I feel the complete opposite when it comes to fandragon parents. If I had to breed for the right colors, I love that added benefit of being able to rename the parents to whatever I want. It's just another small thing that makes the dragon's bio satisfying to look at. You also feel a sense of accomplishment after the pair you've been breeding for months finally produces the right colors.

TOPIC | How to Get Un-addicted to G1s?
I feel the complete opposite when it comes to fandragon parents. If I had to breed for the right colors, I love that added benefit of being able to rename the parents to whatever I want. It's just another small thing that makes the dragon's bio satisfying to look at. You also feel a sense of accomplishment after the pair you've been breeding for months finally produces the right colors.
[quote name="Immu" date="2025-01-09 14:53:41" ]
[quote name="ColonelChicken" date="2025-01-09 04:56:16" ]
...destroy the notion than Gen 1 are those fragile, untainted things, they're meant to be played with !
I love this, thank you. This is how I used to play. There was something special about finding an interesting match to a pretty G1 and breeding them to get a mix of pretty combinations - starting a pair like that from scratch, geneing them up, breeding and hatching that first nest and seeing what I'd get. Breeding G1s and getting something neat and unique is fun! Even if I don't keep most of the offspring lol.
I'm also going to start including unnamed offspring in my lore. A way to explain them, to give them a background and history despite the lack of name.
I think I might go back to breeding (some of) my G1s and try to stop worrying so much about what others think of it. I know it wasn't directed at me but thanks anyway!
Aw, it wasn't directed at you but it really made me smile to read that ^^
Honestly, I never saw the appeal of Gen 1 back when I still think of them as those dragons people put on a pedestal for some reason, but once I actually started buying some and breeding them and all, they really became something I enjoyed. The fact that their colors are random (so they're not at all influenced by site-wide trends, it's way easier to find a nice color combo in a Gen 1 when so many Gen 2+ dragons are XXX, XYY and other (imo) really wonky combos) and that they can breed with virtually every other dragon is excellent !
Ironically, the only thing I don't super like about them is what OP and other people seemed to like - the fact that they don't have parents and are thus 100% not connected to the rest of the site. Which is great for breeding ! But I like looking at my dragons parents, visit their offspring pages, find their ancestors... It's great, it's a shame Gen 1 can't join in on the fun.
Immu wrote on 2025-01-09 14:53:41:
ColonelChicken wrote on 2025-01-09 04:56:16:
...destroy the notion than Gen 1 are those fragile, untainted things, they're meant to be played with !
I love this, thank you. This is how I used to play. There was something special about finding an interesting match to a pretty G1 and breeding them to get a mix of pretty combinations - starting a pair like that from scratch, geneing them up, breeding and hatching that first nest and seeing what I'd get. Breeding G1s and getting something neat and unique is fun! Even if I don't keep most of the offspring lol.
I'm also going to start including unnamed offspring in my lore. A way to explain them, to give them a background and history despite the lack of name.
I think I might go back to breeding (some of) my G1s and try to stop worrying so much about what others think of it. I know it wasn't directed at me but thanks anyway!
Aw, it wasn't directed at you but it really made me smile to read that ^^
Honestly, I never saw the appeal of Gen 1 back when I still think of them as those dragons people put on a pedestal for some reason, but once I actually started buying some and breeding them and all, they really became something I enjoyed. The fact that their colors are random (so they're not at all influenced by site-wide trends, it's way easier to find a nice color combo in a Gen 1 when so many Gen 2+ dragons are XXX, XYY and other (imo) really wonky combos) and that they can breed with virtually every other dragon is excellent !
Ironically, the only thing I don't super like about them is what OP and other people seemed to like - the fact that they don't have parents and are thus 100% not connected to the rest of the site. Which is great for breeding ! But I like looking at my dragons parents, visit their offspring pages, find their ancestors... It's great, it's a shame Gen 1 can't join in on the fun.
[quote name="ColonelChicken" date="2025-01-10 01:51:11" ]
[quote name="Immu" date="2025-01-09 14:53:41" ]
[quote name="ColonelChicken" date="2025-01-09 04:56:16" ]
...destroy the notion than Gen 1 are those fragile, untainted things, they're meant to be played with !
I love this, thank you. This is how I used to play. There was something special about finding an interesting match to a pretty G1 and breeding them to get a mix of pretty combinations - starting a pair like that from scratch, geneing them up, breeding and hatching that first nest and seeing what I'd get. Breeding G1s and getting something neat and unique is fun! Even if I don't keep most of the offspring lol.
I'm also going to start including unnamed offspring in my lore. A way to explain them, to give them a background and history despite the lack of name.
I think I might go back to breeding (some of) my G1s and try to stop worrying so much about what others think of it. I know it wasn't directed at me but thanks anyway!
Aw, it wasn't directed at you but it really made me smile to read that ^^
Honestly, I never saw the appeal of Gen 1 back when I still think of them as those dragons people put on a pedestal for some reason, but once I actually started buying some and breeding them and all, they really became something I enjoyed. The fact that their colors are random (so they're not at all influenced by site-wide trends, it's way easier to find a nice color combo in a Gen 1 when so many Gen 2+ dragons are XXX, XYY and other (imo) really wonky combos) and that they can breed with virtually every other dragon is excellent !
Ironically, the only thing I don't super like about them is what OP and other people seemed to like - the fact that they don't have parents and are thus 100% not connected to the rest of the site. Which is great for breeding ! But I like looking at my dragons parents, visit their offspring pages, find their ancestors... It's great, it's a shame Gen 1 can't join in on the fun.
