

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Visiting the Viridian Labyrinth (CLOSED)
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@jenkow @rayray450 @NWolfDragon @DragonsRKewl @ninebit
Morgana bristled, as was her wont. she was finished with all of these disturbances. this was the forest of her clan and already it was overrun with outsiders. she gave a little huff and flew towards the tops of the trees, intent on taking up these intrusions with the leader of her clan. there were hatchlings at home, along with many valuables and collected records. she needed to make sure they were safe. all she hoped was that no one noticed her exit.
@jenkow @rayray450 @NWolfDragon @DragonsRKewl @ninebit
Morgana bristled, as was her wont. she was finished with all of these disturbances. this was the forest of her clan and already it was overrun with outsiders. she gave a little huff and flew towards the tops of the trees, intent on taking up these intrusions with the leader of her clan. there were hatchlings at home, along with many valuables and collected records. she needed to make sure they were safe. all she hoped was that no one noticed her exit.
@jenkow @rayray450 @NWolfDragon @hufflethena @ninebit

Seraphina glanced at each her younger sister when the Imperial mentioned his clan. The Guardian didn't like the sound of it, but Calypso didn't seem concerned. She wasn't going to be scared of a dragon just because his clan had a tough-sounding name. Even if the Imperial was dangerous, the Ridgeback was confident that she could protect herself and the others.

"That's a cool clan name," she said casually to Mirek, looking straight up to see the Imperial's face. Neither sister seemed to notice Morgana leaving.
@jenkow @rayray450 @NWolfDragon @hufflethena @ninebit

Seraphina glanced at each her younger sister when the Imperial mentioned his clan. The Guardian didn't like the sound of it, but Calypso didn't seem concerned. She wasn't going to be scared of a dragon just because his clan had a tough-sounding name. Even if the Imperial was dangerous, the Ridgeback was confident that she could protect herself and the others.

"That's a cool clan name," she said casually to Mirek, looking straight up to see the Imperial's face. Neither sister seemed to notice Morgana leaving.
@DragonsRKewl @rayray450 @NWolfDragon @hufflethena @ninebit

Vorasha looked around, "he said there was a blackberry bush near..but this part of the forest doesn't look familiar" She thought. "We should be careful, I don't exactly know this part of the forest that well. I believe there could be danger here.." she said, looking around in the bushes.
She was so concerned with making sure they had no unwelcome visitors to notice Morgana leaing the clearing..
@DragonsRKewl @rayray450 @NWolfDragon @hufflethena @ninebit

Vorasha looked around, "he said there was a blackberry bush near..but this part of the forest doesn't look familiar" She thought. "We should be careful, I don't exactly know this part of the forest that well. I believe there could be danger here.." she said, looking around in the bushes.
She was so concerned with making sure they had no unwelcome visitors to notice Morgana leaing the clearing..
@DragonsRKewl @Jenkow @NWolfDragon @hufflethena @ninebit

"I can't say I know the story behind the name. Mirek mused, "It was chosen by our Matriarch. She is always one to lead with dramatics." Mirek led the groupof dragons through the forest, idly surveying the landscape as he walked. "But she was kind enough to let me into her home, and her family, and for that I am grateful."

Pushing through the undergrowth, Mirek ambled out into the blackberry patch where he had so recently been resting. Water from the damp plants clung to his skin as he walked, leaving his scales shimmering. "Ah, here we are. Possibly the finest blackberries I've ever tasted, to be truthful."

Mirek settled down, pulling the clunky scroll case from his back. "As for what I'm doing here?" He removed a piece of yellowed parchment, unrolling it carefully. "I am a cartographer, and our messenger dragon has sent me here to map out travel paths for deliveries."
@DragonsRKewl @Jenkow @NWolfDragon @hufflethena @ninebit

"I can't say I know the story behind the name. Mirek mused, "It was chosen by our Matriarch. She is always one to lead with dramatics." Mirek led the groupof dragons through the forest, idly surveying the landscape as he walked. "But she was kind enough to let me into her home, and her family, and for that I am grateful."

Pushing through the undergrowth, Mirek ambled out into the blackberry patch where he had so recently been resting. Water from the damp plants clung to his skin as he walked, leaving his scales shimmering. "Ah, here we are. Possibly the finest blackberries I've ever tasted, to be truthful."

Mirek settled down, pulling the clunky scroll case from his back. "As for what I'm doing here?" He removed a piece of yellowed parchment, unrolling it carefully. "I am a cartographer, and our messenger dragon has sent me here to map out travel paths for deliveries."
@DragonsRKewl @rayray450 @Jenkow @hufflethena @ninebit

OOC// er... not sure who's turn it is, or if we're waiting on, but I suppose I'll post.//

Lurking Fear?, she shrugged, who was she to judge a dragon by the name of their clan? Sounded like something a shadow or plague dragon would name their clan. Her mind wandered off to her mate, back by the ocean. Poor Viseryx, such a hard life because of them, needless to say, she wasn't a fan of plague OR shadow dragons. Ears twitched as the smoky female caught the sharp sound of wings unfolding, and glanced towards Morgana, who was now making her leave subtly. About time, she thought, and was not proud of the bitterness in her minds voice.

She pulled her attention back to the new Imperial, Mirek as he unrolled yellowed parchment to show charts and maps. "Oh! That looks like something a clanmate of mine had had a fascination with for a bit," she paused and furrowed her brows, "although he didn't stick with it for long, because that would mean venturing far from the clan..." She swung her head around, gazing around the clearing, "As for the blackberry bushes, we appreciate the time you took to show us." She glanced down at Monty and with her eyes, and a slight nod of the head, directed him to start picking some. He screeched with some annoyance, but quickly got over being bossed around, and clambered all through the bush with soft little hoots of contentment.
@DragonsRKewl @rayray450 @Jenkow @hufflethena @ninebit

OOC// er... not sure who's turn it is, or if we're waiting on, but I suppose I'll post.//

Lurking Fear?, she shrugged, who was she to judge a dragon by the name of their clan? Sounded like something a shadow or plague dragon would name their clan. Her mind wandered off to her mate, back by the ocean. Poor Viseryx, such a hard life because of them, needless to say, she wasn't a fan of plague OR shadow dragons. Ears twitched as the smoky female caught the sharp sound of wings unfolding, and glanced towards Morgana, who was now making her leave subtly. About time, she thought, and was not proud of the bitterness in her minds voice.

She pulled her attention back to the new Imperial, Mirek as he unrolled yellowed parchment to show charts and maps. "Oh! That looks like something a clanmate of mine had had a fascination with for a bit," she paused and furrowed her brows, "although he didn't stick with it for long, because that would mean venturing far from the clan..." She swung her head around, gazing around the clearing, "As for the blackberry bushes, we appreciate the time you took to show us." She glanced down at Monty and with her eyes, and a slight nod of the head, directed him to start picking some. He screeched with some annoyance, but quickly got over being bossed around, and clambered all through the bush with soft little hoots of contentment.
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