

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | In the Cold - [open!]
Taeria called "Come on Nahnie! Race ya to the Fishspine Reef!" Nahnie rose to the challenge, beating her delicate black wings hard. They raced out, and Nahnie slowly took the lead. In a last ditch attempt to get ahead, Taeria dove beneath the waves. She surfaced right in front of her friend. "Hey! No fair!" Nahnie protested. "Fair. I didn't specify above or below the water" Taeria shot back.
Taeria called "Come on Nahnie! Race ya to the Fishspine Reef!" Nahnie rose to the challenge, beating her delicate black wings hard. They raced out, and Nahnie slowly took the lead. In a last ditch attempt to get ahead, Taeria dove beneath the waves. She surfaced right in front of her friend. "Hey! No fair!" Nahnie protested. "Fair. I didn't specify above or below the water" Taeria shot back.
[center][img][/img] [center]"[b]I can show you some air tricks[/b]!" The voice from overhead was obnoxiously loud, with the shrill squeal of a young dragon. A gorgeously patterned blue and dusty gold young male came diving out of the snow that had blown up with the wind, crashing down on top of Guinevere. Snorting with laughter, Riptide grinned down at the female, spreading his wings wide. "[b]Look, watch.[/b]" Pressing down on Guinevere as he lifted off, Riptide flew straight up with a powerful downstroke that stirred the snow beneath him. "[B]Betcha can't do that[/b]!" He came gliding back to the ground, shaking loose snow from his wings. "[B]Nice to meet you, I'm Riptide, but you can call me Tide. And who's this beautiful dragon standing before me[/b]?" He grinned at Guinevere playfully. "[B]You've certainly attracted a crowd, and I'm surprised more of them aren't males, because you've attracted me like a cold dragon to a warm fire. Now come on, what's your name[/b]?" @Lyree
"I can show you some air tricks!" The voice from overhead was obnoxiously loud, with the shrill squeal of a young dragon. A gorgeously patterned blue and dusty gold young male came diving out of the snow that had blown up with the wind, crashing down on top of Guinevere. Snorting with laughter, Riptide grinned down at the female, spreading his wings wide. "Look, watch." Pressing down on Guinevere as he lifted off, Riptide flew straight up with a powerful downstroke that stirred the snow beneath him. "Betcha can't do that!" He came gliding back to the ground, shaking loose snow from his wings. "Nice to meet you, I'm Riptide, but you can call me Tide. And who's this beautiful dragon standing before me?" He grinned at Guinevere playfully. "You've certainly attracted a crowd, and I'm surprised more of them aren't males, because you've attracted me like a cold dragon to a warm fire. Now come on, what's your name?"
In a rustle of scales and a cloud of snow, she found her held down by a handsome blue and golden dragon, his thin wings spread dramatically as he revealed a handsome brown, beige, and golden pattern. As he took off, speaking with a gloating tone, her beautiful features were reddened, a blush stirring in her cheeks. Guin pulled herself to her powerful feet, fanning her wings as he came down. "I have no reasons to do tricks like that! I'm the future leader of a clan, I c-can do a lot!" she spluttered, leaping up gracefully onto a rock. Locking her chilling gaze on an icicle dangling from a ledge higher up, ignoring his words until he inquired her name. "I'm Guinevere," the fem responded proudly, lashing her thick tail with a wicked gleam in her eyes. She suddenly dragged herself skywards, beating through empty air; where there was little to no breeze to help lift her higher. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and pain coursed through her wings, but she continued to force herself higher. The icicle was now in arm-length, allowing her to outstretch her clawed mitts and latch onto the glistening spear of ice. Tearing it off the ledge, she held it between her teeth, before falling into a downwards kill-spiral, something birds often did when looming in on their prey.
"I caught it! I really got it!" Guinny squealed, ripping the sharp piece of ice out of one of the small arctic rodents that wandered on their land. Picking it up gently, she carried it over to Riptide and the others, puffing out her chest in pride.

