
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Free Dragons for Newbies!
@PrincesseRouge - Sure! He's on his way over! :)
@PrincesseRouge - Sure! He's on his way over! :)
Could i possibly get The male that is pink and second from The top? I only have two dragons right now and would honestly appreciate and treasure any one that you are willing to give me! I don't know if I have money or anything, or how this works for that matter lol.
Could i possibly get The male that is pink and second from The top? I only have two dragons right now and would honestly appreciate and treasure any one that you are willing to give me! I don't know if I have money or anything, or how this works for that matter lol.
@jenkenobi Thank you so much!!
@jenkenobi Thank you so much!!
eyyo :DDD

may i please have the female teal tiger please (~o-o)~
eyyo :DDD

may i please have the female teal tiger please (~o-o)~
@TAB345684 - Sure thing! I'll set up a Crossroads.. All you have to do is head over to the crossroads link from the side menu or the alert. Then click the "trade offers" tab. And accept the trade. I'm giving these ones away, so all you need is 1 treasure to accept the trade. :)

@PrincesseRouge - You're welcome! :)
@TAB345684 - Sure thing! I'll set up a Crossroads.. All you have to do is head over to the crossroads link from the side menu or the alert. Then click the "trade offers" tab. And accept the trade. I'm giving these ones away, so all you need is 1 treasure to accept the trade. :)

@PrincesseRouge - You're welcome! :)
@xmwarhawk - Yep! Crossroads sent. Enjoy! :)
@xmwarhawk - Yep! Crossroads sent. Enjoy! :)
Thank you sooo much ^-^
Thank you sooo much ^-^
@JenKenobi Hello! Is the Jade/Black/Silver girl still available? She is soooooo cute!!!!
@JenKenobi Hello! Is the Jade/Black/Silver girl still available? She is soooooo cute!!!!

Thank you!

Thank you!
Hi! Could I please get the (Female | Jade Tiger / Black Seraph / Silver Underbelly)?
Hi! Could I please get the (Female | Jade Tiger / Black Seraph / Silver Underbelly)?