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TOPIC | Fancy A.F. Bios (closed till 11/16)
@fuzzycatz2 okay just to clarify things: he completely ignores Faella unless he has to? How does Faella treat him?
@fuzzycatz2 okay just to clarify things: he completely ignores Faella unless he has to? How does Faella treat him?
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Bendilay wasn't noticed much by the other members of the clan.
It wasn't easy trying to figure out why, though.
The nocturne wasn't all that bad.
He was quite good-looking, and although a few of the females in the clan did show a little interest, they had never acted on it.
(If the nocturne was aware of this, he did not show any acknowledgement of it. He was rather shy, anyways.)
Bendilay didn't mind the lack of attention.
In fact, he quite enjoyed it.
There was something in sitting in the corner of the lair, lazily watching the rest of the clan go about their chores and duties, that he quite liked.
The nocturne would relax in his spot, curling up with his familiar, a cheerful Red-Breasted Hainu, as he looked on.
Sure, a few dragons forgot that he was there sometimes, almost tripping over his tail or spilling a drink on his wings, but Bendilay was quite patient, helping them up or cleaning up their mess.
He liked to think of himself as a "tidy-upper".
Of course, the clan had no such role.
So he took it upon himself to clean up the mess and dirt that always seemed to find itself in the most unlikely places, sweeping or wiping it off the floor of the lair.
Bendilay knew that a few hatchlings liked to tease him about cleaning up after every dragon, but he simply ignored them.
It was just something he could do after the clan took him in and gave him a place to call home.
Zhar, a spiral only a little older than him had welcomed him and guided him around the clan.
The friendly spiral was a Lightning Seer, and one of the clan's key electricians, but he always found time for the younger nocturne.
Bendilay found the Red-Breasted Hainu days only after he arrived in the clan.
It was wounded and bleeding and Bendilay had helped to take of it, sending it in the the clan's healer, who had made a quick job of it.
After that, the two were inseparable.
Bendilay didn't need adventure or excitement.
He had everything he needed right here.


Bendilay wasn't noticed much by the other members of the clan.
It wasn't easy trying to figure out why, though.
The nocturne wasn't all that bad.
He was quite good-looking, and although a few of the females in the clan did show a little interest, they had never acted on it.
(If the nocturne was aware of this, he did not show any acknowledgement of it. He was rather shy, anyways.)
Bendilay didn't mind the lack of attention.
In fact, he quite enjoyed it.
There was something in sitting in the corner of the lair, lazily watching the rest of the clan go about their chores and duties, that he quite liked.
The nocturne would relax in his spot, curling up with his familiar, a cheerful Red-Breasted Hainu, as he looked on.
Sure, a few dragons forgot that he was there sometimes, almost tripping over his tail or spilling a drink on his wings, but Bendilay was quite patient, helping them up or cleaning up their mess.
He liked to think of himself as a "tidy-upper".
Of course, the clan had no such role.
So he took it upon himself to clean up the mess and dirt that always seemed to find itself in the most unlikely places, sweeping or wiping it off the floor of the lair.
Bendilay knew that a few hatchlings liked to tease him about cleaning up after every dragon, but he simply ignored them.
It was just something he could do after the clan took him in and gave him a place to call home.
Zhar, a spiral only a little older than him had welcomed him and guided him around the clan.
The friendly spiral was a Lightning Seer, and one of the clan's key electricians, but he always found time for the younger nocturne.
Bendilay found the Red-Breasted Hainu days only after he arrived in the clan.
It was wounded and bleeding and Bendilay had helped to take of it, sending it in the the clan's healer, who had made a quick job of it.
After that, the two were inseparable.
Bendilay didn't need adventure or excitement.
He had everything he needed right here.