In a rustle of scales and a cloud of snow, she found her held down by a handsome blue and golden dragon, his thin wings spread dramatically as he revealed a handsome brown, beige, and golden pattern. As he took off, speaking with a gloating tone, her beautiful features were reddened, a blush stirring in her cheeks. Guin pulled herself to her powerful feet, fanning her wings as he came down. "I have no reasons to do tricks like that! I'm the future leader of a clan, I c-can do a lot!" she spluttered, leaping up gracefully onto a rock. Locking her chilling gaze on an icicle dangling from a ledge higher up, ignoring his words until he inquired her name. "I'm Guinevere," the fem responded proudly, lashing her thick tail with a wicked gleam in her eyes. She suddenly dragged herself skywards, beating through empty air; where there was little to no breeze to help lift her higher. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and pain coursed through her wings, but she continued to force herself higher. The icicle was now in arm-length, allowing her to outstretch her clawed mitts and latch onto the glistening spear of ice. Tearing it off the ledge, she held it between her teeth, before falling into a downwards kill-spiral, something birds often did when looming in on their prey.
"I caught it! I really got it!" Guinny squealed, ripping the sharp piece of ice out of one of the small arctic rodents that wandered on their land. Picking it up gently, she carried it over to Riptide and the others, puffing out her chest in pride.

[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] Luminous and Eclipse had made a long journey from the Tangled Wood to the frozen land of the Ice Warden to visit the snapper's homeland and gather supplies that could only be harvested from the icy tundra and the frozen crags. Eclipse was a skilled witch who had many stories to tell, but she was slow-moving and although Luminous took his job of learning from and helping her very seriously, he was fidgety and bored after a few months of lumbering travel. The nocturne was grown, but just barely - he had left the Wood as a cub and was now a gangly youth, antsy and eager to stretch his wings. He did not need to beg Eclipse to let him roam once they entered the Southern Icefield; they were well bonded, and he always tried his best to be respectful to her. She was not overbearing in the slightest and secretly was glad to have her space, so she let him flutter off to wherever he wanted, with the understanding that they would meet again at sunset. Free at last! Luminous drifted about aimlessly for a while, enjoying the scenery but a bit put off by the frosty air. He had thought to try to find a nice place to hunker down for a bit and maybe hunt on the ground a little, but he was distracted by a shout from the ground, about half a mile out. He didn't see as well in the daylight as in the dark, but if he squinted he could make out a few shapes bounding about in the radiant snow, and in the frigid landscape his sensitive nose easily picked up the smell of several young dragons. He knew to be cautious, but his curiosity got the best of him and he shifted in the air to head towards them. He could drift overhead and watch to make sure they weren't dangerous. What would be the harm in that? @hissyfit @Lyree @Chummy @Twinklewitch [/center]


Luminous and Eclipse had made a long journey from the Tangled Wood to the frozen land of the Ice Warden to visit the snapper's homeland and gather supplies that could only be harvested from the icy tundra and the frozen crags. Eclipse was a skilled witch who had many stories to tell, but she was slow-moving and although Luminous took his job of learning from and helping her very seriously, he was fidgety and bored after a few months of lumbering travel.

The nocturne was grown, but just barely - he had left the Wood as a cub and was now a gangly youth, antsy and eager to stretch his wings. He did not need to beg Eclipse to let him roam once they entered the Southern Icefield; they were well bonded, and he always tried his best to be respectful to her. She was not overbearing in the slightest and secretly was glad to have her space, so she let him flutter off to wherever he wanted, with the understanding that they would meet again at sunset.

Free at last! Luminous drifted about aimlessly for a while, enjoying the scenery but a bit put off by the frosty air. He had thought to try to find a nice place to hunker down for a bit and maybe hunt on the ground a little, but he was distracted by a shout from the ground, about half a mile out. He didn't see as well in the daylight as in the dark, but if he squinted he could make out a few shapes bounding about in the radiant snow, and in the frigid landscape his sensitive nose easily picked up the smell of several young dragons. He knew to be cautious, but his curiosity got the best of him and he shifted in the air to head towards them. He could drift overhead and watch to make sure they weren't dangerous. What would be the harm in that?