I actually agree with this - I enjoy Gen1's but the overall appeal of them to me is more that I find getting them a gen1 partner, breeding them & starting a whole new lineage is so much fun because its more of a challenge in that way.
Sure I could just get two Gen2+ dragons with popular colors and breed those (and I do!) but starting a whole new generation of dragons that originate from ONLY your dragons? That's so much fun to me :D
At the end of the day, they're your dragons, enjoy them how you want too and don't worry what others think ^^
ColonelChicken wrote on 2025-01-10 01:51:11:
Immu wrote on 2025-01-09 14:53:41:
ColonelChicken wrote on 2025-01-09 04:56:16:
...destroy the notion than Gen 1 are those fragile, untainted things, they're meant to be played with !
I love this, thank you. This is how I used to play. There was something special about finding an interesting match to a pretty G1 and breeding them to get a mix of pretty combinations - starting a pair like that from scratch, geneing them up, breeding and hatching that first nest and seeing what I'd get. Breeding G1s and getting something neat and unique is fun! Even if I don't keep most of the offspring lol.
I'm also going to start including unnamed offspring in my lore. A way to explain them, to give them a background and history despite the lack of name.
I think I might go back to breeding (some of) my G1s and try to stop worrying so much about what others think of it. I know it wasn't directed at me but thanks anyway!
Aw, it wasn't directed at you but it really made me smile to read that ^^
Honestly, I never saw the appeal of Gen 1 back when I still think of them as those dragons people put on a pedestal for some reason, but once I actually started buying some and breeding them and all, they really became something I enjoyed. The fact that their colors are random (so they're not at all influenced by site-wide trends, it's way easier to find a nice color combo in a Gen 1 when so many Gen 2+ dragons are XXX, XYY and other (imo) really wonky combos) and that they can breed with virtually every other dragon is excellent !
Ironically, the only thing I don't super like about them is what OP and other people seemed to like - the fact that they don't have parents and are thus 100% not connected to the rest of the site. Which is great for breeding ! But I like looking at my dragons parents, visit their offspring pages, find their ancestors... It's great, it's a shame Gen 1 can't join in on the fun.
I actually agree with this - I enjoy Gen1's but the overall appeal of them to me is more that I find getting them a gen1 partner, breeding them & starting a whole new lineage is so much fun because its more of a challenge in that way.
Sure I could just get two Gen2+ dragons with popular colors and breed those (and I do!) but starting a whole new generation of dragons that originate from ONLY your dragons? That's so much fun to me :D
At the end of the day, they're your dragons, enjoy them how you want too and don't worry what others think ^^
I mean you could have a mixed lair like I do? I have taken up some lengthy breeding projects to get the perfect fan dragons, thats always fun!
[quote name="ColonelChicken" date="2025-01-09 04:56:16" ]
Both the parents' names and the offspring list are a way to further customize your dragon. There's dozens of dragons with "none" parents and "none" babies, but how many have the exact names you picked (or other people picked !) in that little box? I feel like if you start actually make that space on your dragon profile yours, then that nasty "it has to be "none" for it to be worth anything" feeling will go away.
I didn't do this with most of my fandragons back when I made them (except that [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/19768060]Batman[/url]'s parents had to be named for the bit), but I've done it with my OC dragons, and it's added a little bit of an extra challenge for some of them because I can't just gene a dragon with the right colors if one shows up on the AH. It also gives some narrative weight to only one of them being a G1.
For my FR lore-based project, I started out wanting them to be G1s, but the emphasis for that is more on unusual color/gene combos, so I basically had to let go of the G1 thing and either breed for combos or make offers on existing dragons. I came up with a story reason for some of the dragons to not be G1s, and it ended up being an interesting and slightly unsettling detail (basically that while some of them are constructs enchanted to resemble dragons, others are dragons who underwent that process in the other direction).
As someone who can get really hung up about stuff like this, I think it helps a lot to have an alternative goal that you value more.
ColonelChicken wrote on 2025-01-09 04:56:16:
Both the parents' names and the offspring list are a way to further customize your dragon. There's dozens of dragons with "none" parents and "none" babies, but how many have the exact names you picked (or other people picked !) in that little box? I feel like if you start actually make that space on your dragon profile yours, then that nasty "it has to be "none" for it to be worth anything" feeling will go away.
I didn't do this with most of my fandragons back when I made them (except that Batman's parents had to be named for the bit), but I've done it with my OC dragons, and it's added a little bit of an extra challenge for some of them because I can't just gene a dragon with the right colors if one shows up on the AH. It also gives some narrative weight to only one of them being a G1.
For my FR lore-based project, I started out wanting them to be G1s, but the emphasis for that is more on unusual color/gene combos, so I basically had to let go of the G1 thing and either breed for combos or make offers on existing dragons. I came up with a story reason for some of the dragons to not be G1s, and it ended up being an interesting and slightly unsettling detail (basically that while some of them are constructs enchanted to resemble dragons, others are dragons who underwent that process in the other direction).
As someone who can get really hung up about stuff like this, I think it helps a lot to have an alternative goal that you value more.
[quote name="BlackandTan" date="2025-01-10 08:55:47" ]
I mean you could have a mixed lair like I do? I have taken up some lengthy breeding projects to get the perfect fan dragons, thats always fun!
i stand by this
the idea of a mixed lair does not bother me in the slightest/i've isolated my g1s so they're easy to access/look at
BlackandTan wrote on 2025-01-10 08:55:47:
I mean you could have a mixed lair like I do? I have taken up some lengthy breeding projects to get the perfect fan dragons, thats always fun!
i stand by this
the idea of a mixed lair does not bother me in the slightest/i've isolated my g1s so they're easy to access/look at