
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
Damn that looks really cool but then I don't have tumblr so I unfortunately can't follow it //sigh

Gonna tell my friend who do has a tumblr though c: I'm sure she'd be interested.
Damn that looks really cool but then I don't have tumblr so I unfortunately can't follow it //sigh

Gonna tell my friend who do has a tumblr though c: I'm sure she'd be interested.
My frond @Altair has told me and I have followed thee :v

My blog is thor-and-lokis-butt :v :v :v
My frond @Altair has told me and I have followed thee :v

My blog is thor-and-lokis-butt :v :v :v
Followed. Currently spoopfarting, after Oct. 31 I will be cryfarting.
Followed. Currently spoopfarting, after Oct. 31 I will be cryfarting.
@Helmintio oh my, the art is really lovely! I've followed you on tarerereaughhh :3
@Helmintio oh my, the art is really lovely! I've followed you on tarerereaughhh :3

I followed with my tumblr creaturesofepona(: or it's my ravensflight tumblr lol one of the two

I followed with my tumblr creaturesofepona(: or it's my ravensflight tumblr lol one of the two

followed with "semiramisu" :3

followed with "semiramisu" :3
@Helmintio followed you passivefan. Your art is really amazing btw. :3
@Helmintio followed you passivefan. Your art is really amazing btw. :3
@Helmintio i have followed you using the account "ramenraptor" :O its such a neat looking game i look forward to joining in the future
@Helmintio i have followed you using the account "ramenraptor" :O its such a neat looking game i look forward to joining in the future
Followed you as "skelizard"! You're art's really cool! :O
Followed you as "skelizard"! You're art's really cool! :O
followed with "askladbertholdt" OvO
followed with "askladbertholdt" OvO
