Your dragon is out for a nice stroll in the meadow. The hatchlings can jump and fly around through the open skies, and the adult dragons can laze about amoung the flowers. The meadow is a great place to stay. But what happens in the meadow is up to you and your dragons.
So basically this is just a role play about your dragon/s and what they do when they meet others. Just role playing about them! You can make friends and relationships, feuds and arguments, its all up to us. I will only be accepting 5 dragons in this role play at a time, so once the spots are filled I will be closing it off to just us. So join in now and have fun!
- No godmodding
- No perfect characters
- No being rude or discriminating
- Five dragon maximum in role play at a time
- Please make good length posts. None of the two sentence crap
- Have Fun!
Name- Sable
Gender- Female
Flight (If character doesn't have one, no need for this)- Light Flight

Personality- Sable is a very energetic, sweet, and happy young dragon. She loves to play and romp around with her friends. She's always bouncing off the walls and doing something. She is also very curious, always poking her nose into things and meeting new friends. The young light dragon is very social and sweet, everyone loves her.
Sable- @LastDragonlord
Catis- @bluespirit123
SmokeChaser- @invisibleink12
Rind- @digipup
Sable flapped her wings up into the air, attempting to soar through the sky. She was very young and still learning how to use her wings. Sable belonged to the Light Flight and was always told the stories of the LightWeaver. She hoped to someday be as cool as her. Her clan was called Autem Aureum Xystum, The Golden Terrace. The leader Kilgara and his mate Siliana were very kind to her and her clanmates, and she would be forever loyal to them. Kilgara had decided the clan would take a pilgrimage to speak to some of the other Light Clans, and they had stopped his the meadow on the way there for the day. To Sable, that was a wonderful idea, who knew who else she might meet there.
The icy crystal dragon leaped down into the flowers, rolling around and scratching her scales in the soft dirt. "This is so fun!" She howled up at the sun and the puffy white clouds. She jumped to her feet and jumped around in circles, then stopped and looked at the others. Siliana and Kilgara were lazing under a big oak tree, Alimre was sparring with Kyris, who was a bit older than Sable, but not by that much. Algerion was picking flowers. Everyone seemed so happy, and Sable really liked that.
(Ok everyone come join in and meet little Sable :3)
So basically this is just a role play about your dragon/s and what they do when they meet others. Just role playing about them! You can make friends and relationships, feuds and arguments, its all up to us. I will only be accepting 5 dragons in this role play at a time, so once the spots are filled I will be closing it off to just us. So join in now and have fun!
- No godmodding
- No perfect characters
- No being rude or discriminating
- Five dragon maximum in role play at a time
- Please make good length posts. None of the two sentence crap
- Have Fun!
Name- Sable
Gender- Female
Flight (If character doesn't have one, no need for this)- Light Flight

Personality- Sable is a very energetic, sweet, and happy young dragon. She loves to play and romp around with her friends. She's always bouncing off the walls and doing something. She is also very curious, always poking her nose into things and meeting new friends. The young light dragon is very social and sweet, everyone loves her.
Sable- @LastDragonlord
Catis- @bluespirit123
SmokeChaser- @invisibleink12
Rind- @digipup
Sable flapped her wings up into the air, attempting to soar through the sky. She was very young and still learning how to use her wings. Sable belonged to the Light Flight and was always told the stories of the LightWeaver. She hoped to someday be as cool as her. Her clan was called Autem Aureum Xystum, The Golden Terrace. The leader Kilgara and his mate Siliana were very kind to her and her clanmates, and she would be forever loyal to them. Kilgara had decided the clan would take a pilgrimage to speak to some of the other Light Clans, and they had stopped his the meadow on the way there for the day. To Sable, that was a wonderful idea, who knew who else she might meet there.
The icy crystal dragon leaped down into the flowers, rolling around and scratching her scales in the soft dirt. "This is so fun!" She howled up at the sun and the puffy white clouds. She jumped to her feet and jumped around in circles, then stopped and looked at the others. Siliana and Kilgara were lazing under a big oak tree, Alimre was sparring with Kyris, who was a bit older than Sable, but not by that much. Algerion was picking flowers. Everyone seemed so happy, and Sable really liked that.
(Ok everyone come join in and meet little Sable :3)