I'd take away my anxiety if I could because it plagues my everyday life and it's hard for me to have confidence in a lot of the things I do because of it.
Now, if I could add something it would be wings because I have always dreamed of having them
I'd take away my anxiety if I could because it plagues my everyday life and it's hard for me to have confidence in a lot of the things I do because of it.
Now, if I could add something it would be wings because I have always dreamed of having them
Well-behaved women seldom make history - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
End corruption now
I would change my muscle mass. I am weak, and I want to be strong.
Wings only if the are functional, and if not bull type horns...
I would change my muscle mass. I am weak, and I want to be strong.
Wings only if the are functional, and if not bull type horns...
Hmmm, that's a tough question. I have really ugly hands - my hands have always looked like those of an elderly person. They're very bony and wrinkly and dry, and I often get a disgusted look if I touch someone and they see my hands. Out of politeness they don't say anything, and my friends have all asked me at one point or another why my hands are like that. I try to take pride in them (I mean I kinda have to because they're never gonna change lol) but I just get so embarrassed when I get that look.
As far as adding something, a tail would be cool. I mean, most animals have tails to communicate emotions, like a dog tucking his tail when he's scared, or raising it when he's angry, so it'd be cool if we had tails that worked that way. It'd be a lot easier to read people's emotions and harder for us to get away with a lie, lol.
Hmmm, that's a tough question. I have really ugly hands - my hands have always looked like those of an elderly person. They're very bony and wrinkly and dry, and I often get a disgusted look if I touch someone and they see my hands. Out of politeness they don't say anything, and my friends have all asked me at one point or another why my hands are like that. I try to take pride in them (I mean I kinda have to because they're never gonna change lol) but I just get so embarrassed when I get that look.
As far as adding something, a tail would be cool. I mean, most animals have tails to communicate emotions, like a dog tucking his tail when he's scared, or raising it when he's angry, so it'd be cool if we had tails that worked that way. It'd be a lot easier to read people's emotions and harder for us to get away with a lie, lol.
Luminous Almonds
Almost too pretty to eat. Almost.
Hello, I'm Doetree!
26 | she | artist + teacher | FR+2
;u; me too friend. I can't even do a push up... We should "work" together on muscle mass building :O We could be internet exercise buddies~ Encourage one another.
;u; me too friend. I can't even do a push up... We should "work" together on muscle mass building :O We could be internet exercise buddies~ Encourage one another.
its weird my one friend is a lot stronger than me but she can't do a push up either, but it is kinda an important skill to build up muscle lol. I just wanna lift 70 pounds really. Time to get weights and start a strength building topic? I'll probably forget about it in a week but hey
its weird my one friend is a lot stronger than me but she can't do a push up either, but it is kinda an important skill to build up muscle lol. I just wanna lift 70 pounds really. Time to get weights and start a strength building topic? I'll probably forget about it in a week but hey
If I could change one thing about myself, I would either make myself at least three inches taller or exchange all of my excess body fat for muscle. Being 5'4 irritates me, but so does being 170 lbs. I mean, enough of it is muscle to the point where I'm more solid than squishy, but there's no definition to my muscles. Or I could change how much I procrastinate.
If I could add something though, I think I'd either give myself demon wings, a demon tail, fangs, or all three.
If I could change one thing about myself, I would either make myself at least three inches taller or exchange all of my excess body fat for muscle. Being 5'4 irritates me, but so does being 170 lbs. I mean, enough of it is muscle to the point where I'm more solid than squishy, but there's no definition to my muscles. Or I could change how much I procrastinate.
If I could add something though, I think I'd either give myself demon wings, a demon tail, fangs, or all three.
"If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don't fight, you can't win!"