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It’s frustrating when you feel motivated to work on something but have too much brain fog to do anything correctly. Ugh.
It’s frustrating when you feel motivated to work on something but have too much brain fog to do anything correctly. Ugh.
taking a break from listening to music at my own volition aka im more at the whims of the radio at work, esp now that i dont have much solo time there so its back to usual mainstreamy radio instead of nice classical + folk + jazz type stuff

anyway freakin uhhhhhh espresso macchiato (by tommy cash) stuck in my head lmfaoooo ive heard it like 3 times in my 2.5 days of work this week, i even found out only from the newspapers at work that it got chosen as estonias eurovision entry whenever that was but went some time btwn that n actually hearing it. and. i dont blame the ppl that get earwormed by it
taking a break from listening to music at my own volition aka im more at the whims of the radio at work, esp now that i dont have much solo time there so its back to usual mainstreamy radio instead of nice classical + folk + jazz type stuff

anyway freakin uhhhhhh espresso macchiato (by tommy cash) stuck in my head lmfaoooo ive heard it like 3 times in my 2.5 days of work this week, i even found out only from the newspapers at work that it got chosen as estonias eurovision entry whenever that was but went some time btwn that n actually hearing it. and. i dont blame the ppl that get earwormed by it
sneek | she | '96 | frt+10

"have you tried drink water"
Me upon discovering the Death Note: ReLight movies: I need to watch them now.

I can’t believe I used to think: “Eh I don’t like it” when listening to this song for the first time now I’m pretty much living it. It is my life
Me upon discovering the Death Note: ReLight movies: I need to watch them now.

I can’t believe I used to think: “Eh I don’t like it” when listening to this song for the first time now I’m pretty much living it. It is my life
C41-B82-D4-74-CF-41-F7-82-B0-DDEF5-B909503.gif Previously GoldenWolf21
would love a scatter project but seeing people sinking gems into hundreds of scatters and still keep going for something good... could not be me i'd rather just buy a pretty g1 up-front
would love a scatter project but seeing people sinking gems into hundreds of scatters and still keep going for something good... could not be me i'd rather just buy a pretty g1 up-front
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The fodder floor is really climbing, oh boy... I guess I won't be profit exalting for a bit. I should use the Springswarm exp bonus to finally finish training another level 25
The fodder floor is really climbing, oh boy... I guess I won't be profit exalting for a bit. I should use the Springswarm exp bonus to finally finish training another level 25
"Luvdisc's heart-shaped body is a symbol of love and romance. It is said that any couple meeting this Pokémon is promised a loving relationship that never ends."
he/they | mid 20s | engaged | AO3 | Hatchery
HOLY HYLIA that was an amazing jumpscare
HOLY HYLIA that was an amazing jumpscare
C41-B82-D4-74-CF-41-F7-82-B0-DDEF5-B909503.gif Previously GoldenWolf21
my main goal (/ref) is to mention very popular songs that only a certain demographic would recognize, so when anyone wonders "has anyone talked about this?" they'd look it up on the forum search and find that there's at least one other person that has, in fact, talked about it
my main goal (/ref) is to mention very popular songs that only a certain demographic would recognize, so when anyone wonders "has anyone talked about this?" they'd look it up on the forum search and find that there's at least one other person that has, in fact, talked about it
J2vNoME.gif > FR time +5
> Artfol
> Avatar dragon
> PING ME! I love getting silly notifs
> If you like an outfit I made, please, save it. I delete outfits after a week or so
I have had a "stop opening rusted chests, save them for Swipp" note to myself on my profile for years and guess what I still do every time I notice I have a lot of rusted chests sitting in my hoard
I have had a "stop opening rusted chests, save them for Swipp" note to myself on my profile for years and guess what I still do every time I notice I have a lot of rusted chests sitting in my hoard
"Luvdisc's heart-shaped body is a symbol of love and romance. It is said that any couple meeting this Pokémon is promised a loving relationship that never ends."
he/they | mid 20s | engaged | AO3 | Hatchery
sometimes ...people are really nice ;_;
sometimes ...people are really nice ;_;
i could learn coding from the ground up, apply to become part of flight rising's coding team, get accepted, code a "fight on" keyboard bind, and it would still be quicker than waiting for staff to do it themselves /lh
i could learn coding from the ground up, apply to become part of flight rising's coding team, get accepted, code a "fight on" keyboard bind, and it would still be quicker than waiting for staff to do it themselves /lh
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