
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | Wind Dom Shop [Closed]

Hello! Whenever you're back online, could I get the following:
-Kite party
-Breeze Ribbon
-Featherbound Wayfarer
-Esteemed Aeromancer
-Pipe Dreams
-Trade Winds
-Paper airplane

That should be 238,000t? Thank you!

Hello! Whenever you're back online, could I get the following:
-Kite party
-Breeze Ribbon
-Featherbound Wayfarer
-Esteemed Aeromancer
-Pipe Dreams
-Trade Winds
-Paper airplane

That should be 238,000t? Thank you!
I am on able to get you the items
I am on able to get you the items

Do you happen to be open ? If so is there any chance I could order a full set of fest skins :')

Do you happen to be open ? If so is there any chance I could order a full set of fest skins :')
+9 FR time
hello @ProudMomof1 ,
May I order one of each of the marketplace exclusive skins/accents?
hello @ProudMomof1 ,
May I order one of each of the marketplace exclusive skins/accents?
@ChrispBreadfield, @DragonTamer12 @Catmints @Broderick
If you are still online, I am available to get your items
@ChrispBreadfield, @DragonTamer12 @Catmints @Broderick
If you are still online, I am available to get your items

I am ready if you are ready. Will you guys be online for a little bit?

I am ready if you are ready. Will you guys be online for a little bit?
@ProudMomof1 I should still be online for at least an hour, but I'm trusting enough that I'll get my order so :')
I'll be sending the funds now
@ProudMomof1 I should still be online for at least an hour, but I'm trusting enough that I'll get my order so :')
I'll be sending the funds now
+9 FR time
@ProudMomof1 Wasn't pinged, but just a quick message to let you know that I am still online, but I won't be for long.

EDIT/ Thank you! Have a nice end of the day, and good luck with all those other orders! :)
@ProudMomof1 Wasn't pinged, but just a quick message to let you know that I am still online, but I won't be for long.

EDIT/ Thank you! Have a nice end of the day, and good luck with all those other orders! :)
@ProudMomof1 I am! Just sent over the payment!
@ProudMomof1 I am! Just sent over the payment!
@ProudMomof1 Yes, I'll be online for at least another hour~
How much treasure does it add up to? c:
@ProudMomof1 Yes, I'll be online for at least another hour~
How much treasure does it add up to? c: