Ash the Fire Flight Ambassador
Strata the Plague Flight Ambassador
Layla the Arcane Flight Ambassador
Ash the Fire Flight Ambassador

Strata the Plague Flight Ambassador

Layla the Arcane Flight Ambassador

This is too cool! I was just thinking about clan ambassadors today!
The main ambassador of the clan is Leonardo.
The ice ambassador for the flight: Aurazec
And the lightning flight ambassador (even though he's light flight): Vesper
This is too cool! I was just thinking about clan ambassadors today!
The main ambassador of the clan is Leonardo.

The ice ambassador for the flight: Aurazec

And the lightning flight ambassador (even though he's light flight): Vesper

[quote=@Aequorin]This week, we want to know about the ambassadors of your Clan! Who are they, what do they do, why are they best suited to be your Clan's main contact with the rest of Sornieth![/quote]
I was born ready for this
Malin, my Earth and Longneck Ambassador. She always keeps in mind the virtues of my clan: truth, nobility, and diplomacy. She is the most diplomatic and only believes in resorting to violence in very dire circumstances. Malin is also the most compassionate/empathetic; she believes every living thing deserves another chance so long as their attitude is right. If they truly seek to redeem themselves, she will gladly offer them her aid. Some dragons think she might be a little too nosy because she ends up knowing everything about everyone but she only seeks to know everything that is going on with the purest intentions. She considers it her duty to aid any situation that requires her help.
Imirel, my Wind Ambassador (who is out breeding in another nest atm) (she's also a GenOne). She embodies every trait of her flight: she is adventurous, musical, and, if you'll forgive the pun, flighty. Malin is training her to be the best Ambassador she can be. When my clan first started, they were a Wind clan, and Imirel's presence helps to remind my clan leaders of where they've come and how they can integrate their roots into their daily lives.
Apollo, my Light Ambassador (also a GenOne). He's as pearly as Pearlcatchers can get. Snobbish and self-righteous to the bone, Apollo is Sornieth's most beautiful scholar and he knows it. After my clan was a Wind clan, they became a Light clan and adopted the pursuit of knowledge as their main goal. Apollo sees to it that even though the clan is now an Ice clan that they stay on track and always keep their eye on the prize: knowledge is power, and no amount of physical strength can undermine a knowledgeable individual or group.
This week, we want to know about the ambassadors of your Clan! Who are they, what do they do, why are they best suited to be your Clan's main contact with the rest of Sornieth!
I was born ready for this
Malin, my Earth and Longneck Ambassador. She always keeps in mind the virtues of my clan: truth, nobility, and diplomacy. She is the most diplomatic and only believes in resorting to violence in very dire circumstances. Malin is also the most compassionate/empathetic; she believes every living thing deserves another chance so long as their attitude is right. If they truly seek to redeem themselves, she will gladly offer them her aid. Some dragons think she might be a little too nosy because she ends up knowing everything about everyone but she only seeks to know everything that is going on with the purest intentions. She considers it her duty to aid any situation that requires her help.
Imirel, my Wind Ambassador (who is out breeding in another nest atm) (she's also a GenOne). She embodies every trait of her flight: she is adventurous, musical, and, if you'll forgive the pun, flighty. Malin is training her to be the best Ambassador she can be. When my clan first started, they were a Wind clan, and Imirel's presence helps to remind my clan leaders of where they've come and how they can integrate their roots into their daily lives.
Apollo, my Light Ambassador (also a GenOne). He's as pearly as Pearlcatchers can get. Snobbish and self-righteous to the bone, Apollo is Sornieth's most beautiful scholar and he knows it. After my clan was a Wind clan, they became a Light clan and adopted the pursuit of knowledge as their main goal. Apollo sees to it that even though the clan is now an Ice clan that they stay on track and always keep their eye on the prize: knowledge is power, and no amount of physical strength can undermine a knowledgeable individual or group.
I don't have a lot of lore for my clan and I don't really have an official ambassador either. But my progen Starblazer is often setting up little festival-like gatherings to promote peace between different flights and species.
I don't have a lot of lore for my clan and I don't really have an official ambassador either. But my progen Starblazer is often setting up little festival-like gatherings to promote peace between different flights and species.

