When you place two dragons on a nest are the hatchling's gender/colors/genes decided when the number of eggs are decided or when the nest hatches? I'm really curious.

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When you place two dragons on a nest are the hatchling's gender/colors/genes decided when the number of eggs are decided or when the nest hatches? I'm really curious.
Is there any future possibility for accent layering?
Is there any future possibility for accent layering?

Will the Coliseum be moved to the ww1 domain soon, especially since quite a few new things have been added recently?
Will the Coliseum be moved to the ww1 domain soon, especially since quite a few new things have been added recently?

What Flight was Swipp born into? Has he since switched Flights? (his eyes appear to be closed when I looked at him at him in the trading post)
Is the plural of fae "fae" or "faes"? Also, to change flights or expand our lair space, we must give the dragon gods a chunk of our savings. What do they do with all that money?
Are there anymore Baldwin's Brew Clawtip colors planned? I'd love to see pink, black, white and aqua. :)
I also had one more question.
Is there a way to have a Baldwin's Brew countdown timer added to the bar where the clock and users online counter are kept? This way we wouldn't have to continuously enter the Trading Post in order to see how much time is left on the brew.
I also had one more question.
Is there a way to have a Baldwin's Brew countdown timer added to the bar where the clock and users online counter are kept? This way we wouldn't have to continuously enter the Trading Post in order to see how much time is left on the brew.
Are there anymore Baldwin's Brew Clawtip colors planned? I'd love to see pink, black, white and aqua. :)
I also had one more question.
Is there a way to have a Baldwin's Brew countdown timer added to the bar where the clock and users online counter are kept? This way we wouldn't have to continuously enter the Trading Post in order to see how much time is left on the brew.
I also had one more question.
Is there a way to have a Baldwin's Brew countdown timer added to the bar where the clock and users online counter are kept? This way we wouldn't have to continuously enter the Trading Post in order to see how much time is left on the brew.

Do you plan on bringing new flights and deities into Flight Rising? Eleven seems like an odd number to have.
Do you plan on bringing new flights and deities into Flight Rising? Eleven seems like an odd number to have.
Is it wise to have a team of imperials as your coli team? If they all got beaten wouldn't there be a risk of them becoming emperors. Also would it be possible for an emperor to remember their past? Or do they remember but are being forced to take action against their friends by some greater power?
Is it wise to have a team of imperials as your coli team? If they all got beaten wouldn't there be a risk of them becoming emperors. Also would it be possible for an emperor to remember their past? Or do they remember but are being forced to take action against their friends by some greater power?
I was chescab, now I am ChescaCat.

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