

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | RP Training Grounds (open, all welcome!)
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((Darn it why am I nervous about every single post I make here. Also, I read that Fae dragons use body language to communicate a lot, so I'm doing my best, but I don't have a guide...))

Kal hissed at the other Fae and spread her wings, flying a few inches back. The crest on her neck vibrated in irritation - that was one bold young dragon, looking to touch her like that.
"Kal" she spat out. "Contagion. Pleased to meet you" she said, remembering manners. "Is your friend mute or what?"
((Darn it why am I nervous about every single post I make here. Also, I read that Fae dragons use body language to communicate a lot, so I'm doing my best, but I don't have a guide...))

Kal hissed at the other Fae and spread her wings, flying a few inches back. The crest on her neck vibrated in irritation - that was one bold young dragon, looking to touch her like that.
"Kal" she spat out. "Contagion. Pleased to meet you" she said, remembering manners. "Is your friend mute or what?"
Wishlist | They/Them or Xe/Zir | Please ping me!
((OK so I clearly did not do my research regarding Fae dragons. :P Lets see if I can work it out. Also I totally do not have a guide, so I'm gonna wing it. XD))

Kazya was a little taken aback at the vehemence with which she was spoken to and withdrew her wing immediately. She bowed her head and her crest drooped a little. "Much apologies." she murmured. "I was not brought up among- among others of my kind. I meant no insult." Her wings dropped till they covered almost her entire body. Mama had told her this was the best way to show contrition.

"Oh and," she peeked and looked at Mersa. "He talks. He'll talk when he wants to. I think he's...shy?"
((OK so I clearly did not do my research regarding Fae dragons. :P Lets see if I can work it out. Also I totally do not have a guide, so I'm gonna wing it. XD))

Kazya was a little taken aback at the vehemence with which she was spoken to and withdrew her wing immediately. She bowed her head and her crest drooped a little. "Much apologies." she murmured. "I was not brought up among- among others of my kind. I meant no insult." Her wings dropped till they covered almost her entire body. Mama had told her this was the best way to show contrition.

"Oh and," she peeked and looked at Mersa. "He talks. He'll talk when he wants to. I think he's...shy?"
MRSA had noticed the other Fae -honestly it was hard not to, since the latter had just approached them out of the blue-; he had been idly observing the throng, before his eyes fixed the newcomer with a curious stare as he was addressed. While this other dragon was a little bit abrasive with Kazya, it didn't come to blows. It was okay.

"Yes. Yes he can speak," he said, voice now a little more thick due to all the excess gunk, which continued to seep out of his mouth. "I just prefer to let my new friend here do the talking."
MRSA had noticed the other Fae -honestly it was hard not to, since the latter had just approached them out of the blue-; he had been idly observing the throng, before his eyes fixed the newcomer with a curious stare as he was addressed. While this other dragon was a little bit abrasive with Kazya, it didn't come to blows. It was okay.

"Yes. Yes he can speak," he said, voice now a little more thick due to all the excess gunk, which continued to seep out of his mouth. "I just prefer to let my new friend here do the talking."
Kazya poked her head out from under her wing further. "Are you well?" she asked Mersa with some concern. Was that...stuff dripping from his mouth? "You don't look well. Do you need herbs? My mother knows something of herbs. Um, I could take you to her. Or maybe look around for some? If," she gave a hesitant look to him and the other Fae, "if you don't mind."
Kazya poked her head out from under her wing further. "Are you well?" she asked Mersa with some concern. Was that...stuff dripping from his mouth? "You don't look well. Do you need herbs? My mother knows something of herbs. Um, I could take you to her. Or maybe look around for some? If," she gave a hesitant look to him and the other Fae, "if you don't mind."
Kal finally noticed the very apparent gunk dripping from the bigger dragon's mouth. She relaxed her wings and crest and flew closer to examine it.
"You, are you a healer?" she asked the youngling. "Because if you're not, I suggest you take him to your mother, lest you want him to get worse." she scanned the little Fae carefully "You'll never carry him. You'll fall and break both necks. So unless you can get your mother here, or find someone who can make sure he doesn't die mid-flight, I suggest looking for a healer here."
Kal finally noticed the very apparent gunk dripping from the bigger dragon's mouth. She relaxed her wings and crest and flew closer to examine it.
"You, are you a healer?" she asked the youngling. "Because if you're not, I suggest you take him to your mother, lest you want him to get worse." she scanned the little Fae carefully "You'll never carry him. You'll fall and break both necks. So unless you can get your mother here, or find someone who can make sure he doesn't die mid-flight, I suggest looking for a healer here."
Wishlist | They/Them or Xe/Zir | Please ping me!
Rivi listened to the Nocturne's instructions and planted her feet firmly onto her companion's neck, beginning to pull on his horns.

