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TOPIC | Does anyone have a Gryffs pet site code
Does anyone have a Gryffs pet site invite code? (Recently found out about, looks really lovely & beautiful, and discovered...It's invite only T.T) So just wondering if anyone out here might possibly have a invite code that they could maybe tell me (^_^)/ *Wishful thinking, but worth asking, right? ^_^* Best wishes to all.
Does anyone have a Gryffs pet site invite code? (Recently found out about, looks really lovely & beautiful, and discovered...It's invite only T.T) So just wondering if anyone out here might possibly have a invite code that they could maybe tell me (^_^)/ *Wishful thinking, but worth asking, right? ^_^* Best wishes to all.
I don't know what it is, but i feel a sudden urge to look it up ewe
I don't know what it is, but i feel a sudden urge to look it up ewe
@Annekin You might regret that T.T for it looks so amazing and cool (For the only way to join is through an invite code :( ) And I do not know anyone who plays Gryffs.
@Annekin You might regret that T.T for it looks so amazing and cool (For the only way to join is through an invite code :( ) And I do not know anyone who plays Gryffs.


Not sure if you already got a code or not, but maybe you'll want to give this a go? I'm filling out mine now.


Not sure if you already got a code or not, but maybe you'll want to give this a go? I'm filling out mine now.
@Everfondly Thank you for the link T.T and I just submitted mine. Hopefully we get in *Fingers crossed for good luck*
@Everfondly Thank you for the link T.T and I just submitted mine. Hopefully we get in *Fingers crossed for good luck*

@Waterrain Ayee! I hope they review it quickly, but I feel it might take a few hours- to a day? Hnngg

@Waterrain Ayee! I hope they review it quickly, but I feel it might take a few hours- to a day? Hnngg
@Everfondly Well I would assume it would take a few hours up to 24 Hours. They do not notify declined applications...So yeah, I think once a day goes by and no word then that more than likely means it has been declined. *Feeling anxious x.x and I hope both or at least one of us gets in..*
@Everfondly Well I would assume it would take a few hours up to 24 Hours. They do not notify declined applications...So yeah, I think once a day goes by and no word then that more than likely means it has been declined. *Feeling anxious x.x and I hope both or at least one of us gets in..*
dose any one have a gryffs invite code.
if so can i please have one.
dose any one have a gryffs invite code.
if so can i please have one.