My ambassadors are mostly negotiators with other clans of different flights, usually for sales, intern exchanges, and travel. The only exception is the clan speaker, who deals with clans within Lightning Flight and the Beast clans.
Light Ambassador Myria
Water Ambassador Moldau
Clan Speaker Saira
My ambassadors are mostly negotiators with other clans of different flights, usually for sales, intern exchanges, and travel. The only exception is the clan speaker, who deals with clans within Lightning Flight and the Beast clans.
Light Ambassador Myria

Water Ambassador Moldau

Clan Speaker Saira

i'm working on having one dragon to represent each of the eleven flights and to be my clan's representatives in dealings with each flight, but i haven't gotten there yet, so this is my clan's current ambassador! her name is Laix, and she represents us because she's level-headed, professional, well-mannered and educated, and good at social strategy.
i'm working on having one dragon to represent each of the eleven flights and to be my clan's representatives in dealings with each flight, but i haven't gotten there yet, so this is my clan's current ambassador! her name is Laix, and she represents us because she's level-headed, professional, well-mannered and educated, and good at social strategy.
+2 hours server time!
I'm currently working on lore and decking out my babies.
Here's my clan leader, Elliania. She's essentially the "mother" of the clan and she maintains order among the dragons in my lair. Her greatest values are humility and benevolence.[url=]
This is Emmerich, my progen. He's one of the clan warriors.
Mikio, he's strictly a soldier and not much of social one. He believes a dragon not working to protect the clan is useless.
Sylwester, another fighter and my philosopher. Unlike Mikio, he has no desire for the greater good and strives for enlightenment.
And finally, Halsey and Zhenya, two more warriors. My clan is quite battle-oriented. Both have a lack of lore at the moment.
I'm currently working on lore and decking out my babies.
Here's my clan leader, Elliania. She's essentially the "mother" of the clan and she maintains order among the dragons in my lair. Her greatest values are humility and benevolence.

This is Emmerich, my progen. He's one of the clan warriors.

Mikio, he's strictly a soldier and not much of social one. He believes a dragon not working to protect the clan is useless.

Sylwester, another fighter and my philosopher. Unlike Mikio, he has no desire for the greater good and strives for enlightenment.

And finally, Halsey and Zhenya, two more warriors. My clan is quite battle-oriented. Both have a lack of lore at the moment.

[center]The Sunken Court's Ambassador, Gilded. If gold plated lies can be a calling, than it can be said Gilded has found her place in life. She is best suited to represent the Sunken Court not because of some virtue, but her practicality, and cold logic- and the ability to spin a lie and keep all her stories in order.
[i]"The Sunken Court is a beautiful, and peaceful place. The air is fresh, ad clean. Whoever said it smelled of mildew and rotting corpses?? Clearly this is a lie spread by our enemies. I am glad a wise individual such as yourself could see past this slander..."[/i][/center]
The Sunken Court's Ambassador, Gilded. If gold plated lies can be a calling, than it can be said Gilded has found her place in life. She is best suited to represent the Sunken Court not because of some virtue, but her practicality, and cold logic- and the ability to spin a lie and keep all her stories in order.
"The Sunken Court is a beautiful, and peaceful place. The air is fresh, ad clean. Whoever said it smelled of mildew and rotting corpses?? Clearly this is a lie spread by our enemies. I am glad a wise individual such as yourself could see past this slander..."
I'm still working on my clan lore but these are my favorite ambassadors.
TrillTone -Wind Ambassador
Dawnknight -Lightning Ambassador
Amore -Arcane Ambassador
I'm still working on my clan lore but these are my favorite ambassadors.

TrillTone -Wind Ambassador

Dawnknight -Lightning Ambassador

Amore -Arcane Ambassador
I'm still writing up everyone's lore, but...
Lounds is one of the few dragons of this clan who can truly be considered a "people person," so he gets to handle all of the social business. (What would the dragon equivalent of that phrase be? A "dragon dragon"? No, that can't be right...)
I'm still writing up everyone's lore, but...

Lounds is one of the few dragons of this clan who can truly be considered a "people person," so he gets to handle all of the social business. (What would the dragon equivalent of that phrase be? A "dragon dragon"? No, that can't be right...)