

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | In the Cold - [open!]
Luminous' notable hearing picked up on the ice-covered skydancer's call long before his comparatively weak eyes saw her, and after a brief debate over whether or not he should actually land, his curiosity got the best of him and he decided to follow his ears and nose down to the group, towards the call.

He pulled his wings in and descended quickly, swooping past the group and then circling back around to land in the frigid snow among the others. Ack, cold! He should have brought something to cover his feet, at least. He was not as sturdy in the cold as Eclipse was.


@GoldenLeaf89 @Koeyna @Chummy @Lyree
Luminous' notable hearing picked up on the ice-covered skydancer's call long before his comparatively weak eyes saw her, and after a brief debate over whether or not he should actually land, his curiosity got the best of him and he decided to follow his ears and nose down to the group, towards the call.

He pulled his wings in and descended quickly, swooping past the group and then circling back around to land in the frigid snow among the others. Ack, cold! He should have brought something to cover his feet, at least. He was not as sturdy in the cold as Eclipse was.


@GoldenLeaf89 @Koeyna @Chummy @Lyree
[center][font=Georgia][img][/img] Guinevere glided back down with ease, fully-fledged and a young adult by this point. It took little time for dragons to mature, luckily for her. A violet flower crown rested on her head, while pearly rings were piercing her fragile wings. The crown of flowers complimented her otherwise darker purple and blue features, while combatting her white markings. Her icy blue eyes focused on Riptide as she swooped down on him playfully, before noticing the Skydancer and rising back skywards. [b]"Who are you..?"[/b] she asked with uncertainty, a small creature scuttling across her spine before resting on her forehead. It seemed to be a Sparrowmouse, but was certainly not feral. This creature was her familiar. @Koenya @salamandra @chummy @goldenleaf89

Guinevere glided back down with ease, fully-fledged and a young adult by this point. It took little time for dragons to mature, luckily for her. A violet flower crown rested on her head, while pearly rings were piercing her fragile wings. The crown of flowers complimented her otherwise darker purple and blue features, while combatting her white markings. Her icy blue eyes focused on Riptide as she swooped down on him playfully, before noticing the Skydancer and rising back skywards. "Who are you..?" she asked with uncertainty, a small creature scuttling across her spine before resting on her forehead. It seemed to be a Sparrowmouse, but was certainly not feral. This creature was her familiar.

@Koenya @salamandra @chummy @goldenleaf89
Euriona studied Guinevere before answering. "My name is Euriona." As soon as she said this, Euriona glanced up and spotted a dragon ranging towards the darker blue circling above.

"Looks like Shadowside found me," she thought to herself.
Euriona studied Guinevere before answering. "My name is Euriona." As soon as she said this, Euriona glanced up and spotted a dragon ranging towards the darker blue circling above.

"Looks like Shadowside found me," she thought to herself.
I'm a time traveling, Dalek fighting magic user from Gallifrey.
Not really...but I wish I was.
"In 900 years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important." - The Eleventh Doctor
"Please, call me Tide." He tilted his head to one side, dusty colored head feathers wiggling curiously. "Where are you from?" Riptide shrugged lightly, flapping his wings as if dismissing the fact. "It's fine, don't worry about it." He caught the sound of Guinevere's wings beating the air and ducked out of her way just in time, watching her carefully. "Mm, you look even more beautiful than before!" He shook his head admirably before turning his attention to the nocturne that had just landed. "Morning to you too, sir. What's your name?" Riptide nodded at him respectfully, blinking curiously. "I'm Riptide, but I prefer Tide. Where are you from?"
@Lyree @GoldenLeaf89 @Salamandra
"Please, call me Tide." He tilted his head to one side, dusty colored head feathers wiggling curiously. "Where are you from?" Riptide shrugged lightly, flapping his wings as if dismissing the fact. "It's fine, don't worry about it." He caught the sound of Guinevere's wings beating the air and ducked out of her way just in time, watching her carefully. "Mm, you look even more beautiful than before!" He shook his head admirably before turning his attention to the nocturne that had just landed. "Morning to you too, sir. What's your name?" Riptide nodded at him respectfully, blinking curiously. "I'm Riptide, but I prefer Tide. Where are you from?"
@Lyree @GoldenLeaf89 @Salamandra
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]"Luminous, at your service,"[/b] the nocturne purred, dipping his head to anyone watching and pulling his best smile - it was difficult with so many tusks poking out of your mouth, but if his grin was slightly off-putting, at least his tone was warm. [b]"A pleasure to meet you."[/b] The young drake tried his best to be cordial. In other territories, he found himself feeling like a representative of his clan as well as his homeland, and he wanted to be a good ambassador. The coatls and skydancer before him were graceful and handsome, with fine, soft feathers that surely did well to ward off some of the cold. He suspected that they didn't need much help, though - here among the snow drifts, with their sparkling, white eyes, they must be Ice. [b]"Ah, just northeast from the Tangled Wood,"[/b] he replied. [b]"A friend and I are here on business... I didn't expect it to be so cold! Are you all from around here, then?"[/b] @GoldenLeaf89 @Koeyna @Chummy @Lyree[/center]