@hissyfit @Lyree @Chummy @Twinklewitch
"Aw, c'mon, tricks are loads of fun - and even future Clan leaders can have fun, can't they?" Riptide fluttered the small wings on his haunches that all Coatl dragons sported, watching Guinevere as she began trying to grab the icicle above her head. "Guinevere, huh? A pretty name for a pretty dragon." Riptide noticed how she didn't pay much heed to his obvious attempts at trying to flatter her. He always loved listening to females stumble over their words whenever he complimented them. Guinevere hadn't given him much of a response, but Riptide didn't plan on giving up yet. He raised his icy blue eyes as she called out, the feathers on the back of his head flicking admirably. "Impressive," Riptide said, nodding at Guinevere as a gesture of respect. "I expect you'll make an excellent clan leader." The young male spread his wings wide, catching a zephyr under his dusty colored wings and flapping to lift himself higher. "C'mon, Guin, have you ever tried spirals? It's kind of a daredevil move; you have to spin until you almost hit the ground, and spread your wings so you don't crash. If you're lucky a nice wind will lift you." Riptide was about to continue when a dark shape zipped past maybe a meter above his head. He flattened his wings to his flanks, demonstrating one of his spirals as he joined Guinevere on the ground again. Gliding just over the surface of the snow, he plunged straight into a drift. Oof! Removing himself from the snow, Riptide glanced at the sky. "Did you see that?"
@Lyree @Salamandra
"Aw, c'mon, tricks are loads of fun - and even future Clan leaders can have fun, can't they?" Riptide fluttered the small wings on his haunches that all Coatl dragons sported, watching Guinevere as she began trying to grab the icicle above her head. "Guinevere, huh? A pretty name for a pretty dragon." Riptide noticed how she didn't pay much heed to his obvious attempts at trying to flatter her. He always loved listening to females stumble over their words whenever he complimented them. Guinevere hadn't given him much of a response, but Riptide didn't plan on giving up yet. He raised his icy blue eyes as she called out, the feathers on the back of his head flicking admirably. "Impressive," Riptide said, nodding at Guinevere as a gesture of respect. "I expect you'll make an excellent clan leader." The young male spread his wings wide, catching a zephyr under his dusty colored wings and flapping to lift himself higher. "C'mon, Guin, have you ever tried spirals? It's kind of a daredevil move; you have to spin until you almost hit the ground, and spread your wings so you don't crash. If you're lucky a nice wind will lift you." Riptide was about to continue when a dark shape zipped past maybe a meter above his head. He flattened his wings to his flanks, demonstrating one of his spirals as he joined Guinevere on the ground again. Gliding just over the surface of the snow, he plunged straight into a drift. Oof! Removing himself from the snow, Riptide glanced at the sky. "Did you see that?"
@Lyree @Salamandra
She let out a little laugh, ear-tufts twitching as she flashed him a grin. Guinevere was difficult to flatter, although she could eventually be caused to blush. As he began to fly and make tight spirals, she tilted her head slightly, curiosity sparking in her eyes. Once Riptide crashed into the snow-drift in a somewhat ungraceful manner, she stifled rude laughter. "Yes, yes, I saw you fall into the snow." she murmured snidely, although something tapped her shoulder. Turning, she noticed Viper, carrying a violet flower crown and pearly wing bangles in his talons. Guinevere nodded briefly, chewing on her lower lip slightly. "Hey, I need to go with him. I'm getting the apparel that has been passed down from leader-to-leader.." Guin explained, following Viper through the air into a smaller cave.

She let out a little laugh, ear-tufts twitching as she flashed him a grin. Guinevere was difficult to flatter, although she could eventually be caused to blush. As he began to fly and make tight spirals, she tilted her head slightly, curiosity sparking in her eyes. Once Riptide crashed into the snow-drift in a somewhat ungraceful manner, she stifled rude laughter. "Yes, yes, I saw you fall into the snow." she murmured snidely, although something tapped her shoulder. Turning, she noticed Viper, carrying a violet flower crown and pearly wing bangles in his talons. Guinevere nodded briefly, chewing on her lower lip slightly. "Hey, I need to go with him. I'm getting the apparel that has been passed down from leader-to-leader.." Guin explained, following Viper through the air into a smaller cave.


