
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 2018 December Kindness Challenge
Hhh why did I only find this wonderful event now??
I'm gonna try to do as many of these tasks as I can! I'd also like to be added to the pinglist for each daily task, thank you~

Alright, as for peeps who make the community better....

@Lallie You! For running this wonderful event!

@Macchi An extremely good bean! Your posts are always great to read~

@LostDragoon Thank you for gifting me my dragon Anemone when I first joined! I cherish her greatly~

And! The one reading this! You and everyone else make the community a lovely place!
Hhh why did I only find this wonderful event now??
I'm gonna try to do as many of these tasks as I can! I'd also like to be added to the pinglist for each daily task, thank you~

Alright, as for peeps who make the community better....

@Lallie You! For running this wonderful event!

@Macchi An extremely good bean! Your posts are always great to read~

@LostDragoon Thank you for gifting me my dragon Anemone when I first joined! I cherish her greatly~

And! The one reading this! You and everyone else make the community a lovely place!
Call me Sky!
+0 FR Time
@wannabees @jadedspring @echodream1 @violetsprings

I know you all in person, and that being said, if id met any of you on here first, im absolutely certain id still have wanted to call you all my best friends. thanks to all of you for making FR fun for me, and for being there for me through all my moves!!

@mayanaz @faolana @melova @disclosed @sugarbuddy4 @heart @drspork @misscalvin @raevenite @flashing @littlelit4 @xxblueexorcistxx @zoranadragon

whether weve known each other for 4 months or 4 days, i consider you all part of the official onky chaoes banning crew and i appreciate having been able to get to know all of you! each of you is incredibly clever and funny, and banning with you guys has been the best!

especially fao, heart, and maya~ i wouldnt be making this post if you hadnt sucked me in tbh

@aersolace @kataracts

this might seem random, since i havent talked to either of you in a while, but regardless, without you two, i wouldnt have started banning in the original banning thread at all, and then i wouldnt have met some of my closest friends on here! youre both amazing simply for allowing me to jump in and ban with you! thanks a ton!!


silo, buddy friend dude my bro, youre the best
i dunno if ive ever met anyone (irl or on here) whos as generous as you are. youre one of my oldest active friends, and i really appreciate how you were the first to welcome me back after my longggg hiatus last year! youre awesome, and i always feel so guilty when you send me gifts since i never know if your wishlist is updated *shakes fist* thanks again for everything, and since weve got dragon twins (zerah and sirius) we're basically guaranteed to be friends for a lot longer!


my cousin who is never on here anymore bc youre busy being super successful in life, thank you for randomly sending me images of some cool dragons in early 2016 and introducing me to the world of Flight Rising! without you, id have never known when the joining window was open, and i wouldnt have made an account in the first place! c:

and last but not least!! @thirium

perhaps you dont remember, but you gifted me some items on my wishlist several months ago, and i havent forgotten your generosity, so i had to mention you here, of course!! thanks again! youre part of why Flight Rising has such an awesome community!
@wannabees @jadedspring @echodream1 @violetsprings

I know you all in person, and that being said, if id met any of you on here first, im absolutely certain id still have wanted to call you all my best friends. thanks to all of you for making FR fun for me, and for being there for me through all my moves!!

@mayanaz @faolana @melova @disclosed @sugarbuddy4 @heart @drspork @misscalvin @raevenite @flashing @littlelit4 @xxblueexorcistxx @zoranadragon

whether weve known each other for 4 months or 4 days, i consider you all part of the official onky chaoes banning crew and i appreciate having been able to get to know all of you! each of you is incredibly clever and funny, and banning with you guys has been the best!

especially fao, heart, and maya~ i wouldnt be making this post if you hadnt sucked me in tbh

@aersolace @kataracts

this might seem random, since i havent talked to either of you in a while, but regardless, without you two, i wouldnt have started banning in the original banning thread at all, and then i wouldnt have met some of my closest friends on here! youre both amazing simply for allowing me to jump in and ban with you! thanks a ton!!


silo, buddy friend dude my bro, youre the best
i dunno if ive ever met anyone (irl or on here) whos as generous as you are. youre one of my oldest active friends, and i really appreciate how you were the first to welcome me back after my longggg hiatus last year! youre awesome, and i always feel so guilty when you send me gifts since i never know if your wishlist is updated *shakes fist* thanks again for everything, and since weve got dragon twins (zerah and sirius) we're basically guaranteed to be friends for a lot longer!