"Pull up pull up pULL UP PULL UUUUP!" she shrieked, the run on words almost sounding like "plup".

Arindel could feel his head pulling back, and the closer they got towards the ground the more his body began to curve as he kept his wings out and open in attempts to glide. Rivi managed to get the fledgling righted when they were mere meters off the ground. But their speed did not slow and they were now heading towards the two faes and the...dragon..thing?

"Look oooouut!" the imperial cried, too panicked to even notion the idea of flapping backwards.
Rivi listened to the Nocturne's instructions and planted her feet firmly onto her companion's neck, beginning to pull on his horns.

"Pull up pull up pULL UP PULL UUUUP!" she shrieked, the run on words almost sounding like "plup".

Arindel could feel his head pulling back, and the closer they got towards the ground the more his body began to curve as he kept his wings out and open in attempts to glide. Rivi managed to get the fledgling righted when they were mere meters off the ground. But their speed did not slow and they were now heading towards the two faes and the...dragon..thing?

"Look oooouut!" the imperial cried, too panicked to even notion the idea of flapping backwards.
The Nocturne watched with lowered eyes before following quickly after it. "Oh this is bad, way bad--" the worry seeping off Leyona's tone of voice. She flapped herwings to at least keep up and land near the two falling dragons, gripping onto the strand from the mane of the Imperial. She looked down at the Imperial and the Fae, knowing this wouldn't end well if they were to crash on top.

"If things get hostile I hope they take in the account that it is only a hatchling." She muttered, flicking her tail, sharpened with horns.

Though considering by how they look who knows what type of luck they'll recieve. Oh please, Lightweaver, aid them.
The Nocturne watched with lowered eyes before following quickly after it. "Oh this is bad, way bad--" the worry seeping off Leyona's tone of voice. She flapped herwings to at least keep up and land near the two falling dragons, gripping onto the strand from the mane of the Imperial. She looked down at the Imperial and the Fae, knowing this wouldn't end well if they were to crash on top.

"If things get hostile I hope they take in the account that it is only a hatchling." She muttered, flicking her tail, sharpened with horns.

Though considering by how they look who knows what type of luck they'll recieve. Oh please, Lightweaver, aid them.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] "Ah." So this dragon was one of those fashionable types then. Not what he had originally expected, though it made sense how he could so easily flash his vivid colors. Not that it would matter much for an Imperial, especially one his size? Too massive to hide anyways, and what beings could pose a great danger? Mortifin was disappointed a bit, but he could still turn it around in his favor. He resumed his looping in the reverse direction, pondering. He wasn't carrying much in the way of decorative items then, certainly nothing that would fit the giant - ha! Was there anything in the store at home? The phytocat would remember for sure, he kept inventory more thoroughly than himself. He'd left his companion behind though, along with the quirig that had begun following them. A gathering of dragons this large was too dangerous a situation for them. Friendly this meeting may be, but even with familiars you never knew when another drake might decide a snack was in order. Though the woods were where his friend thrived best anywa- A rising commotion caught his ear, and from the corner of his eye he noticed the mass hurtling towards him. His adrenaline* kicked in, and he immediately adjusted his wings, enacting an elaborate aerial contortion that placed him just above the missile as it hurtled underneath him. A young Imperial the same size as himself and a Fae on top, both shrieking wildly. "Watch it!" he growled, his eyes glinting from beneath his hood, first at the two he had narrowly avoided and then including the Noctune frantically flying after. Though his statement would probably have little effect given the situation. That Imperial couldn't fly a bit. Mortifin considered assisting with magic, but the Plague element was more suited for harm than any kind of helpful activity. And it seemed to be a large enough entourage already that no good would be achieved following after. Nothing to do except 'sit' and wait. *corresponding draconic hormone equivalent

