
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Take a look, it's in a book...
[quote name="Sentari" date="2024-11-11 17:55:02" ] I’ve wondered about this for a little while… if the Imperials were the Lightweaver’s first children, how would a light ancient fit in with that timeline? [/quote] retcon? lmao. or maybe these aren't children, maybe they're... weird siblings? much less powerful cousins? creatures from another dimension accidentally summoned through an ancient tome?
Sentari wrote on 2024-11-11 17:55:02:
I’ve wondered about this for a little while… if the Imperials were the Lightweaver’s first children, how would a light ancient fit in with that timeline?

retcon? lmao. or maybe these aren't children, maybe they're... weird siblings? much less powerful cousins? creatures from another dimension accidentally summoned through an ancient tome?
alyblaith / aly
NatDom org team

• they/her
• queer
• neurodivergent
avatar dragons
trade adopts
== A verdant standard representing... Veggie Flight!?A black cat on a midnight blue background, illuminated by a glowing white heart.
I already love it. It is smol.
I already love it. It is smol.
Formerly LittleSapling
my name shay | she/her | sorry i forgor
New Dragon new dragon!!
New Dragon new dragon!!
Honestly I hope it's not another ancient. They're getting stale, especially because th last ones have had so many mistakes. It's not exciting anymore at this point. It's rather frustrating.
I don't plan to even make a scry of the new ancients, because so much gets corrected later on, it's not fun anymore.

Please, I would rather have more quality of life changes - like search function of items in setting up crs- than another half baked new dragon.
Honestly I hope it's not another ancient. They're getting stale, especially because th last ones have had so many mistakes. It's not exciting anymore at this point. It's rather frustrating.
I don't plan to even make a scry of the new ancients, because so much gets corrected later on, it's not fun anymore.

Please, I would rather have more quality of life changes - like search function of items in setting up crs- than another half baked new dragon.
Oh, (book)wyrm?

Oh, (book)wyrm?

Its a BookWyrm!!
Its a BookWyrm!!
hA5Szug.png Sig is WIP
Perfect....a little guy
Perfect....a little guy
Need some fathoms?98428281.png98428280.png98604111.png98604112.png
[quote name="Alphruss" date="2024-11-11 21:56:42" ] [quote name="Aarune" date="2024-11-11 20:42:03" ] [quote name="xobrynnx" date="2024-11-11 19:34:32" ] getting somewhat worried - if this is indeed a peek at the light ancient, the flight's entire aesthetic has been lost. i really hope this is a different creature. [/quote] [quote name="bonivich" date="2024-11-11 19:29:19" ] I hope this is not another small, cutesy breed...I'd love for my light flight ancient to at least have grace and elegance and be at least a medium-sized breed;; [/quote] agreeing with these two sentiments so far. hoping my expectations are incorrect [/quote] Honestly agree as well, hoping not to be disappointed later on! [/quote] Yeah, I'm excited, but cautiously so. If this is indeed the Light Ancient, it'd better be an imposing, graceful design- something that's as commanding as the Imperials. As of now, the only Ancients that I've truly felt hit the bullseye are Gaolers, Banes, Abbys, Undertides, and Sandsurges ([i]honorable mention goes to Dusthides, for how bold their look is, though I don't think it perfectly matches the Earth flight[/i].) I really hope this doesn't go poorly...
Alphruss wrote on 2024-11-11 21:56:42:
Aarune wrote on 2024-11-11 20:42:03:
xobrynnx wrote on 2024-11-11 19:34:32:
getting somewhat worried - if this is indeed a peek at the light ancient, the flight's entire aesthetic has been lost. i really hope this is a different creature.
bonivich wrote on 2024-11-11 19:29:19:
I hope this is not another small, cutesy breed...I'd love for my light flight ancient to at least have grace and elegance and be at least a medium-sized breed;;

agreeing with these two sentiments so far. hoping my expectations are incorrect
Honestly agree as well, hoping not to be disappointed later on!

Yeah, I'm excited, but cautiously so. If this is indeed the Light Ancient, it'd better be an imposing, graceful design- something that's as commanding as the Imperials. As of now, the only Ancients that I've truly felt hit the bullseye are Gaolers, Banes, Abbys, Undertides, and Sandsurges (honorable mention goes to Dusthides, for how bold their look is, though I don't think it perfectly matches the Earth flight.)
I really hope this doesn't go poorly...
. • LET THE WOLVES ENJOY MY BONES. • .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Avatar Dragon.