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TOPIC | Small things that make you happy?
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Literally small things: Randomly finding cool little invertebrates during nature walks. Also, small vertebrates are neat too. Or mushrooms. Or nice rocks. Nature is beautiful.
Literally small things: Randomly finding cool little invertebrates during nature walks. Also, small vertebrates are neat too. Or mushrooms. Or nice rocks. Nature is beautiful.
Specifically stepping in rain puddles while barefoot. Not sure what it is, but it's one of the nicest tactile sensations in the world to me!
Specifically stepping in rain puddles while barefoot. Not sure what it is, but it's one of the nicest tactile sensations in the world to me!
Getting to wear my cryptid socks (socks patterned with bigfoot, mothman, etc), thinking of a new character idea, seeing my favorite youtuber upload new content, listening to a song I like, going to the bookstore
Getting to wear my cryptid socks (socks patterned with bigfoot, mothman, etc), thinking of a new character idea, seeing my favorite youtuber upload new content, listening to a song I like, going to the bookstore
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The feeling of wool blend socks on my feet :3
The feeling of wool blend socks on my feet :3
[quote name="bulrush" date="2024-04-25 10:01:37" ] rain is considered a gloomy thing usually but its my favorite type of weather, it never lasts very long where i live but its so lovely to hear the noise through my window (i like to open it if its not raining too hard outside) and it clears the air up. i think it rained a small amount earlier in the month but it turned to snow, im always excited for the first real rain of the year. [/quote] Ah, you've already said what I was going to say :D I particularly enjoy sticking my head out of a window and taking a deep breath while it's raining. So soothing and refreshing
bulrush wrote on 2024-04-25 10:01:37:
rain is considered a gloomy thing usually but its my favorite type of weather, it never lasts very long where i live but its so lovely to hear the noise through my window (i like to open it if its not raining too hard outside) and it clears the air up. i think it rained a small amount earlier in the month but it turned to snow, im always excited for the first real rain of the year.

Ah, you've already said what I was going to say :D
I particularly enjoy sticking my head out of a window and taking a deep breath while it's raining. So soothing and refreshing
_________ CkbRBhK.gif _ Moondyne | fr time +17 | "If it's meant to happen it'll happen anyway"
I like going on little walks (or sometimes very long walks) through trails in the woods, especially when there's a river near the trail. it's just peaceful, and quite nostalgic, cause ever since I was really young, whenever I went to my grandparents in the summer my grandmother and I would go on a walk to this river close to their house. we still do it every year at least a few times, just waiting for it to be summer again lol

also rocks. I like rocks. I really like rocks, also due to the whole river thing. I collected a lotta rocks that I thought were interesting whenever we went to the river, I still have one or two of them at my house and I used to force my grandparents to keep all the rocks in a bucket for me haha. I don't collect them anymore cause I do not have the space to keep rocks, but I do like seeing all the weird and unique looking ones. I think my favourite rock that I collected from that place was this one rock that looked like a clam. I gave it a name which was clammy cause I was like 5. I still have the rock... pieces of it anyway. my cousin threw the rock a few years ago and it broke in two. I might try glueing it back together, though idk how well glue works on rocks lol
I like going on little walks (or sometimes very long walks) through trails in the woods, especially when there's a river near the trail. it's just peaceful, and quite nostalgic, cause ever since I was really young, whenever I went to my grandparents in the summer my grandmother and I would go on a walk to this river close to their house. we still do it every year at least a few times, just waiting for it to be summer again lol

also rocks. I like rocks. I really like rocks, also due to the whole river thing. I collected a lotta rocks that I thought were interesting whenever we went to the river, I still have one or two of them at my house and I used to force my grandparents to keep all the rocks in a bucket for me haha. I don't collect them anymore cause I do not have the space to keep rocks, but I do like seeing all the weird and unique looking ones. I think my favourite rock that I collected from that place was this one rock that looked like a clam. I gave it a name which was clammy cause I was like 5. I still have the rock... pieces of it anyway. my cousin threw the rock a few years ago and it broke in two. I might try glueing it back together, though idk how well glue works on rocks lol
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Flight rising :3
Flight rising :3
Plants. Potted, landscaped, leaves blowing across the sidewalk, anything. I love seeing them, whether they're weeds, flowers, sharp or soft. Books, rocks, and chapstick that smells way too fruity. Floral tea. Art, wherever I see it. Rain. The color blue. The color green. There are so many little things and I like focusing on all of them, because they all feel good. <3
Plants. Potted, landscaped, leaves blowing across the sidewalk, anything. I love seeing them, whether they're weeds, flowers, sharp or soft. Books, rocks, and chapstick that smells way too fruity. Floral tea. Art, wherever I see it. Rain. The color blue. The color green. There are so many little things and I like focusing on all of them, because they all feel good. <3
Eventually I'll just DIY a signature...
for me it's just waking up every morning and seeing the ducks we have by the lake outside my house! I've known them since i was practically born and they're all very sweet birds
for me it's just waking up every morning and seeing the ducks we have by the lake outside my house! I've known them since i was practically born and they're all very sweet birds
My husband brings random treats home sometimes. A coworker makes candies in dinosaur shapes so he brings them home every time now.
My husband brings random treats home sometimes. A coworker makes candies in dinosaur shapes so he brings them home every time now.
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