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TOPIC | Uncommonly-known animals?
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Got any favorite animals - or just interesting animals in general - that you know of that many others don't? It can also include commonly known animals with rare color/gene conditions such as strawberry leopards ([i]Due to someone asking, I will say this: such color/gene mutations do not qualify an animal as a separate species. I didn't mean it that way when I said it[/i]). Doesn't matter if they don't currently exist or if they might be a cryptid. Here's my list, compiled on my "Notes to Self," on my profile: [b]Golden tabby tiger[/b] Their colors are caused by inbreeding or some such, and they are completely unnatural - but just look at those beautiful colors! [img][/img] [b] Partially melanistic leopard[/b] [img][/img] [b] King cheetah[/b] Cheetahs with some super awesome patterns. [img][/img] [b]Marozi[/b] Nobody's quite sure what this thing is. It's a cryptid to many - probably the offspring of several different big cat species. [img][/img] [b]Maltese tiger[/b] Another cryptid-like creature. I don't think there's any REAL proof that Maltese tigers exist, but they're said to have blue-tinted fur. They're cool to think about. [img][/img] [b]Erythristic black backed jackal[/b] Another color mutation. [img][/img] [b] Strawberry leopard[/b] Color mutations everywhere. [img][/img] [b]Fossa[/b] Native only to Madagascar, these crazy things look sort of like someone fused a cat and a weasel together! [img][/img] [b]Terciopelo snake[/b] SNEK. [img][/img] [b]Boomslang[/b] Another snek! Popularized by Harry Potter, no doubt. [img][/img]
Got any favorite animals - or just interesting animals in general - that you know of that many others don't? It can also include commonly known animals with rare color/gene conditions such as strawberry leopards (Due to someone asking, I will say this: such color/gene mutations do not qualify an animal as a separate species. I didn't mean it that way when I said it). Doesn't matter if they don't currently exist or if they might be a cryptid. Here's my list, compiled on my "Notes to Self," on my profile:

Golden tabby tiger
Their colors are caused by inbreeding or some such, and they are completely unnatural - but just look at those beautiful colors!

Partially melanistic leopard


King cheetah

Cheetahs with some super awesome patterns.

Nobody's quite sure what this thing is. It's a cryptid to many - probably the offspring of several different big cat species.

Maltese tiger
Another cryptid-like creature. I don't think there's any REAL proof that Maltese tigers exist, but they're said to have blue-tinted fur. They're cool to think about.

Erythristic black backed jackal
Another color mutation.

Strawberry leopard

Color mutations everywhere.

Native only to Madagascar, these crazy things look sort of like someone fused a cat and a weasel together!

Terciopelo snake

Another snek! Popularized by Harry Potter, no doubt.
oZSMaBu.png "Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
Well, not sure if it's uncommonly known or not, but I've always thought the Chinese Water Deer was cool [img][/img] Just look at its fangs And also, my patronus is a Nightjar [img][/img] @Luthyx Oh, boomslangs are cool!
Well, not sure if it's uncommonly known or not, but I've always thought the Chinese Water Deer was cool

Just look at its fangs

And also, my patronus is a Nightjar


Oh, boomslangs are cool!

Ah, Chinese Water Deer. I like to call them Vampire Deer.

Huh, never heard of Nightjars before! They remind me a lot of potoo birds, to be honest.

Ah, Chinese Water Deer. I like to call them Vampire Deer.

Huh, never heard of Nightjars before! They remind me a lot of potoo birds, to be honest.
oZSMaBu.png "Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
I was convinced the Boomslang wasn't a thing, just something to trick people into googling something not so nice...

I was convinced the Boomslang wasn't a thing, just something to trick people into googling something not so nice...


Yup, vampire deer xD

And I think Potoo birds are actually in the name bird order as Nightjars, as well as Nighthawks. Nightjars and Potoos are both very funny birds xD But Potoos more so

Yup, vampire deer xD

And I think Potoo birds are actually in the name bird order as Nightjars, as well as Nighthawks. Nightjars and Potoos are both very funny birds xD But Potoos more so
Litchen Katydid! I found out about them just the other day, they're so pretty. And turaco birds, they look like cartoons.
Litchen Katydid! I found out about them just the other day, they're so pretty. And turaco birds, they look like cartoons.
I second the Hoatzin. Would you be open to non-avian dinosaurs?
I second the Hoatzin. Would you be open to non-avian dinosaurs?

Haha, yep, there are tons. I enjoy learning about all these crazy species, though! I kinda expected something like this to happen - does that mean I got bullet-deflecting foot armor?

Amphibians and Bords are pretty darned cool. I like sneks and kittehs myself.

Haha, yep, there are tons. I enjoy learning about all these crazy species, though! I kinda expected something like this to happen - does that mean I got bullet-deflecting foot armor?

Amphibians and Bords are pretty darned cool. I like sneks and kittehs myself.
oZSMaBu.png "Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
Just to say but uh, other color morphs of tiger like the golden tabby are not naturally occurring and are man made as a product of inbreeding. Including white tigers. They should not exist and they are not a rare animal but caused by bad practice from terrible animal husbandry. Please do not spread them as a separate species because they're not. [url][/url] Anyway, for an uncommon animal I'd like to introduce the chevrotain or the mouse-deer. It is a small ungulate and they are found in Asia and Africa. They're very cute [img][/img]
Just to say but uh, other color morphs of tiger like the golden tabby are not naturally occurring and are man made as a product of inbreeding. Including white tigers. They should not exist and they are not a rare animal but caused by bad practice from terrible animal husbandry. Please do not spread them as a separate species because they're not.

Anyway, for an uncommon animal I'd like to introduce the chevrotain or the mouse-deer. It is a small ungulate and they are found in Asia and Africa.

They're very cute


Well-behaved women seldom make history - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
End corruption now

Woah, Hoatzins are cool! Their crest reeminds me a bit of hoopoe birds. Dinosaurs are fine.

Woah, Hoatzins are cool! Their crest reeminds me a bit of hoopoe birds. Dinosaurs are fine.
oZSMaBu.png "Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
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