"Luminous, at your service," the nocturne purred, dipping his head to anyone watching and pulling his best smile - it was difficult with so many tusks poking out of your mouth, but if his grin was slightly off-putting, at least his tone was warm. "A pleasure to meet you."

The young drake tried his best to be cordial. In other territories, he found himself feeling like a representative of his clan as well as his homeland, and he wanted to be a good ambassador. The coatls and skydancer before him were graceful and handsome, with fine, soft feathers that surely did well to ward off some of the cold. He suspected that they didn't need much help, though - here among the snow drifts, with their sparkling, white eyes, they must be Ice. "Ah, just northeast from the Tangled Wood," he replied. "A friend and I are here on business... I didn't expect it to be so cold! Are you all from around here, then?"

@GoldenLeaf89 @Koeyna @Chummy @Lyree
Asami would pull herself away from the crowd, her wings flapping gently as she tried to keep her frame in the air. Her violet gaze would cast downward as she searched for a place to land, a small rock ledge would catch her eye and without a moment of thought she would begin to dive. The wind would rip at the exposed feathers as her neck stretched outward to look onto the growing landscape. With her hands pressed against her chest, the child would continue to dive until she was a few feet away from her. She would stretch her wings outward to allow the chilling wind to carry her upward slightly and slow her decent, she could feel the rough stone as she landed awkwardly on its peak. Looking toward the nocturne, the hatchling would smile, "My name's Asami, its nice to meet you" she would call softly.
@GoldenLeaf89 @Salamandra
Asami would pull herself away from the crowd, her wings flapping gently as she tried to keep her frame in the air. Her violet gaze would cast downward as she searched for a place to land, a small rock ledge would catch her eye and without a moment of thought she would begin to dive. The wind would rip at the exposed feathers as her neck stretched outward to look onto the growing landscape. With her hands pressed against her chest, the child would continue to dive until she was a few feet away from her. She would stretch her wings outward to allow the chilling wind to carry her upward slightly and slow her decent, she could feel the rough stone as she landed awkwardly on its peak. Looking toward the nocturne, the hatchling would smile, "My name's Asami, its nice to meet you" she would call softly.
@GoldenLeaf89 @Salamandra
Euriona: [b]"I'm from the Driftwood Drags. Traveled here though, and this is my home now,"[/b] Euriona answered to Tide's question. She started to relax among the dragons. Euriona studied the Nocturne that had landed among them. Hearing his question of if they were from around the area, she gave a tiny nod. Hearing someone else, she looked upwards and gazed around the area, her sharp eyes findng a dragon perched on a rocky outcropping. "Hello Asami," she called out, hoping that the hatchling heard her. Shadowside: The young Imperial male glided overhead, flapping his wings occasinally, and observing the scene below with his keen eyes. He had woken up, only to find Euriona gone. He had followed her trail, having suspected that she went out to do her tricks, or something or another. Consequences sometimes didn't seem to enter her head. Shadowside snorted in frustration. Euriona probably didn't realized how much worry she had caused him. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Euriona: "I'm from the Driftwood Drags. Traveled here though, and this is my home now," Euriona answered to Tide's question. She started to relax among the dragons. Euriona studied the Nocturne that had landed among them. Hearing his question of if they were from around the area, she gave a tiny nod. Hearing someone else, she looked upwards and gazed around the area, her sharp eyes findng a dragon perched on a rocky outcropping.

"Hello Asami," she called out, hoping that the hatchling heard her.

Shadowside: The young Imperial male glided overhead, flapping his wings occasinally, and observing the scene below with his keen eyes. He had woken up, only to find Euriona gone. He had followed her trail, having suspected that she went out to do her tricks, or something or another. Consequences sometimes didn't seem to enter her head. Shadowside snorted in frustration. Euriona probably didn't realized how much worry she had caused him.


I'm a time traveling, Dalek fighting magic user from Gallifrey.
Not really...but I wish I was.
"In 900 years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important." - The Eleventh Doctor