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@Pocketchange hOOOLLLAAAAA YEAH MAN SO STOKED FOR THAT!!!! Kinda bummed that none of the actual characters are in the game?? (I think that's what Hussie said....I don't remember....but I DO remember there being something about some new chick????) and oh lord I'm so bad at the aspect/class thing @w@ Ummmm I think I was ..something with space....maybe...??? hOWEVER I am a prospit dreamer, with karkat as my patron uwu (I remember reading somewhere that your patron troll was based on something different than your actual zodiac??? BUT going with my zodiac sign as Cancer, it is indeed Karkat xD)

Yeah, I'm waiting for my egg to hatch (?), so that's gonna take a week, at least. In the meantime, I think I'm gonna rack up as many treasures as I can by playing games xD

(ALSO I have a question: Did a random dragon (of the opposite gender to yours join your clan when you first joined? Or was that just something that happened to mine?)
@Pocketchange hOOOLLLAAAAA YEAH MAN SO STOKED FOR THAT!!!! Kinda bummed that none of the actual characters are in the game?? (I think that's what Hussie said....I don't remember....but I DO remember there being something about some new chick????) and oh lord I'm so bad at the aspect/class thing @w@ Ummmm I think I was ..something with space....maybe...??? hOWEVER I am a prospit dreamer, with karkat as my patron uwu (I remember reading somewhere that your patron troll was based on something different than your actual zodiac??? BUT going with my zodiac sign as Cancer, it is indeed Karkat xD)

Yeah, I'm waiting for my egg to hatch (?), so that's gonna take a week, at least. In the meantime, I think I'm gonna rack up as many treasures as I can by playing games xD

(ALSO I have a question: Did a random dragon (of the opposite gender to yours join your clan when you first joined? Or was that just something that happened to mine?)
@festivetrickster i don't know too much about the game, but i believe it'll be an entirely new set of characters and the protagonist girl looks pretty cute. your patron is based on which troll you relate to most, and in my case (and it seems like yours as well), mine happens to match my zodiac sign (i'm a libra).

Yeah, the random dragon of the opposite gender is normal! it's for breeding purposes. you can also try gathering under "gather items." what you get at first won't be much, but i think the items get better as you level those skills so it's just a matter of patience.
@festivetrickster i don't know too much about the game, but i believe it'll be an entirely new set of characters and the protagonist girl looks pretty cute. your patron is based on which troll you relate to most, and in my case (and it seems like yours as well), mine happens to match my zodiac sign (i'm a libra).

Yeah, the random dragon of the opposite gender is normal! it's for breeding purposes. you can also try gathering under "gather items." what you get at first won't be much, but i think the items get better as you level those skills so it's just a matter of patience.
@Pocketchange ohhh ok yeah that makes sense xD

Ok! That's what I thought! Thanks! :D
@Pocketchange ohhh ok yeah that makes sense xD

Ok! That's what I thought! Thanks! :D
Hey! I love your art and I'm a newbie to FR as well! ;u; ♥

It seems we have a lot in common! I adore pokemon, pmmm, and just got into Kill la Kill - I'm onto Ep 4, I'm also really wanting to get into homestuck but i find myself a bit intimidated.

I'm also getting into the same sort of field in terms of programming! I'm into a bit broader stuff, like character design and media in general - but programming is totally something I'm into.

It's so cool to find people with similar interests around!
Hey! I love your art and I'm a newbie to FR as well! ;u; ♥

It seems we have a lot in common! I adore pokemon, pmmm, and just got into Kill la Kill - I'm onto Ep 4, I'm also really wanting to get into homestuck but i find myself a bit intimidated.

I'm also getting into the same sort of field in terms of programming! I'm into a bit broader stuff, like character design and media in general - but programming is totally something I'm into.

It's so cool to find people with similar interests around!
bamboo_phytocat.png 2OTuj7X.png
Hey there @Pocketchange you seem swell

Thanks for also being my millionth reminder I need to properly watch KLK not just the Takarada eps ;)
Hey there @Pocketchange you seem swell

Thanks for also being my millionth reminder I need to properly watch KLK not just the Takarada eps ;)
Hey there @pocketchange ! Nice to see someone else who does web dev stuff! ^^ What web languages do you write in?
Hey there @pocketchange ! Nice to see someone else who does web dev stuff! ^^ What web languages do you write in?

HELLO & WELCOME. Nice & intense entrance there my friend. I'm a few hours newer than you myself, but you can never have too many welcomes.

