
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 2018 December Kindness Challenge
[center][size=4][font=georgia][color=000033][url=]Story[/url] | [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Task List [/url]| [url=]Raffle[/url] | [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Thanks[/url][/color][/font][/size] [/center] [center] [IMG][/IMG] [/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]The winter winds have come. They bring the jovial jingling of bells upon bells upon bells, banners strewn about the trees in welcome of the future yuletide festivities. Hearts begin to flutter with the eagerness to celebrate, a mounting excitement takes seed within the souls of passersby, waiting to bloom. You have appeared before the fixed lanterns, the smell of chestnuts resting on gentle flame, your eyes dancing among the banner flags as if caught in a perpetual winter waltz. Something within you brightens with enthusiasm, and your interest is caught by joyous laughter. “Hello!” The Tundra chimes like carol music. He is adorned in firefly lights about his mane, striped like winter sweets and wrapped like a gift would be, sitting in suspended wait underneath the greatest tree. He beams at you with an unrelenting friendliness, his large paws taking your hand in greeting. “Oh, it is so good to see you!” He laughs, snout nodding as if to emphasise his contentedness. “My name is Claus. As you might have noticed, festivities are soon upon us! Isn’t that exciting?” He lilts with joy, unable to stop the bubbling laughter rising at the end of his sentence, plucking at the crimson scarf draped over his shoulders. He admires the decorations, admires the festive look to the trees, to the sky. He looks back at you and smiles, intent glimmering in gentle gaze. “The season is upon us, you know! Now is the time where kindness must truly be shown to others!” He nods again, and you find yourself nodding back. He laughs at your mimicked gesture. “You know! Yes, yes, I find kindness, above all us, is the most important gift one can give to another.” He falls into a somewhat gentler tone, a birdsong chime better fit for the early morning. “There is much to do, much to give and much to be thankful for,” Claus smiled. “I hope to see you joining in the festivities alongside myself and others! Please, enjoy the season! It’s only once a year, after all!” He leaves you to bask in the shimmering lights and cheerful conversation. You feel a tugging of your heart, the seasonal seed within your soul begins to sprout. The Tundra’s conversation fills you with eagerness.[/font][/size] [center][img][/img][/center]

The winter winds have come. They bring the jovial jingling of bells upon bells upon bells, banners strewn about the trees in welcome of the future yuletide festivities. Hearts begin to flutter with the eagerness to celebrate, a mounting excitement takes seed within the souls of passersby, waiting to bloom.

You have appeared before the fixed lanterns, the smell of chestnuts resting on gentle flame, your eyes dancing among the banner flags as if caught in a perpetual winter waltz. Something within you brightens with enthusiasm, and your interest is caught by joyous laughter.


The Tundra chimes like carol music. He is adorned in firefly lights about his mane, striped like winter sweets and wrapped like a gift would be, sitting in suspended wait underneath the greatest tree. He beams at you with an unrelenting friendliness, his large paws taking your hand in greeting.

“Oh, it is so good to see you!” He laughs, snout nodding as if to emphasise his contentedness. “My name is Claus. As you might have noticed, festivities are soon upon us! Isn’t that exciting?”
He lilts with joy, unable to stop the bubbling laughter rising at the end of his sentence, plucking at the crimson scarf draped over his shoulders. He admires the decorations, admires the festive look to the trees, to the sky. He looks back at you and smiles, intent glimmering in gentle gaze.

“The season is upon us, you know! Now is the time where kindness must truly be shown to others!” He nods again, and you find yourself nodding back. He laughs at your mimicked gesture. “You know! Yes, yes, I find kindness, above all us, is the most important gift one can give to another.”

He falls into a somewhat gentler tone, a birdsong chime better fit for the early morning.

“There is much to do, much to give and much to be thankful for,” Claus smiled. “I hope to see you joining in the festivities alongside myself and others! Please, enjoy the season! It’s only once a year, after all!”

