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TOPIC | How do people get so rich??
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my two favorite "lazy" (i.e. don't have time for coli or g&g) ways to make money:

- fest skin flipping. buy fest skin for 35kt, sell for 50-70g. boom free money

- Baldwin! no active playing required, just dump stuff in the pot, pick it up later, sell for hot cash. ideally, for max profit, one would price out all the materials and compare to the price of the finished product...however, since we are talking about lazy ways to make money, you can still make a bundle of cash from just winging it. for instance, when dusthides released, I sold an angler gene for 500g and a skink gene for 130g
my two favorite "lazy" (i.e. don't have time for coli or g&g) ways to make money:

- fest skin flipping. buy fest skin for 35kt, sell for 50-70g. boom free money

- Baldwin! no active playing required, just dump stuff in the pot, pick it up later, sell for hot cash. ideally, for max profit, one would price out all the materials and compare to the price of the finished product...however, since we are talking about lazy ways to make money, you can still make a bundle of cash from just winging it. for instance, when dusthides released, I sold an angler gene for 500g and a skink gene for 130g
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[quote name="absolmon" date="2024-04-25 14:56:04" ] I personally whenever I accumulate 20kt, I just shove it in the vault. If it's not in front of me I don't think about it. Plus it's an extra step to make me rethink things when an impulse purchase raises it's head. I'm also working on getting the Rainy Day fund achievement so it gives me a goal. I figure I'll go on a little spending spree at the end. [/quote] This! I've been doing it for years now. Sure I blew it all recently on projects but hey, I can save it back up
absolmon wrote on 2024-04-25 14:56:04:
I personally whenever I accumulate 20kt, I just shove it in the vault. If it's not in front of me I don't think about it. Plus it's an extra step to make me rethink things when an impulse purchase raises it's head. I'm also working on getting the Rainy Day fund achievement so it gives me a goal. I figure I'll go on a little spending spree at the end.
This! I've been doing it for years now. Sure I blew it all recently on projects but hey, I can save it back up
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I'm one of the last major breeders of a subspecies, so I get a large amount that way, sell them for 5-15 g and just wait for someone to buy
I'm one of the last major breeders of a subspecies, so I get a large amount that way, sell them for 5-15 g and just wait for someone to buy
theultimatecatsig.gif |
Wine is just overpriced grape juice
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what's the rainy day fund achievement?
what's the rainy day fund achievement?
[quote name="@rainstain" date="2024-04-25 19:58:56" ] what's the rainy day fund achievement? [/quote] Its a set of achievements under Collecting! It requires x amount of treasure in your vault The lowest: [gamedb achievement=223] (75kt) And highest: [gamedb achievement=228] (10mt)
@rainstain wrote on 2024-04-25 19:58:56:
what's the rainy day fund achievement?

Its a set of achievements under Collecting! It requires x amount of treasure in your vault

The lowest: Rainy Day Fund (75000) (75kt)
And highest: Rainy Day Fund (10000000) (10mt)


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I'm not like a super rich player but I'm able to make a decent amount by just playing G&G every day. It's not a ton of treasure, but if you're able to stay committed to saving for a while it adds up pretty quickly.
I'm not like a super rich player but I'm able to make a decent amount by just playing G&G every day. It's not a ton of treasure, but if you're able to stay committed to saving for a while it adds up pretty quickly.
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familiar bonding also - once you get into it the amount you get from chests really starts to add up.

familiar bonding also - once you get into it the amount you get from chests really starts to add up.
Selling 2015 and on festival items and more HERE
[quote name="@mujna" date="2024-04-25 20:23:10" ] [quote name="rainstain" date="2024-04-25 19:58:56" ] what's the rainy day fund achievement? [/quote] Its a set of achievements under Collecting! It requires x amount of treasure in your vault The lowest: [gamedb achievement=223] (75kt) And highest: [gamedb achievement=228] (10mt) [/quote] i see, thank you!
@mujna wrote on 2024-04-25 20:23:10:
rainstain wrote on 2024-04-25 19:58:56:
what's the rainy day fund achievement?

Its a set of achievements under Collecting! It requires x amount of treasure in your vault

The lowest: Rainy Day Fund (75000) (75kt)
And highest: Rainy Day Fund (10000000) (10mt)
i see, thank you!
I second what people have said about regularly vaulting chunks of cash. It really is out of sight, out of mind, so you're less likely to impulsively spend it. Honestly the way I make treasure is... all of the ways. Fairgrounds, coli, exalting, bonding with familiars (this does require you to acquire a bunch of them, but bonding = chests and chests = more familiars, plus you can get a lot of unique fams quickly during notn), putting anything of actual value in the auction house. I just do a little bit of everything, whatever strikes my fancy. Most activities on the site WILL make you money, just with more or less efficiency. The trick is really putting it in the vault and not spending it.
I second what people have said about regularly vaulting chunks of cash. It really is out of sight, out of mind, so you're less likely to impulsively spend it. Honestly the way I make treasure is... all of the ways. Fairgrounds, coli, exalting, bonding with familiars (this does require you to acquire a bunch of them, but bonding = chests and chests = more familiars, plus you can get a lot of unique fams quickly during notn), putting anything of actual value in the auction house. I just do a little bit of everything, whatever strikes my fancy. Most activities on the site WILL make you money, just with more or less efficiency. The trick is really putting it in the vault and not spending it.
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Ultimate lazy way is mindless things like Baldwin - just dump your trash items into the pot and collect later & sell materials. Or Arlo's, go to a site that has genes/breed change scrolls or something and just sell one everytime you get one.

Otherwise, I tend to make a chunk by hoard-selling random stacks of items. Friendly reminder that you don't need 6 stacks of 99x Bone Fragments :'D

To add to the above - I just went through and hoard sold apparel that I have multiple copies of (and by multiple I mean 5+ copies since I like to keep a few of each) - I made enough to get a Dusthide Breed Change scroll ^^

You could always AH your extra stuff, but hoard selling is much lazier XD
Ultimate lazy way is mindless things like Baldwin - just dump your trash items into the pot and collect later & sell materials. Or Arlo's, go to a site that has genes/breed change scrolls or something and just sell one everytime you get one.

Otherwise, I tend to make a chunk by hoard-selling random stacks of items. Friendly reminder that you don't need 6 stacks of 99x Bone Fragments :'D

To add to the above - I just went through and hoard sold apparel that I have multiple copies of (and by multiple I mean 5+ copies since I like to keep a few of each) - I made enough to get a Dusthide Breed Change scroll ^^

You could always AH your extra stuff, but hoard selling is much lazier XD
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