
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Bacoose's art! [1 slot open!]
[center]Heya! I'm Bacoose! Excuse the rough shape, it's been ages since I've done a forum art shop! I've got loads of time on my hands, so why not get something to do and maybe make a bit of treasure while I'm at it? Here's some samples of my art Very rough sketches - 25k T or 50 G [img][/img] (The actual sketch will be much larger this was a WIP sketch) Line Art - 50k T or 100 G [img][/img] Digital colors- 75k T or 150G [img][/img] ([url=]Here's some other art[/url] if you're curious, if there's something you see in there that you'd like me to do, talk to me about it and I can see what we can do!) I'm very flexible with pricing, like I said its been a while, and I haven't quite gotten a grasp on how things are around here. [u]Slots[/u] 1. 2. 3. Message me with what you'd like done, some reference images or a good description, and we can talk about prices, and I'll get you a slot! Thank you for stopping by! I appreciate it! [/center]
Heya! I'm Bacoose! Excuse the rough shape, it's been ages since I've done a forum art shop! I've got loads of time on my hands, so why not get something to do and maybe make a bit of treasure while I'm at it?

Here's some samples of my art
Very rough sketches - 25k T or 50 G
(The actual sketch will be much larger this was a WIP sketch)
Line Art - 50k T or 100 G
Digital colors- 75k T or 150G
(Here's some other art if you're curious, if there's something you see in there that you'd like me to do, talk to me about it and I can see what we can do!)
I'm very flexible with pricing, like I said its been a while, and I haven't quite gotten a grasp on how things are around here.


Message me with what you'd like done, some reference images or a good description, and we can talk about prices, and I'll get you a slot!

Thank you for stopping by! I appreciate it!
Pixels by TheUmbraWitch28o5g7.png
go buy some art from this nerd, look at how nice it is! ;u;
go buy some art from this nerd, look at how nice it is! ;u;
@Bacoose are you still open?
@Bacoose are you still open?
I Buy Art!

[LF] Lots Of OC Art

Sig line Art
by Lichtdrache
@Lyra531 Sorta? Depends on what you want.
@Lyra531 Sorta? Depends on what you want.
Pixels by TheUmbraWitch28o5g7.png
@Bacoose a flat color of this character [url=] [img][/img]
@Bacoose a flat color of this character
I Buy Art!

[LF] Lots Of OC Art

Sig line Art
by Lichtdrache