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>> hatchery
>> lore aesthetics shop

(ill be posting Rafaello's soon)

Stream loved her clan and her family.
She had a pretty comfortable life, here in the Starfall Isles (she did miss her parents, though).
The isle was covered in a soft, pink glow, like a never-ending sunrise.
And the only problem Stream had in the clan was Faella, the clan leader.
Faella, the survivor.
Faella, the strong one.
Faella the fool.
Was what Stream thought, every time she heard the name mentioned (in reverence and awe, of course) by another clan member she would take a deep breath and remember those words.
Anything she could think of to prevent herself from leaping at the small fae with a growl and her claws at Faella's throat.
Stream despised Faella with a vengeance that would surprise even the most jaded and cynical dragon in the clan.
(It was personal, you see. Stream didn't like talking about it.)
She hated everything about the clan's leader, from the way the fae carried herself to how she addressed the rest of the clan.
(Stream felt that her own family had been treated unfairly, that they had been side-lined and forgotten, driven out and forced to start a new life elsewhere. Her parents had taught her to hate the fae, so the guardian had returned months later, determined to take revenge on the dragon who had driven her family to ruin.)
Her vendetta didn't spread to the other dragons.
Stream loved the rest of the clan members, and tried to treat them with as much kindness as she could muster.
The guardian's grudge was against Faella, and Faella only.
It did not spread to Rafaello.
She had absolutely no intention of getting him into her own mess.
He was the only other dragon who had loved her.
Stream hadn't meant to snatch him from right under Faella's nose, but it had just happened[i/].
Of course, it wouldn't be a very wise decision to start an uprising and overthrow Faella.
Most of the clan stood in full support of the fae, and Stream would face a lot of problems with them even if the smaller fae was disposed of.
And so, Stream decided, she would wait.
The guardian had ears, you know.
And she was very, very patient.
Empires crumble, societies fall apart.
It was only a matter of time, anyways.


(ill be posting Rafaello's soon)

Stream loved her clan and her family.
She had a pretty comfortable life, here in the Starfall Isles (she did miss her parents, though).
The isle was covered in a soft, pink glow, like a never-ending sunrise.
And the only problem Stream had in the clan was Faella, the clan leader.
Faella, the survivor.
Faella, the strong one.
Faella the fool.
Was what Stream thought, every time she heard the name mentioned (in reverence and awe, of course) by another clan member she would take a deep breath and remember those words.
Anything she could think of to prevent herself from leaping at the small fae with a growl and her claws at Faella's throat.
Stream despised Faella with a vengeance that would surprise even the most jaded and cynical dragon in the clan.
(It was personal, you see. Stream didn't like talking about it.)
She hated everything about the clan's leader, from the way the fae carried herself to how she addressed the rest of the clan.
(Stream felt that her own family had been treated unfairly, that they had been side-lined and forgotten, driven out and forced to start a new life elsewhere. Her parents had taught her to hate the fae, so the guardian had returned months later, determined to take revenge on the dragon who had driven her family to ruin.)
Her vendetta didn't spread to the other dragons.
Stream loved the rest of the clan members, and tried to treat them with as much kindness as she could muster.
The guardian's grudge was against Faella, and Faella only.
It did not spread to Rafaello.
She had absolutely no intention of getting him into her own mess.
He was the only other dragon who had loved her.
Stream hadn't meant to snatch him from right under Faella's nose, but it had just happened[i/].
Of course, it wouldn't be a very wise decision to start an uprising and overthrow Faella.
Most of the clan stood in full support of the fae, and Stream would face a lot of problems with them even if the smaller fae was disposed of.
And so, Stream decided, she would wait.
The guardian had ears, you know.
And she was very, very patient.
Empires crumble, societies fall apart.
It was only a matter of time, anyways.