my cousin who is never on here anymore bc youre busy being super successful in life, thank you for randomly sending me images of some cool dragons in early 2016 and introducing me to the world of Flight Rising! without you, id have never known when the joining window was open, and i wouldnt have made an account in the first place! c:

and last but not least!! @thirium

perhaps you dont remember, but you gifted me some items on my wishlist several months ago, and i havent forgotten your generosity, so i had to mention you here, of course!! thanks again! youre part of why Flight Rising has such an awesome community!
aw, this is such a wonderful idea!! thanks so much for running this thread and spreading holiday cheer!! also, could you add me to the daily task pinglist, please? :>

i love you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, for being so kind to myself and everyone, for being the best friend anyone could ask for. i don't know what i'd do without you xD

THANK YOU!! for being a Very Good bean, for being a great friend, buying my art and making me laugh, and being amazing. ily!

for killing me with your stellar art, for being kind and friendly and being a good person to talk to, thank you so much!! <3

you! are! amazing!! you are the bestest of snakes (though if i'm honest the only person i know that refers to themself as a snake is you ;>) thank you for being a good fren, buying my art, yelling at me, all that stuff \o

thank youu for being a good friend, giving me advice, and sharing the beauty of lili everywhere ;0;

thank you for making arcane discord such a fun place to be!! you're amazing!
aw, this is such a wonderful idea!! thanks so much for running this thread and spreading holiday cheer!! also, could you add me to the daily task pinglist, please? :>

i love you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, for being so kind to myself and everyone, for being the best friend anyone could ask for. i don't know what i'd do without you xD

THANK YOU!! for being a Very Good bean, for being a great friend, buying my art and making me laugh, and being amazing. ily!

for killing me with your stellar art, for being kind and friendly and being a good person to talk to, thank you so much!! <3

you! are! amazing!! you are the bestest of snakes (though if i'm honest the only person i know that refers to themself as a snake is you ;>) thank you for being a good fren, buying my art, yelling at me, all that stuff \o

thank youu for being a good friend, giving me advice, and sharing the beauty of lili everywhere ;0;

thank you for making arcane discord such a fun place to be!! you're amazing!
Here are some people who made FR a better place for me:

@YarnDrawcia, @Yugi, @Bluebirdi3, @CrystalCatStudio, @suesue, and @Cline05, for roleplaying with me, getting me into a ton of fandoms, and most importantly, being my friends

@whimsicalwinds, for some of my beautiful dragons

@Starbrite, for the first dragon I ever got on the site (aside from my progens)

@LoversMasque, for being another one of my best friends here

@Caireann, for pinging me here

And many more good beans I have met, including:
@ShinyDecidueye @Mangusa @SolifugeSpace @HopesFailure @Reshiramu @EveningEmerald @hamkid @Hexpresso @Despairing @Luxembourg @LadyPlague @AppleTrash @Shadowlugia711
Here are some people who made FR a better place for me:

@YarnDrawcia, @Yugi, @Bluebirdi3, @CrystalCatStudio, @suesue, and @Cline05, for roleplaying with me, getting me into a ton of fandoms, and most importantly, being my friends

@whimsicalwinds, for some of my beautiful dragons

@Starbrite, for the first dragon I ever got on the site (aside from my progens)

@LoversMasque, for being another one of my best friends here

@Caireann, for pinging me here

And many more good beans I have met, including:
@ShinyDecidueye @Mangusa @SolifugeSpace @HopesFailure @Reshiramu @EveningEmerald @hamkid @Hexpresso @Despairing @Luxembourg @LadyPlague @AppleTrash @Shadowlugia711
Phantom ~ She/Her ~ Ace ~ Formerly ThePhantomWolf/Shiromori
+2 FR Time ~ Final Fantasy and Touhou are my life
Terra%20-%20Victory%20(Front).gifSabin%20-%20Walk%20(Front).gifEdgar%20-%20Finger.gif Terra%20-%20Esper%20-%20Blink%20(Front).gif Setzer%20-%20Finger.gifCeles%20-%20Wink.gifMaria%20-%20Sing.gifLocke%20-%20Laugh.gifRelm%20-%20Wave%20(Front).gif
@chantric oh bless your soul you precious madman ;v;

