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TOPIC | Identify as Asexual?

That's too cool! Thanks for the links!

I hope you get some really nice hatchlings to choose from once that new ace clutch is born!

That's too cool! Thanks for the links!

I hope you get some really nice hatchlings to choose from once that new ace clutch is born!
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I'm ace and I've always had an obsession with dragons. But like come on Dragons. We are all like Charlie Weasley aren't we?
I'm ace and I've always had an obsession with dragons. But like come on Dragons. We are all like Charlie Weasley aren't we?
Fellow ace who is indeed obsessed with dragons
Fellow ace who is indeed obsessed with dragons
What on earth? Why is a sexuality associated with dragon lovers?
What on earth? Why is a sexuality associated with dragon lovers?
While this fits me to a T, it is sadly a large necro.
While this fits me to a T, it is sadly a large necro.
"There is no terminal called End in your life!"
Sym6.png Blue // they/he Sym5.png

Sym5.png Goals and Link DirectorySym6.png
I've never heard this stereotype before?

I'm not complaining or arguing, because this is totally me, but I've just literally never heard this before.
I've never heard this stereotype before?

I'm not complaining or arguing, because this is totally me, but I've just literally never heard this before.
Demi here, and Imma let you finish, but dragons are the best mythical creature of all time. Of all time!
Demi here, and Imma let you finish, but dragons are the best mythical creature of all time. Of all time!
Do you have a fursona? Do you need art? I can help! Just click me!
This thread is really pure. As a lesbian, of course I don't relate, but seeing as many people fit this "stereotype" of a dragon-obsessed asexual, I'm amazed, frankly XD

I don't think I've ever heard of any odd stereotypes for any other sexualities, but imagine if your sexuality corresponded with a mythical creature you were subconsciously obsessed with. How cool??
Personally, I hope lesbians get manticores.
This thread is really pure. As a lesbian, of course I don't relate, but seeing as many people fit this "stereotype" of a dragon-obsessed asexual, I'm amazed, frankly XD

I don't think I've ever heard of any odd stereotypes for any other sexualities, but imagine if your sexuality corresponded with a mythical creature you were subconsciously obsessed with. How cool??
Personally, I hope lesbians get manticores.
Panro ace here and can attest that dragons have always been my favorite fantasy creature!
Panro ace here and can attest that dragons have always been my favorite fantasy creature!
I had no idea that stereotype existed, but it fits me like a freaking glove, let me tell you. I'm aro/ace and have been obsessed with dragons for my entire life. The fact that I was born in the year of the dragon is either the source of this or an enhancement to it. Either way, it's amazing.
I had no idea that stereotype existed, but it fits me like a freaking glove, let me tell you. I'm aro/ace and have been obsessed with dragons for my entire life. The fact that I was born in the year of the dragon is either the source of this or an enhancement to it. Either way, it's amazing.
I'm aro/ace
So give me some space
And flirt with somebody else
*finger guns*