The skydancer would shuffle backwards, her gaze drifted onward to the preforming hatchlings in the snowy clearing. Asami was never the type to preform for others, to proves ones glory through impressive moves in the air proved to be useless in her eyes but she could see that's not how most of the hatchlings operated. She would shrug off the thought and turn to look upward at the bright blue sky, her violet gaze trailed along the blue scene before a patch of black caught her eye. Asami would clench her jaw slightly and stare at the moving blob, curiosity would get the best of her as the skydancer spread her wings to take off into the cloudless sky.

The wind would tug along her small frame as she ascended, her wing beats became frantic the more she tried to keep up with the stranger. "H-hey!" she would call into the cold air, her frail voice masked by the sound of the winds howls. Her violet orbs would remain steady on the nocturne.

The skydancer would shuffle backwards, her gaze drifted onward to the preforming hatchlings in the snowy clearing. Asami was never the type to preform for others, to proves ones glory through impressive moves in the air proved to be useless in her eyes but she could see that's not how most of the hatchlings operated. She would shrug off the thought and turn to look upward at the bright blue sky, her violet gaze trailed along the blue scene before a patch of black caught her eye. Asami would clench her jaw slightly and stare at the moving blob, curiosity would get the best of her as the skydancer spread her wings to take off into the cloudless sky.

The wind would tug along her small frame as she ascended, her wing beats became frantic the more she tried to keep up with the stranger. "H-hey!" she would call into the cold air, her frail voice masked by the sound of the winds howls. Her violet orbs would remain steady on the nocturne.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Euriona poked her head out of the snow den she had made, blinking in the bright light that assulted her eyes after the darkness of the cage type den. Shaking her head to get a bit of snow off of her head, she dug her claws into the ice thinly covered by snow as the wind buffeted her on the ice ledge. Euriona stood still, and could have been mistaken for frozen until she unfurled her wings and leaped into the air. The young Skydacer flapped franticly to keep herself from falling in the strong winds. Euriona's gaze darted around the area. Flapping her wings, she flew upwards towards the whispy clouds above her, the wind buffeting her wings and tail the most. Reaching her desired height, she flew along, going fast, the wind blowing with her. Flipping unto her back, she let her wings go limp. Letting gravity take over, she fell towards earth, the wind making her wings go up. Casting a glance down, she spotted dragonets messing around in the snow, and a male dragon that were extremely close. Panicking, Euronia flipped around, letting the air catch her wings, causing them to billow. Passing over them, she landed a short distance away, and caught her breath. Looking behind her, she studied the group. Lifting off once again, she spiraled around to a higher spot of ground, as to have the advantage if they attacked. "Didn't realize I was so close to others. Of course, I had a tail wind and no idea where I was going, and wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. Going my top speed, maybe I'm actually farther away than I think. Wouldn't be suprised if Shadowside was coming to find me and take me back. Stupid of me too not see if there was anyone around," she thought to herself.


Euriona poked her head out of the snow den she had made, blinking in the bright light that assulted her eyes after the darkness of the cage type den. Shaking her head to get a bit of snow off of her head, she dug her claws into the ice thinly covered by snow as the wind buffeted her on the ice ledge. Euriona stood still, and could have been mistaken for frozen until she unfurled her wings and leaped into the air. The young Skydacer flapped franticly to keep herself from falling in the strong winds. Euriona's gaze darted around the area. Flapping her wings, she flew upwards towards the whispy clouds above her, the wind buffeting her wings and tail the most. Reaching her desired height, she flew along, going fast, the wind blowing with her. Flipping unto her back, she let her wings go limp. Letting gravity take over, she fell towards earth, the wind making her wings go up. Casting a glance down, she spotted dragonets messing around in the snow, and a male dragon that were extremely close. Panicking, Euronia flipped around, letting the air catch her wings, causing them to billow. Passing over them, she landed a short distance away, and caught her breath. Looking behind her, she studied the group. Lifting off once again, she spiraled around to a higher spot of ground, as to have the advantage if they attacked.