"Ah." So this dragon was one of those fashionable types then. Not what he had originally expected, though it made sense how he could so easily flash his vivid colors. Not that it would matter much for an Imperial, especially one his size? Too massive to hide anyways, and what beings could pose a great danger? Mortifin was disappointed a bit, but he could still turn it around in his favor. He resumed his looping in the reverse direction, pondering. He wasn't carrying much in the way of decorative items then, certainly nothing that would fit the giant - ha! Was there anything in the store at home? The phytocat would remember for sure, he kept inventory more thoroughly than himself. He'd left his companion behind though, along with the quirig that had begun following them. A gathering of dragons this large was too dangerous a situation for them. Friendly this meeting may be, but even with familiars you never knew when another drake might decide a snack was in order. Though the woods were where his friend thrived best anywa-

A rising commotion caught his ear, and from the corner of his eye he noticed the mass hurtling towards him. His adrenaline* kicked in, and he immediately adjusted his wings, enacting an elaborate aerial contortion that placed him just above the missile as it hurtled underneath him. A young Imperial the same size as himself and a Fae on top, both shrieking wildly. "Watch it!" he growled, his eyes glinting from beneath his hood, first at the two he had narrowly avoided and then including the Noctune frantically flying after. Though his statement would probably have little effect given the situation. That Imperial couldn't fly a bit. Mortifin considered assisting with magic, but the Plague element was more suited for harm than any kind of helpful activity. And it seemed to be a large enough entourage already that no good would be achieved following after. Nothing to do except 'sit' and wait.

*corresponding draconic hormone equivalent
If Tropic had any visible eyebrows, he would've raised them in a both questioning and intrigued way. After all, was it every day that one got to see a Fae and an Imperial barrel through a crowd of dragons like a missile shot from a very badly positioned launcher? The two dragons zoomed through the crowds, almost hitting the Spiral if he had not jerked up. Tropic merely stepped a bit to the right, completely avoiding the duo. Perhaps, moving hadn't even been necessary, for the spot where they flashed by was at least a couple inches away from where he had been sitting a few moments before.
If Tropic had any visible eyebrows, he would've raised them in a both questioning and intrigued way. After all, was it every day that one got to see a Fae and an Imperial barrel through a crowd of dragons like a missile shot from a very badly positioned launcher? The two dragons zoomed through the crowds, almost hitting the Spiral if he had not jerked up. Tropic merely stepped a bit to the right, completely avoiding the duo. Perhaps, moving hadn't even been necessary, for the spot where they flashed by was at least a couple inches away from where he had been sitting a few moments before.
"No, I'm perfectly fine, this always happens when I get excited-" came the reply as MRSA clears his throat. There was a sound not unlike what one would hear in a jammed pipe trying to empty he swallows a whole wad of the stuff. The leftovers continue their slow, random path across his jaw and down his neck. "Better? Better."

The dragon stretches his impressive wingspan, letting the ooze settle across it's length...when the sudden cacophony catches his attention. Six pupils shrink into thin slits at the sight of a plummeting Imperial headed their way.

He had dropped like a stone during a very wobbly flight as an embarrassing childhood memory, and from that he remembered how his father had caught him before he hit the ground. He had spotted some Centaurs do the same with an egg-shaped leather ball in a strange game they were playing; catching the ball as it was thrown towards them. The panicking Imperial was around the right size too...

MRSA moves surprisingly fast for his stature, wings snapping open fully as he launches himself off the ground. "I got you-" he shouts, coming right at the pair with the intent to snatch them out of the air...and hopefully a crash landing.
"No, I'm perfectly fine, this always happens when I get excited-" came the reply as MRSA clears his throat. There was a sound not unlike what one would hear in a jammed pipe trying to empty he swallows a whole wad of the stuff. The leftovers continue their slow, random path across his jaw and down his neck. "Better? Better."

The dragon stretches his impressive wingspan, letting the ooze settle across it's length...when the sudden cacophony catches his attention. Six pupils shrink into thin slits at the sight of a plummeting Imperial headed their way.

He had dropped like a stone during a very wobbly flight as an embarrassing childhood memory, and from that he remembered how his father had caught him before he hit the ground. He had spotted some Centaurs do the same with an egg-shaped leather ball in a strange game they were playing; catching the ball as it was thrown towards them. The panicking Imperial was around the right size too...

MRSA moves surprisingly fast for his stature, wings snapping open fully as he launches himself off the ground. "I got you-" he shouts, coming right at the pair with the intent to snatch them out of the air...and hopefully a crash landing.
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