@Lizzi you are my perfect example of a waifu

@Hexlash you too are also the perfect example of a waifu
@chantric oh bless your soul you precious madman ;v;

@Lizzi you are my perfect example of a waifu

@Hexlash you too are also the perfect example of a waifu
+1 hour ahead of FR time
@lallie I'd like to be added to the daily pinglist please!
I really appreciate how welcome you made me feel on FR! Honestly you guys welcoming me during the stream was absolutely beautiful, I couldn't think of a better way to get me into a game like that.
You!!! My gosh, I was so glad to have someone to talk about this game with. We don't chat much anymore but WOW did I appreciate everything you did to make this game a better place for me.
@Sinore @Nemain @August0963
I couldn't ask for a better squad than you three right now! All three of you are amazing people and I'm glad to have become your friend! You've done so much to make this game better for me, especially recently. Keep doing you, bois!
@lallie I'd like to be added to the daily pinglist please!
I really appreciate how welcome you made me feel on FR! Honestly you guys welcoming me during the stream was absolutely beautiful, I couldn't think of a better way to get me into a game like that.
You!!! My gosh, I was so glad to have someone to talk about this game with. We don't chat much anymore but WOW did I appreciate everything you did to make this game a better place for me.
@Sinore @Nemain @August0963
I couldn't ask for a better squad than you three right now! All three of you are amazing people and I'm glad to have become your friend! You've done so much to make this game better for me, especially recently. Keep doing you, bois!

I got pinged by four friends this morning, so @Aquatic @Macchi @Suffer @Kairo

God bless you all. I really do love you guys <3 thank you!!

So I wanted to come back by writing a little thing about all my friends.

It's been a long time but you were pretty much the first person to be really nice to me on here. I had so much fun chatting with you and I want to talk to you more! Let's chat soon!

I always enjoyed having a good chuckle with you. Your art is amazing, and I'm really having fun with the Dead Goat comic! I hope we can talk more soon, I'm sorry for my inactivity (,:

I know you don't always feel the best about yourself, but a lot of people admire you, Ham. Your fiery passion for the FHGS was super fun, and I'm really upset you got banned. I hope your gull bladder surgery went well and I'm right behind you the whole way. If you need game or book suggestions or just someone to talk to you can always come to me. I know I don't really do in-depths responses to your venting about FHGS but I still do read them and I care that you care.
You're amazing buddy.

get onto the forums more you loser
You're amazing (: finding you on ArtFight was so much fun?? I'm really happy we're friends, and we should talk more. Your art is amazing.

I know you probably don't remember all the insane talks we used to have but I seriously consider you a close friend and I've always had fun talking to you. If you ever need your tarots read again lmk :eyes:
Also you got me into BTS
what have you done
We need to talk more, seriously.

I've always enjoyed chatting with you, and you've always had my back whenever the times got dark and life was really tough. I know we've got a bit of an age different but I'm really glad to have someone a little bit older than me to talk to. Thank you for having my back and I'll always have yours. Now that I'm back I'll be finishing your commissions very soon~

I've always felt so lucky to have a friend like you. You've always had my back and feel like when we're at our lowest we've always been there for the other. I never want to lose you as a friend. And holy moly, you gave me Soltaria - a dragon you paid unimaginable money for. She'll always be with me forever, and I'm saving the funds to dress her right now (:
God bless you, you wonderful person. I know you have some depression issues, but I'll always stand beside you. The tunnels we both go down are really dark, but it lets you appreciate the light at the end more. It doesn't mean you have to go down the tunnel alone. That's the last thing you should do. Surround yourself with people that make you feel happy.
I really appreciate everything you've done for me, and I'll always have your back.

Right now I'm not feeling too great and I'm really busy, but I will get back and continue with all my other friends. I have only gotten though a third of them ^^;
I got pinged by four friends this morning, so @Aquatic @Macchi @Suffer @Kairo

God bless you all. I really do love you guys <3 thank you!!

So I wanted to come back by writing a little thing about all my friends.

