
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 2018 December Kindness Challenge
@lallie i'd like to be on the pinglist! and thank you for making this a thing!

@StrangeJellyBean thank you for being a good mom on the arcane discord! i really enjoy the server and i'm so thankful to be a part of such an amazing community. i love u momma duck

@ladylilitu thank you for being an amazing person and letting me rant about the littlest things. you are a great person and i hope life treats you well, ladyelidllleslabisntu. thanks for putting up with my silly name calling, love you bud

@mystiki omg thank you for mentioning me here, i wasn't expecting it. i'm glad i can help make your time on the discord better. thank you for all the kindness! and thank you for all the art of nebula and i hope you know you're art is amazing and wonderful and beautiful and you're a very very talented artist! keep up the good work!

@iralla where do i start? by seeing how giving and kind you are on the discord i can't thank you enough for making peoples' days. i still can't thank you enough for ike, i really wasn't excepting to get her and it really made my day (or even year) for you to be so kind and give me my first double gen one. i love her so much and i also love you. you're an amazing person and i hope the rest of the year treats you well

@caiin hello, just thought i'd remind you that i love you and you're one of my best friends. thanks for letting me rant and blow off steam all over your discord server. i'm so glad i met you and i'm so thankful for everything you've done for me. you're also an amazing artist and i love all your work and i hope you keep up the good work. thanks for dealing with my ridiculous problems.

@TheExorcist thanks for being a cool and relatable person

@ScreamingBirb we don't talk much anymore but that doesn't make you any less of a cool person! keep bein' heckin' awesome! love you bud!

@aerii hello! thank you for being an amazing mod/admin!! i love working with you and thank you for helping me with my physics problems. you're my favorite anxious physicist sylvemom

@Klyntar @lessa400turns @bamf @perifinite @XenonX3 thanks for being a good mod team i love you all.

i'm sure i forgot someone so if i did, i love u
@lallie i'd like to be on the pinglist! and thank you for making this a thing!

@StrangeJellyBean thank you for being a good mom on the arcane discord! i really enjoy the server and i'm so thankful to be a part of such an amazing community. i love u momma duck

@ladylilitu thank you for being an amazing person and letting me rant about the littlest things. you are a great person and i hope life treats you well, ladyelidllleslabisntu. thanks for putting up with my silly name calling, love you bud

@mystiki omg thank you for mentioning me here, i wasn't expecting it. i'm glad i can help make your time on the discord better. thank you for all the kindness! and thank you for all the art of nebula and i hope you know you're art is amazing and wonderful and beautiful and you're a very very talented artist! keep up the good work!

@iralla where do i start? by seeing how giving and kind you are on the discord i can't thank you enough for making peoples' days. i still can't thank you enough for ike, i really wasn't excepting to get her and it really made my day (or even year) for you to be so kind and give me my first double gen one. i love her so much and i also love you. you're an amazing person and i hope the rest of the year treats you well

@caiin hello, just thought i'd remind you that i love you and you're one of my best friends. thanks for letting me rant and blow off steam all over your discord server. i'm so glad i met you and i'm so thankful for everything you've done for me. you're also an amazing artist and i love all your work and i hope you keep up the good work. thanks for dealing with my ridiculous problems.

@TheExorcist thanks for being a cool and relatable person

@ScreamingBirb we don't talk much anymore but that doesn't make you any less of a cool person! keep bein' heckin' awesome! love you bud!

@aerii hello! thank you for being an amazing mod/admin!! i love working with you and thank you for helping me with my physics problems. you're my favorite anxious physicist sylvemom

@Klyntar @lessa400turns @bamf @perifinite @XenonX3 thanks for being a good mod team i love you all.

i'm sure i forgot someone so if i did, i love u
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he/him or
I've always been a bit bad with words when it comes to stuff like this so my apologies if this is a bit on the shorter side! I tried writing this like 4 times today, but I'm just horrible at getting my happy feelings out that don't involve undecipherable happy screams haha and of course I still end up forgetting someone that definitely deserves to be mentioned OTL

@coffeecup It would be a crime if I didn't tag you in this. You were the one that helped urge me to make a FR server and that has quickly become my favorite FR community. I remember when I first showed you a snapper and you cried. It honestly caught me off guard as I only thought of snappers as pretty much just boulder dragons. You've helped me appreciate the breed a lot more.

@Keryth You have been a tremendous help with my FR server, I can't thank you enough for you help for making sure things are running smoothly. You are also a very amazing person and I'm really grateful that I've gotten to know you! <3

@CasiCasi You are an all around fun and upbeat person and it's always a joy to talk to you! I'm also very grateful for your help with the server and keeping it going. You have a lot of good ideas <3

@Hellspawn I'm not sure if you realize just how nice and friendly you are. You're also one of the most giving people I've met. You're always very quick to help someone out with something in this community and I greatly admire that about you!