"Didn't realize I was so close to others. Of course, I had a tail wind and no idea where I was going, and wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. Going my top speed, maybe I'm actually farther away than I think. Wouldn't be suprised if Shadowside was coming to find me and take me back. Stupid of me too not see if there was anyone around," she thought to herself.
I'm a time traveling, Dalek fighting magic user from Gallifrey.
Not really...but I wish I was.
"In 900 years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important." - The Eleventh Doctor
Guys, this is hissyfit so remember to use Koeyna instead of hissyfit been I won't use hissyfit anymore.

Riptide rolled his icy blue eyes at Guinevere. "No, not that, silly. There's someone up there!" The male nodded at Asami, who was flying off after the nocturne that had flitted overhead. "It's another dragon, but I didn't get a good look at 'im." Riptide paused, watching Guinevere follow the bright red dragon back toward a cave. "Alright, hurry back!" He was about to join Asami and pursue the nocturne that had flown overhead when a beautifully colored gold-green dragon came diving in overhead. Riptide ducked, turning to look over his shoulder at Euriona. "Watch out, you almost knocked my head off!" Riptide called, although there was a friendly playful note in his young, shrill voice. "Who're you? I'm Riptide, but you can call me Tide. I've got to say, you're sporting some gorgeous colors. Are you from around here?" Riptide couldn't see her eye color from so far, so he couldn't identify her flight. "You can come closer, I don't bite hard at all!"
@GoldenLeaf89 @Lyree @Salamandra @Chummy
Guys, this is hissyfit so remember to use Koeyna instead of hissyfit been I won't use hissyfit anymore.

Riptide rolled his icy blue eyes at Guinevere. "No, not that, silly. There's someone up there!" The male nodded at Asami, who was flying off after the nocturne that had flitted overhead. "It's another dragon, but I didn't get a good look at 'im." Riptide paused, watching Guinevere follow the bright red dragon back toward a cave. "Alright, hurry back!" He was about to join Asami and pursue the nocturne that had flown overhead when a beautifully colored gold-green dragon came diving in overhead. Riptide ducked, turning to look over his shoulder at Euriona. "Watch out, you almost knocked my head off!" Riptide called, although there was a friendly playful note in his young, shrill voice. "Who're you? I'm Riptide, but you can call me Tide. I've got to say, you're sporting some gorgeous colors. Are you from around here?" Riptide couldn't see her eye color from so far, so he couldn't identify her flight. "You can come closer, I don't bite hard at all!"
@GoldenLeaf89 @Lyree @Salamandra @Chummy
Euriona spread her wings and glided down to the level of the others. She had concluded that these dragons were probably friendly, and most likely wouldn't attack.

"Hello Riptide. I'm not orginially from around here, but I've been around this area for a while now," she answered, curling her tail around her back talons. The sunlight glinted off the necklace around her neck. "Sorry about the dive, I was doing a trick and didn't see all of you here on the ground until the last minute." She checked the sky above for Shadowside, looking upwards before returning her gaze back down. This young dragon wasn't the first to comment on her colors, and most likely wouldn't be the last.
Euriona spread her wings and glided down to the level of the others. She had concluded that these dragons were probably friendly, and most likely wouldn't attack.

"Hello Riptide. I'm not orginially from around here, but I've been around this area for a while now," she answered, curling her tail around her back talons. The sunlight glinted off the necklace around her neck. "Sorry about the dive, I was doing a trick and didn't see all of you here on the ground until the last minute." She checked the sky above for Shadowside, looking upwards before returning her gaze back down. This young dragon wasn't the first to comment on her colors, and most likely wouldn't be the last.
I'm a time traveling, Dalek fighting magic user from Gallifrey.
Not really...but I wish I was.
"In 900 years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important." - The Eleventh Doctor