It's been a long time but you were pretty much the first person to be really nice to me on here. I had so much fun chatting with you and I want to talk to you more! Let's chat soon!

I always enjoyed having a good chuckle with you. Your art is amazing, and I'm really having fun with the Dead Goat comic! I hope we can talk more soon, I'm sorry for my inactivity (,:

I know you don't always feel the best about yourself, but a lot of people admire you, Ham. Your fiery passion for the FHGS was super fun, and I'm really upset you got banned. I hope your gull bladder surgery went well and I'm right behind you the whole way. If you need game or book suggestions or just someone to talk to you can always come to me. I know I don't really do in-depths responses to your venting about FHGS but I still do read them and I care that you care.
You're amazing buddy.

get onto the forums more you loser
You're amazing (: finding you on ArtFight was so much fun?? I'm really happy we're friends, and we should talk more. Your art is amazing.

I know you probably don't remember all the insane talks we used to have but I seriously consider you a close friend and I've always had fun talking to you. If you ever need your tarots read again lmk :eyes:
Also you got me into BTS
what have you done
We need to talk more, seriously.

I've always enjoyed chatting with you, and you've always had my back whenever the times got dark and life was really tough. I know we've got a bit of an age different but I'm really glad to have someone a little bit older than me to talk to. Thank you for having my back and I'll always have yours. Now that I'm back I'll be finishing your commissions very soon~

I've always felt so lucky to have a friend like you. You've always had my back and feel like when we're at our lowest we've always been there for the other. I never want to lose you as a friend. And holy moly, you gave me Soltaria - a dragon you paid unimaginable money for. She'll always be with me forever, and I'm saving the funds to dress her right now (:
God bless you, you wonderful person. I know you have some depression issues, but I'll always stand beside you. The tunnels we both go down are really dark, but it lets you appreciate the light at the end more. It doesn't mean you have to go down the tunnel alone. That's the last thing you should do. Surround yourself with people that make you feel happy.
I really appreciate everything you've done for me, and I'll always have your back.

Right now I'm not feeling too great and I'm really busy, but I will get back and continue with all my other friends. I have only gotten though a third of them ^^;
Oh lord im not good at writing feelings
@ariaechoes you're like a sister to me, you're always willing to listen to me vent and give me solutions to problems. And you host the best bloodsports!
@TheDragonsQueen @StarryNightRen best parents on slack!!! I love u guys and i wish we lived closer than we do. I'm so grateful for ur influence in my life
@LuminousNoble LUMIIIII You always cheer me up, and you're a great shoulder to cry on too! I love you to bits.
@LemonQuartz I will never get over how we knew each other online for 2 years and then by sheer luck we go to the same college and didn't know it. Hope to see you!

And a bunch of other peeps i know and love
@vainqueuers, @Xotik, @ApprenticeWriter, @Yewwily, @Aevios, @Clya, @PheonixPonder, @Hexephra, @miniquinny999
Oh lord im not good at writing feelings
@ariaechoes you're like a sister to me, you're always willing to listen to me vent and give me solutions to problems. And you host the best bloodsports!
@TheDragonsQueen @StarryNightRen best parents on slack!!! I love u guys and i wish we lived closer than we do. I'm so grateful for ur influence in my life
@LuminousNoble LUMIIIII You always cheer me up, and you're a great shoulder to cry on too! I love you to bits.
@LemonQuartz I will never get over how we knew each other online for 2 years and then by sheer luck we go to the same college and didn't know it. Hope to see you!

And a bunch of other peeps i know and love
@vainqueuers, @Xotik, @ApprenticeWriter, @Yewwily, @Aevios, @Clya, @PheonixPonder, @Hexephra, @miniquinny999
@Lallie - HA you thought I wouldn't include you in this, did you? Well, you're wrong!! Cause you're a great friend and you deserve to be recognized for all of the amazingly kind things you do for others. Thank you for being my RP buddy and friend, because it means so much to me that someone as kind and amazing as you would <3 much love!!

@Noodlesper - what am I going to do with you lmao. I freaking love you dude and you always seem to find a way to make me laugh my butt off, no lie. You are amazing and gifted and just wholeheartedly wonderful and I love that about you. You're just amazing and I think you're amazing, if you're thinking differently right now, then stop, cause there's someone out there who loves you and it's me.