I'm (almost) 19 too. So incredibly close to 19, I've already slipped up out of sheer laziness and told people, yeah, I'm 19 too. Though if it makes it any more memorable, it'll be official on the 19th (ironically enough), so hopefully it'll seem as though I was never 18 in the first place.

Ah, I'm Jess, btw! I love anime too (like I never stop watching it), and games, and never doing my work. I feel like we're soul-mates already.

BTW your art is incredibly cute o3o

HELLO & WELCOME. Nice & intense entrance there my friend. I'm a few hours newer than you myself, but you can never have too many welcomes.

I'm (almost) 19 too. So incredibly close to 19, I've already slipped up out of sheer laziness and told people, yeah, I'm 19 too. Though if it makes it any more memorable, it'll be official on the 19th (ironically enough), so hopefully it'll seem as though I was never 18 in the first place.

Ah, I'm Jess, btw! I love anime too (like I never stop watching it), and games, and never doing my work. I feel like we're soul-mates already.

BTW your art is incredibly cute o3o
@ameondine oh gosh i'm so sorry i never saw your reply originally;; it's nice to see other homestucks around, and thank you for the compliment on my art!

@Nerada character design is pretty much my favorite thing ever. well, more like creature design. attempting to pick up programming was sort of my way of doing something with my designs instead of just doing them and then leaving them to collect digital dust. don't be afraid of homestuck. we're in a gigapause right now and even though most of the fandom seemed to be expecting it to end a couple days ago, the author said we still have "a while" and i'm pretty sure you'll have time to catch up before/in time for the final update! it's a good read, just very long. don't feel obligated to try to read more than you want to, or to keep going if you find you don't like it. also kill la kill is going to kill la kill you. i'm still dead from the finale.

@joaniedark the first few episodes aren't so great compared to the series as a whole. i think it's around the end of episode three when the ride really begins. oh boy

@fortytwo i'm doing it through lessons and the first language to learn was HTML, which i got down pretty quickly. the second was css and that's where the issues began. when it comes to just the scripts themselves, i'm good. i can do those fine. but my colors are... not so great. i think i keep looking at it from the standpoint of an artist so i pick out colors that, on my palette, look very nice together, but aren't actually nice when they're put into action. i can never find the right colors to put against the right backgrounds without it being an eye strain and it's a bit of a mess but i'm not giving up. after i finish css, the next language on the list is javascript

@Jessze hhnf you're so sweet omg. i have the opposite problem--i turned 19 and kept telling everyone i was 18 just out of habit. i'm turning 20 this year and that feels like an intimidating number but it's still several months away so i'm not really worrying about it yet. thanks for the compliments, and don't worry, playing video games is the only reason i will stop watching anime. currently i'm playing danganronpa, but after a recent mistake on my part i lost all my save data and had to start over.
@ameondine oh gosh i'm so sorry i never saw your reply originally;; it's nice to see other homestucks around, and thank you for the compliment on my art!

@Nerada character design is pretty much my favorite thing ever. well, more like creature design. attempting to pick up programming was sort of my way of doing something with my designs instead of just doing them and then leaving them to collect digital dust. don't be afraid of homestuck. we're in a gigapause right now and even though most of the fandom seemed to be expecting it to end a couple days ago, the author said we still have "a while" and i'm pretty sure you'll have time to catch up before/in time for the final update! it's a good read, just very long. don't feel obligated to try to read more than you want to, or to keep going if you find you don't like it. also kill la kill is going to kill la kill you. i'm still dead from the finale.

@joaniedark the first few episodes aren't so great compared to the series as a whole. i think it's around the end of episode three when the ride really begins. oh boy

@fortytwo i'm doing it through lessons and the first language to learn was HTML, which i got down pretty quickly. the second was css and that's where the issues began. when it comes to just the scripts themselves, i'm good. i can do those fine. but my colors are... not so great. i think i keep looking at it from the standpoint of an artist so i pick out colors that, on my palette, look very nice together, but aren't actually nice when they're put into action. i can never find the right colors to put against the right backgrounds without it being an eye strain and it's a bit of a mess but i'm not giving up. after i finish css, the next language on the list is javascript

@Jessze hhnf you're so sweet omg. i have the opposite problem--i turned 19 and kept telling everyone i was 18 just out of habit. i'm turning 20 this year and that feels like an intimidating number but it's still several months away so i'm not really worrying about it yet. thanks for the compliments, and don't worry, playing video games is the only reason i will stop watching anime. currently i'm playing danganronpa, but after a recent mistake on my part i lost all my save data and had to start over.
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