent a ton on genes, apparel, and accents. I sometimes stumble upon a lair with like 2 pages of permanent 1-2 year old dragons that have a ton of great apparel and are spoiled to the brim with lore and character. I want this style for my own lair, but then I can never seem to keep it to a minimum with dragons. I go through phases, and I like dramatic change. There are so many great combinations of genes and colors and species, and I want to have a bit of them all.

I figure if I really love a dragon I won't ever be tempted to exalt it. If I ever start thinking again and again that I want to get rid of one, I put a lot of thought into it, see what it looks like with no apparel, different genes, etc... And if I don't fall in love again, boom, gone.

Sorry for the small rant, but I definitely relate to this feeling~
I gened this lady myself. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I want her gone, but I just haven't brought myself to do it yet. Plus I know no one would even pay 2.7k gems for her. So she's just collecting dust until I finally get rid of her.
I gened this lady myself.


I want her gone, but I just haven't brought myself to do it yet. Plus I know no one would even pay 2.7k gems for her. So she's just collecting dust until I finally get rid of her.

That's my thing, too. There are some dragons like Set and Astarte that you will have to give me KS stuff for me to part with and even then, I will be very hesitant because they're very sentimental to me. But for these guys... well, I'm really into lore and I'd rather just toss them to the Plaguebringer for lore reasons or exalt them and pretend they died in a battle or something to move the lore along.

But also I haven't written half my lore yet which is also making me antsy about exalting them.

That's my thing, too. There are some dragons like Set and Astarte that you will have to give me KS stuff for me to part with and even then, I will be very hesitant because they're very sentimental to me. But for these guys... well, I'm really into lore and I'd rather just toss them to the Plaguebringer for lore reasons or exalt them and pretend they died in a battle or something to move the lore along.

But also I haven't written half my lore yet which is also making me antsy about exalting them.
@FloatingInSpace - So maybe create a new dragon who was welcomed into your clan after helping several of your other dragons make the long journey home to the Flamecaller. This new dragon can be your clan's guide and record keeper of those very special dragons who enter into the service of the flamecaller. (Maybe they left because there was a great battle and epic warriors were needed? Not so great with the home made lore stuff, sorry..) Then you can make a list in that dragon's profile of those who have left your clan and a small bit about the part they played in your clan. Then they are still part of the lore even though they are no longer in your lair.
@FloatingInSpace - So maybe create a new dragon who was welcomed into your clan after helping several of your other dragons make the long journey home to the Flamecaller. This new dragon can be your clan's guide and record keeper of those very special dragons who enter into the service of the flamecaller. (Maybe they left because there was a great battle and epic warriors were needed? Not so great with the home made lore stuff, sorry..) Then you can make a list in that dragon's profile of those who have left your clan and a small bit about the part they played in your clan. Then they are still part of the lore even though they are no longer in your lair.



Seeking a Gen 1 Brown/Magenta Arcane Dragon
Seeking a Gen 1 Soil/Beige Earth Female/Male

i just did a lair cleanout...
i got rid of a ridgeback that if it was a skin, i would be disqualified so hard, i cant even participate in any holiday

but aside from that....
i got rid of a derg i decided i didnt like... but i cant find it
i just did a lair cleanout...
i got rid of a ridgeback that if it was a skin, i would be disqualified so hard, i cant even participate in any holiday

but aside from that....
i got rid of a derg i decided i didnt like... but i cant find it
They/Them, 2+FR time, Pings are appreciated. what_if_banner_had_no_leg_by_epicdragon99-d9zmyrq.png

mmm, yeah. I don't do much with lore, so it's easier for me to let stuff go. XD;;
but yeah, I understand that. I wish you luck in figuring out what you wanna do!

mmm, yeah. I don't do much with lore, so it's easier for me to let stuff go. XD;;
but yeah, I understand that. I wish you luck in figuring out what you wanna do!
they/them | +2 FR time
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@FloatingInSpace Honestly, I am so in love with Skathi she is gorgeous- But, my suggestion would be to sell them to users who won't exalt them. I love having dragons that other people before me have loved, and I love to see knew people love my dragons. One of my favorite dragons, Isis here: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Was a gift dragon from someone who claimed she simply no longer fit in their lair. It's sort of awesome to know that the dragon was passed down and that some new person loves them. Just my thoughts though.
Honestly, I am so in love with Skathi she is gorgeous-
But, my suggestion would be to sell them to users who won't exalt them. I love having dragons that other people before me have loved, and I love to see knew people love my dragons. One of my favorite dragons, Isis here:


Was a gift dragon from someone who claimed she simply no longer fit in their lair. It's sort of awesome to know that the dragon was passed down and that some new person loves them.
Just my thoughts though.
At least with accents and apparel you can resell them. Sadly with treasure wasted on genes or the dragons themselves, there's no getting it back... :s
At least with accents and apparel you can resell them. Sadly with treasure wasted on genes or the dragons themselves, there's no getting it back... :s
Looking to purchase a Bone fiend! - ON HOLD
Bone Fiend
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