
General Discussion

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TOPIC | What does YOUR username mean?
@ethanol It means that I'm a HUGE nerd. [img][/img]

It means that I'm a HUGE nerd.

Deltice comes from my favorite dinosaur the Deltadromeus and ice. I'm not sure why I put ice but I thought it was cool many years ago. The 12 is my lucky and favorite number.
Deltice comes from my favorite dinosaur the Deltadromeus and ice. I'm not sure why I put ice but I thought it was cool many years ago. The 12 is my lucky and favorite number.
[img][/img] Alice in Wonderland here! Though it was originally intended to just be March Hare from the manga Are You Alice? ^^'

Alice in Wonderland here! Though it was originally intended to just be March Hare from the manga Are You Alice? ^^'
Timelord - My fave show is Doctor Who(even though technically Female Timelords are called Timeladys I found this out after making my username and TimeladySnowy just sounds wierd to me >.<)

Snowy - My OC's name: Snowy Icefall (which incedently used to be the username I always used XD)

And thus TimelordSnowy the very wierd Time Traveling person was born!
Timelord - My fave show is Doctor Who(even though technically Female Timelords are called Timeladys I found this out after making my username and TimeladySnowy just sounds wierd to me >.<)

Snowy - My OC's name: Snowy Icefall (which incedently used to be the username I always used XD)

And thus TimelordSnowy the very wierd Time Traveling person was born!
Communication is key.
When you unlock to believe, can you see what I see?
Searchlights, looking for the watcher in the sky.
Mine is a reference to a horribly underrated anime called Legend of Legendary Heroes. Lino Doue is a kind of magic ability that my favorite character has :)
Mine is a reference to a horribly underrated anime called Legend of Legendary Heroes. Lino Doue is a kind of magic ability that my favorite character has :)
I like art
I like art
tumblr_ospvc67HxP1v8lm95o1_r2_250.gif tumblr_pnoln4s8tc1tk5l29o1_250.pngtumblr_ospvc67HxP1v8lm95o1_r2_250.gif
[img][/img] [color=lightseagreen]purdy

tumblr_o23mwcXPEZ1u3wsjco6_250.png 4f4c01ec3fcd06d45834f28097a7fb2be50dc3cf.png dEo6ta2.png

I love making tiny little origami stars. And I just realized i misspelled "Origami". Now I will never be able to unsee my mistake >.<
I love making tiny little origami stars. And I just realized i misspelled "Origami". Now I will never be able to unsee my mistake >.<