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TOPIC | Great dragon books?
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Talking to Dragons, Dealing with Dragons, Calling on Dragons, and Searching for Dragons - all by Patricia C. Wrede are excellent


The Dragon Quartet by Marjorie B. Kellogg
Talking to Dragons, Dealing with Dragons, Calling on Dragons, and Searching for Dragons - all by Patricia C. Wrede are excellent


The Dragon Quartet by Marjorie B. Kellogg
I definitely recommend the Dragon series by Laurence Yep. I read it as a kid years ago and I still love it to this day.

Also, if you're into Young Adult, Eon and Eona (two books, first and second. Not sure if there's a third. It's also sometimes called The Two Pearls of Wisdom?) by Allison Goodman. Loved it so much.
I definitely recommend the Dragon series by Laurence Yep. I read it as a kid years ago and I still love it to this day.

Also, if you're into Young Adult, Eon and Eona (two books, first and second. Not sure if there's a third. It's also sometimes called The Two Pearls of Wisdom?) by Allison Goodman. Loved it so much.
The Immortals Quartet by Tamora Pierce. There's a lot of mythical creature lore in a medieval setting, and a lovely little dragon named Kitten.

Another book by Robin McKinley is Dragonhaven. I adored The Hero and the Crown, (especially The Blue Sword) and Dragonhaven is one of her newer ones (see: 2007)
The Immortals Quartet by Tamora Pierce. There's a lot of mythical creature lore in a medieval setting, and a lovely little dragon named Kitten.

Another book by Robin McKinley is Dragonhaven. I adored The Hero and the Crown, (especially The Blue Sword) and Dragonhaven is one of her newer ones (see: 2007)
I remember really liking Dragon Slippers when I was younger.

In some countries I think it might be called Dragonskin Slippers.
I remember really liking Dragon Slippers when I was younger.

In some countries I think it might be called Dragonskin Slippers.
@NireFang might have some good recommendations.
@NireFang might have some good recommendations.
[quote name="Swords" date="2015-01-11 20:07:42"] -The Pit Dragon series [/quote] ..Wait- somebody else who actually knows what that is? O_o Hm.. otherwise I remember reading a series called Dragon of the Lost Sea. It wasn't half-bad.
Swords wrote on 2015-01-11 20:07:42:
-The Pit Dragon series

..Wait- somebody else who actually knows what that is? O_o

Hm.. otherwise I remember reading a series called Dragon of the Lost Sea. It wasn't half-bad.
(This needs to be updated but I am lazy)
@Death sorry most of the books I'd have recommended were mentioned already XD

One of the first books I've read on my own was the pit dragon series. My favorite series belongs to Naomi Novik's Temeraire novels. I've read A.A.Knight's Dragon age of fire, Cornelia Funke's Dragon rider, and maybe a few more.

The Forgotten Realm novels are fun to pick up, they are kinda like DragonLance novels. Have you tried Legend of the Dragonrealm (Richard A. Knaak)?

Out of dragon theme but has anyone read Sarah J. Maas' Throne of Glass series?
@Death sorry most of the books I'd have recommended were mentioned already XD

One of the first books I've read on my own was the pit dragon series. My favorite series belongs to Naomi Novik's Temeraire novels. I've read A.A.Knight's Dragon age of fire, Cornelia Funke's Dragon rider, and maybe a few more.

The Forgotten Realm novels are fun to pick up, they are kinda like DragonLance novels. Have you tried Legend of the Dragonrealm (Richard A. Knaak)?

Out of dragon theme but has anyone read Sarah J. Maas' Throne of Glass series?
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Dragon Slippers was my childhood, along with the Dragonkeeper trilogy by Carole Wilkinson. Dragon Whisperer by Lucinda Hare was alright too. Basically I was a dragon nerd from birth and was the weird kid in school who spent recess in the library.

Dragon Slippers was my childhood, along with the Dragonkeeper trilogy by Carole Wilkinson. Dragon Whisperer by Lucinda Hare was alright too. Basically I was a dragon nerd from birth and was the weird kid in school who spent recess in the library.

I'd highly recommend the Children of Hurin (an expanded version of the story in the Silmarillion). Glaurung, the dragon, is heavily featured. The story is dark and depressing and creepy and awesome.
I'd highly recommend the Children of Hurin (an expanded version of the story in the Silmarillion). Glaurung, the dragon, is heavily featured. The story is dark and depressing and creepy and awesome.
Sig by Snivy14
Dunno if anybody has said it yet, but it's a new book called Talon, so far I'm liking it!
Dunno if anybody has said it yet, but it's a new book called Talon, so far I'm liking it!
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