@Dransnake You're message made me day thank you so much <3 I enjoy seeing you around on the server! You're honestly an amazing person. We should definitely talk more often(:

@Say10 @Ramirez33 @RowletMafia I'm grouping you three all together but the message is just as important to me as if it were to each of you individually. Thank you so much for helping with the server, I'm so lucky to have you all as staff to help with the server! You are all friendly and amazing people that are a blessing to help mod with <3

@ScreamingBirb I can't believe I forgot to add you aoifhkdf my mind is very forgetful so I apologize for that. You are an amazing person and you're so kind, you definitely help make the FR community a much more friendly and welcoming community! I know we don't talk that much, but what I have seen from you is that you are a generally good person and also very helpful and I admire that greatly about you <3
I've always been a bit bad with words when it comes to stuff like this so my apologies if this is a bit on the shorter side! I tried writing this like 4 times today, but I'm just horrible at getting my happy feelings out that don't involve undecipherable happy screams haha and of course I still end up forgetting someone that definitely deserves to be mentioned OTL

@coffeecup It would be a crime if I didn't tag you in this. You were the one that helped urge me to make a FR server and that has quickly become my favorite FR community. I remember when I first showed you a snapper and you cried. It honestly caught me off guard as I only thought of snappers as pretty much just boulder dragons. You've helped me appreciate the breed a lot more.

@Keryth You have been a tremendous help with my FR server, I can't thank you enough for you help for making sure things are running smoothly. You are also a very amazing person and I'm really grateful that I've gotten to know you! <3

@CasiCasi You are an all around fun and upbeat person and it's always a joy to talk to you! I'm also very grateful for your help with the server and keeping it going. You have a lot of good ideas <3

@Hellspawn I'm not sure if you realize just how nice and friendly you are. You're also one of the most giving people I've met. You're always very quick to help someone out with something in this community and I greatly admire that about you!

@Dransnake You're message made me day thank you so much <3 I enjoy seeing you around on the server! You're honestly an amazing person. We should definitely talk more often(:

@Say10 @Ramirez33 @RowletMafia I'm grouping you three all together but the message is just as important to me as if it were to each of you individually. Thank you so much for helping with the server, I'm so lucky to have you all as staff to help with the server! You are all friendly and amazing people that are a blessing to help mod with <3

@ScreamingBirb I can't believe I forgot to add you aoifhkdf my mind is very forgetful so I apologize for that. You are an amazing person and you're so kind, you definitely help make the FR community a much more friendly and welcoming community! I know we don't talk that much, but what I have seen from you is that you are a generally good person and also very helpful and I admire that greatly about you <3
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx vista_imp2.png Please call me Aku!
Friend Rising Discord
Here & Now Hatchery
List up to 5 people you think make Flight Rising a better place for you and potentially for others! Tag them here and tell them why, spread the love <3

I am a very shy person and this is reminding me of this fact because I do not interact with people I just lurk while thinking they're cool and that I should talk to them xD

@Argante The coolest, you always are super organised and Know All The Things. You run so many different events and thread idk how you do it. xD You also have great taste in familiars (your slight eyewing dragon is Amazing!)

@woolly you're fairly new to FR and you immediately jumped right in and have been so helpful to Arcane and fun to be around. I remember when you joined you made a thread saying you were new and then at Starfall this year you helped run an event! I think that's so cool of you :D

@Iralla You run the MB and it is one of the most fun things I take part in on this whole website! The messages I get afterwards of excited and happy people are so heartwarming to see. <3

@Rexev soft fren gentle fren

@SketcherHB you art so good! (yes art is a verb now :P)

idk y'all i'm bad at words >_<
List up to 5 people you think make Flight Rising a better place for you and potentially for others! Tag them here and tell them why, spread the love <3

I am a very shy person and this is reminding me of this fact because I do not interact with people I just lurk while thinking they're cool and that I should talk to them xD

@Argante The coolest, you always are super organised and Know All The Things. You run so many different events and thread idk how you do it. xD You also have great taste in familiars (your slight eyewing dragon is Amazing!)

@woolly you're fairly new to FR and you immediately jumped right in and have been so helpful to Arcane and fun to be around. I remember when you joined you made a thread saying you were new and then at Starfall this year you helped run an event! I think that's so cool of you :D

@Iralla You run the MB and it is one of the most fun things I take part in on this whole website! The messages I get afterwards of excited and happy people are so heartwarming to see. <3

@Rexev soft fren gentle fren

@SketcherHB you art so good! (yes art is a verb now :P)

idk y'all i'm bad at words >_<
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@Argante, awww thank you for the ping, it's real sweet of you!

And thank you for all you do for Arcane and Dom! I probably wouldn't be half as interested in Dom without you and the rest of the team's efforts to make Dom as fun and exciting and engaging as y'all do. :)

*cuddles eyewings*
@Argante, awww thank you for the ping, it's real sweet of you!

And thank you for all you do for Arcane and Dom! I probably wouldn't be half as interested in Dom without you and the rest of the team's efforts to make Dom as fun and exciting and engaging as y'all do. :)

*cuddles eyewings*
@mayanaz @Faolana @DrSpork @FallenRibbons I haven't posted on the forums in a while, and I think I've spoken to each of you for maybe two days, and yet you all pinged me here? You guys are amazing friends and make me want to be more active <3
@mayanaz @Faolana @DrSpork @FallenRibbons I haven't posted on the forums in a while, and I think I've spoken to each of you for maybe two days, and yet you all pinged me here? You guys are amazing friends and make me want to be more active <3

Thank you so much, you words just fine, it's really nice to know I've made even a small difference. Arcane has kind of sucked me in and won't let go. I've enjoyed every minute of this amazing community and I'm so glad you're a part of it!

