
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | ISHERA's Alice+Cube

Can I get a slot for steamgear? thank you! :)

Is it alright if I send around the 500g for sunshower now?

Can I get a slot for steamgear? thank you! :)

Is it alright if I send around the 500g for sunshower now?
Fear the ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
Hi! Could I have a slot for Shahrazad B? It's really beautiful XD Can I pay it first?
Hi! Could I have a slot for Shahrazad B? It's really beautiful XD Can I pay it first?

I'd like a spot for both Shahrazads, please!

I'd like a spot for both Shahrazads, please!
@ISHERA Steamgear and shaharazade red for for spiral please. Sending payment now
@ISHERA Steamgear and shaharazade red for for spiral please. Sending payment now

May I be put on a pinglist for that male Fae skin with the pink flowers that is coming soon? I didn't see a name for it, sorry! Thank you.

May I be put on a pinglist for that male Fae skin with the pink flowers that is coming soon? I didn't see a name for it, sorry! Thank you.

I'd like one slot each for Steamed Gear, Shahrazad-R, and Shahrazad-B please! Thank you. :)

I'd like one slot each for Steamed Gear, Shahrazad-R, and Shahrazad-B please! Thank you. :)
@Steel Thanks:) I will put in you the pinglist & Slot<3 @Gryffion @Niharike @Sybok @Riko @refrayn @honeyT @Akihiko @yuhanrax @neetyushiho @seinrith @Virgil @fatherpunk @Maye @snowpea @retrobird @NoAkei @Jazz @Masumi @Kaitii @Stenvela @Nymphalidae @Micheru @freiheit @Sigmundite @JD1620 @Rubellite >w<) I will put in you the slot:)!!Thank you. @Amphiptere Sure:) Do you want all the accents or just the few you've selected? @Aalto @dinozord TTwTT)! Thanks, I will put in you the pinglist!! @Grit @SilverGears <3<3 [img][/img] [img][/img] @Kuroida Sure:) Thank you<3<3 @Anemia OK:D!! I love Treasure<3<3<3 I will put in you tha slot:) Thanks! @Gwynbleidd > w<)<3 Thanks:)! I will put in you the slot. And my sun shower is ready<3<3 @Pomegraknight That accent is unnamed :D!! My naming sense is depressingly bad ToT). I will put in you the pinglist:) Thanks<3<3
Thanks:) I will put in you the pinglist & Slot<3

@Gryffion @Niharike @Sybok @Riko @refrayn @honeyT @Akihiko @yuhanrax @neetyushiho @seinrith @Virgil @fatherpunk @Maye @snowpea @retrobird @NoAkei @Jazz @Masumi @Kaitii @Stenvela @Nymphalidae @Micheru @freiheit @Sigmundite @JD1620 @Rubellite
>w<) I will put in you the slot:)!!Thank you.

Sure:) Do you want all the accents or just the few you've selected?

@Aalto @dinozord
TTwTT)! Thanks, I will put in you the pinglist!!

@Grit @SilverGears

Sure:) Thank you<3<3

OK:D!! I love Treasure<3<3<3 I will put in you tha slot:) Thanks!

> w<)<3 Thanks:)! I will put in you the slot.
And my sun shower is ready<3<3

That accent is unnamed :D!! My naming sense is depressingly bad ToT).
I will put in you the pinglist:) Thanks<3<3
Just the new ones. Steam gear, Shahrazad-R, and Shahrazad-B
Just the new ones. Steam gear, Shahrazad-R, and Shahrazad-B
@Ishera ordering one steam gear!
@Ishera ordering one steam gear!
@Amphiptere @Grit
>w<) I will put in you the slot:)!!Thank you.

@Amphiptere @Grit
>w<) I will put in you the slot:)!!Thank you.