@Spectr - AAAAAA dude, you make me happy and you're so amazing and kind and I'm glad that we are as close as we are because you're the best ;u; I hope work and life is going well for you, sorry I haven't been checking in as much as I should lmao, but here I am ;u; thank you so much for being my friend, it means a lot to hear the kind things you say to me, and I just love to try and spoil you with anything I can spoil you with because you deserve all the kindness given to you and more <3

@Elves - gosh, I love to talk with you!! you make me smile and feel better on days that weren't that great and I'm glad you're my friend bud ^^ I know we don't talk everyday, but we talk a lot and I love the things we talk about. Also, thank you for coming to me with all the gorgeous dragons, and a bigger thank you for the gen 1s you gave me because the only ones I have ever owned were my progens ;u; thank you for being a great and wonderful friend!! <3

@symbrock - yOU. yes you I love you <3 you're amazing and wonderful and I just love talking with you about the silly things and sometimes even the serious things because it's just so nice!! and all your replies to my writing encourages me more to keep going, because for me it's easy to see how others are better at this than I am, and in the end, I just forget about my 'talent', but you end up lifting my spirits and I am so appreciative of our friendship!! much love dude <3 thank you for everything you do! (plus your characters and kids are to die for, I love those precious babies sm, heck)

@sleepytroll @Macchi @sane @Cosimia @EgoLobster @Shadoo @SookieJane @OSierraSoulO

we don't talk as much, but I intend to change that because you guys are all wonderful, amazingly kind people who seem to come at the right times and lift my spirits <3 I'm hoping to speak with you guys more, even if it's just through the silly things I write for you all, but you're wonderful and I hope you're all living good and hanging in there, cause life can suck at times. thanks for being my friends!! <3 I'm very thankful for you all ^^
@Lallie - HA you thought I wouldn't include you in this, did you? Well, you're wrong!! Cause you're a great friend and you deserve to be recognized for all of the amazingly kind things you do for others. Thank you for being my RP buddy and friend, because it means so much to me that someone as kind and amazing as you would <3 much love!!

@Noodlesper - what am I going to do with you lmao. I freaking love you dude and you always seem to find a way to make me laugh my butt off, no lie. You are amazing and gifted and just wholeheartedly wonderful and I love that about you. You're just amazing and I think you're amazing, if you're thinking differently right now, then stop, cause there's someone out there who loves you and it's me.

@Spectr - AAAAAA dude, you make me happy and you're so amazing and kind and I'm glad that we are as close as we are because you're the best ;u; I hope work and life is going well for you, sorry I haven't been checking in as much as I should lmao, but here I am ;u; thank you so much for being my friend, it means a lot to hear the kind things you say to me, and I just love to try and spoil you with anything I can spoil you with because you deserve all the kindness given to you and more <3

@Elves - gosh, I love to talk with you!! you make me smile and feel better on days that weren't that great and I'm glad you're my friend bud ^^ I know we don't talk everyday, but we talk a lot and I love the things we talk about. Also, thank you for coming to me with all the gorgeous dragons, and a bigger thank you for the gen 1s you gave me because the only ones I have ever owned were my progens ;u; thank you for being a great and wonderful friend!! <3

@symbrock - yOU. yes you I love you <3 you're amazing and wonderful and I just love talking with you about the silly things and sometimes even the serious things because it's just so nice!! and all your replies to my writing encourages me more to keep going, because for me it's easy to see how others are better at this than I am, and in the end, I just forget about my 'talent', but you end up lifting my spirits and I am so appreciative of our friendship!! much love dude <3 thank you for everything you do! (plus your characters and kids are to die for, I love those precious babies sm, heck)

@sleepytroll @Macchi @sane @Cosimia @EgoLobster @Shadoo @SookieJane @OSierraSoulO

we don't talk as much, but I intend to change that because you guys are all wonderful, amazingly kind people who seem to come at the right times and lift my spirits <3 I'm hoping to speak with you guys more, even if it's just through the silly things I write for you all, but you're wonderful and I hope you're all living good and hanging in there, cause life can suck at times. thanks for being my friends!! <3 I'm very thankful for you all ^^


Shattered Glass
|[skins]les chats'
|[$]art shop
|aesthetic™ busts
|100 eggs quest