Thank you so much, you words just fine, it's really nice to know I've made even a small difference. Arcane has kind of sucked me in and won't let go. I've enjoyed every minute of this amazing community and I'm so glad you're a part of it!
@TempestofStorm Aw, thank you! You just made my day!
@TempestofStorm Aw, thank you! You just made my day!
Caught between the mundanely awkward and the existentially impossible.
-Alice Isn't Dead, Part 2, chapter 4, 11:55

@ThePhantomWolf - Ahh, you sweet pea you ;v; I am so happy you have enjoyed my dragons! And I love Camellia! <3 I've cherished her since you gave her to me, bless you!

@SwiftlyKilling @JiminxYoongi @Ithaca @Lieselotte - Thank you for the hope/comfort dragons! They really cheered me up en I needed a lift, and they still bring a smile to my face, even now! My mental health dragons <3

@FreetoFly Thank you Skyla for inspiring me to make my hatchery into a much bigger deal than I ever planned for it to be! You always believed in its potential and supported me as a patron and a friend! :D

@dandyfrau Thank you for getting me into stained dragons lol And for having such an awesome hatchery! I love our conversations too!


@Willowmena - Thank you my FR mama, neo mama, and all around awesome internet mum! You've been so incredibly amazing and I <3 you so much!! *hugs*

@Pennywhistle Thank you for getting me hooked on coatls xD And your hatchery is lovely <3

@lallie I'd like to be on the pinglist, please! Thank you for making this lovely sentiment!

@ all my other friends - thank you for adding such a positive touch to my time on here! Whether you have sold me dragons, purchased dragons from me, or just been a friendly person to converse with, I enjoy each and every one of you ;w;
@ThePhantomWolf - Ahh, you sweet pea you ;v; I am so happy you have enjoyed my dragons! And I love Camellia! <3 I've cherished her since you gave her to me, bless you!

@SwiftlyKilling @JiminxYoongi @Ithaca @Lieselotte - Thank you for the hope/comfort dragons! They really cheered me up en I needed a lift, and they still bring a smile to my face, even now! My mental health dragons <3

@FreetoFly Thank you Skyla for inspiring me to make my hatchery into a much bigger deal than I ever planned for it to be! You always believed in its potential and supported me as a patron and a friend! :D

@dandyfrau Thank you for getting me into stained dragons lol And for having such an awesome hatchery! I love our conversations too!


@Willowmena - Thank you my FR mama, neo mama, and all around awesome internet mum! You've been so incredibly amazing and I <3 you so much!! *hugs*

@Pennywhistle Thank you for getting me hooked on coatls xD And your hatchery is lovely <3

@lallie I'd like to be on the pinglist, please! Thank you for making this lovely sentiment!

@ all my other friends - thank you for adding such a positive touch to my time on here! Whether you have sold me dragons, purchased dragons from me, or just been a friendly person to converse with, I enjoy each and every one of you ;w;
@Absurditea omg thank you for the nice things you said about my lair! You just made my day! I love your lair as well, your dragons are all so lovely! [img][/img] @TrashPile your lair seems so entirely fun, and you’ve always been so generous as to help out with some of my gene and outfit projects! Some of your breeding pairs really inspire me! @BadgerRabbit You were one of the ones that got me into FR, and the first to friend me here! I adore all of your dragons! And I really appreciate all the help you’ve given me in the past!! @kxxxng Your artwork is so lovely, as are all your dragons! Dragons like driB, the Legendary Fighter of Bird! is among my favorites! You inspire me!! @Rookie You have such interesting dragons, it’s so fun to discuss lore with you! The RP we met through was so much fun!
@Absurditea omg thank you for the nice things you said about my lair! You just made my day! I love your lair as well, your dragons are all so lovely!


@TrashPile your lair seems so entirely fun, and you’ve always been so generous as to help out with some of my gene and outfit projects! Some of your breeding pairs really inspire me!

@BadgerRabbit You were one of the ones that got me into FR, and the first to friend me here! I adore all of your dragons! And I really appreciate all the help you’ve given me in the past!!

@kxxxng Your artwork is so lovely, as are all your dragons! Dragons like driB, the Legendary Fighter of Bird! is among my favorites! You inspire me!!

@Rookie You have such interesting dragons, it’s so fun to discuss lore with you! The RP we met through was so much fun!

@Possums, *Sobs*
This made my day fjdkasjfa, thank you so much ;u; I think we started talking over a couple of books. I think we met over your Fallen pair? That was you, right? That feels like forever ago tbh.
@Possums, *Sobs*
This made my day fjdkasjfa, thank you so much ;u; I think we started talking over a couple of books. I think we met over your Fallen pair? That was you, right? That feels like forever ago tbh.