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>> hatchery
>> lore aesthetics shop
@LilyBound hey yo could you name/link your brigade of elemental imps here please? That is, if you're okay with Moonshadow being the mother duck to them and even though they're probably twice her size they are still kinda scared of her but they love her anyways

i cant get this idea out of my head hELP
@LilyBound hey yo could you name/link your brigade of elemental imps here please? That is, if you're okay with Moonshadow being the mother duck to them and even though they're probably twice her size they are still kinda scared of her but they love her anyways

i cant get this idea out of my head hELP
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>> hatchery
>> lore aesthetics shop

Rafaello knew what he had done, and although he wasn't very proud of it, it had all worked out in the end.
At least, he thought so.
He had loved Faella once, but he knew that what they both had (or thought they had) wasn't…right.
The fae had enjoyed his time with Faella, of course.
But there was something vaguely wrong about the whole thing, when he thought about it.
Rafaello had the feeling that he was created just for Faella.
To accompany her and to stick by her side.
And Rafaello hated the feeling.
He was his own dragon, thank you very much.
And it wasn't very surprising when he eventually made up his mind to leave her.
The two had been through so much, but Rafaello didn't have much of a choice.
(He couldn't live with that feeling, you see. It was too much for him to bear)
But Rafaello hadn't expected to fall in love again so quickly.
Stream was the one who had captured his heart.
The guardian had simply strode into the lair one night, and asked to join the clan.
Faella had tilted her head, silently reading the other dragon, before nodding curtly.
Stream had held steady under Faella's iron gaze, staring back in defiance.
Rafaello had seen the exchange.
And he had gained a grudging respect for the guardian.
Rafaello stayed in the clan, even after he fell apart with Faella.
He didn't treat her any different, though there were times when he admitted that he was being a little ruder than usual.
Stream and Rafaello got closer after a while, and Rafaello knew that he loved her.
And she, him.
He knew about Stream's startling hatred for Faella, though.
And he was aware that Stream was trying to keep him away from her problems.
The fae wasn't stupid, you know.
He mostly kept out of it.
There wasn't much left for him in that clan, but still he stayed.
For Stream, if he wanted to be honest with himself.


Rafaello knew what he had done, and although he wasn't very proud of it, it had all worked out in the end.
At least, he thought so.
He had loved Faella once, but he knew that what they both had (or thought they had) wasn't…right.
The fae had enjoyed his time with Faella, of course.
But there was something vaguely wrong about the whole thing, when he thought about it.
Rafaello had the feeling that he was created just for Faella.
To accompany her and to stick by her side.
And Rafaello hated the feeling.
He was his own dragon, thank you very much.
And it wasn't very surprising when he eventually made up his mind to leave her.
The two had been through so much, but Rafaello didn't have much of a choice.
(He couldn't live with that feeling, you see. It was too much for him to bear)
But Rafaello hadn't expected to fall in love again so quickly.
Stream was the one who had captured his heart.
The guardian had simply strode into the lair one night, and asked to join the clan.
Faella had tilted her head, silently reading the other dragon, before nodding curtly.
Stream had held steady under Faella's iron gaze, staring back in defiance.
Rafaello had seen the exchange.
And he had gained a grudging respect for the guardian.
Rafaello stayed in the clan, even after he fell apart with Faella.
He didn't treat her any different, though there were times when he admitted that he was being a little ruder than usual.
Stream and Rafaello got closer after a while, and Rafaello knew that he loved her.
And she, him.
He knew about Stream's startling hatred for Faella, though.
And he was aware that Stream was trying to keep him away from her problems.
The fae wasn't stupid, you know.
He mostly kept out of it.
There wasn't much left for him in that clan, but still he stayed.
For Stream, if he wanted to be honest with himself.

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>> hatchery
>> lore aesthetics shop
@SpiritualSun @Renzokuken sure! Sorry, i didn't manage to read your posts :p
@SpiritualSun @Renzokuken sure! Sorry, i didn't manage to read your posts :p
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>> hatchery
>> lore aesthetics shop
@shanncrafter Thank you! :)
@shanncrafter Thank you! :)
Thank you! I love it very much so! :)))))
Thank you! I love it very much so! :)))))
@Namikaz no problem :)
@Namikaz no problem :)
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>> hatchery
>> lore aesthetics shop
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