He leaves you to bask in the shimmering lights and cheerful conversation. You feel a tugging of your heart, the seasonal seed within your soul begins to sprout. The Tundra’s conversation fills you with eagerness.

~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[center][size=4][font=Georgia][color=000033][url=]Story[/url] | [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Task List [/url]| [url=]Raffle[/url] | [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Thanks[/url][/color][/font][/size] [/center] [center][size=7][font=Georgia][b]December Kindness Challenge[/b][/size][/center] [center][b][size=5][font=Georgia]For Flight Rising Members[/size][/font][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][font=Georgia]Background[/size][/font][/b] [size=4][font=Georgia]Back in 2015 I participated in a thread very similar to this created by the lovely @Rowlet303. It was a lovely idea and still is a lovely idea because it captures the essence of December - a time for giving, receiving, goodwill and a time for friends and family. I myself am a gifter and nothing brings me more joy than seeing others smile and seeing wishes become a reality. I ended up running this challenge last year and had a bunch of lovely participants, so I'd like to extend the invitation to you all once more, to join me in the month of December to spread happiness around Flight Rising :)[/size][/font] [b][size=5][font=Georgia]What is the Challenge?[/size][/font][/b] [size=4][font=Georgia]The 31 Day December Kindness Challenge is where there will be a list of things for you to do every day of the month that relate to giving, helping and/or bringing joy to the community of Flight Rising. It is up to you whether you give a little or a lot, there's no lock in contracts or anything haha, nor is anything expected of you, give what you feel comfortable giving.[/size][/font] [b][size=5][font=Georgia]What do I get out of it?[/size][/font][/b] [size=4][font=Georgia]The most important thing you'll be getting out of this is the knowledge that you've just put a smile on someone's face and the fuzzy feelings that come with it. This year, however, I will be running a small raffle for all those who participate in the Challenge, this is my gift to you. [/size][/font] [b][size=5][font=Georgia]Do I have to do all 31 days?[/size][/font][/b] [size=4][font=Georgia]No, you do not have to do all 31 days if you do not want to, though each task completed will get you a ticket into the raffle. You can pick the days that you wish to complete and do them then, or you can do days in advanced if you're going away etc, or you can simply do what you can. Personally I am going to attempt all 31 days, and there will be a pinglist below for those who wish to be on it and pinged for each day.[/size][/font] [b][size=5][font=Georgia]What if I am away from FR or miss days? Can I make it back up?[/size][/font][/b] [size=4][font=Georgia]Though the challenge has daily tasks and it is preferred that tasks are completed on the day they're sent out, I understand that there are things that pop up in one's life that will mean they have to step back from FR and/or makes them unavailable for a certain amount of time. As long as those who will be absent from FR let me know they're going to make those days back up after their absence, that will be ok, you will still get tickets for the days made up. So yes, you can definitely do those tasks when you get back! There is no "eliminated from the challenge" in the December Kindness Challenge ^^ Users are free to do all days, some days or one day, it is all up to them on what they can and can't do! You will not be penalised or barred from the challenge for missing a day or two <3[/size][/font] [b][size=5][font=Georgia]Badges[/size][/font][/b] [size=4][font=Georgia]Ok so I might've lied about the only thing you get out of this being good feelings and potential raffle prizes. Something you also get out of this is a cute participation badge made by the fantastic Zemael! Even if you do only one single task, you may claim this badge! :D There is a [i]much [/i]larger badge available if you want as well[/size][/font] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [/center] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [center][img][/img][/center]

December Kindness Challenge
For Flight Rising Members



Back in 2015 I participated in a thread very similar to this created by the lovely @Rowlet303. It was a lovely idea and still is a lovely idea because it captures the essence of December - a time for giving, receiving, goodwill and a time for friends and family. I myself am a gifter and nothing brings me more joy than seeing others smile and seeing wishes become a reality. I ended up running this challenge last year and had a bunch of lovely participants, so I'd like to extend the invitation to you all once more, to join me in the month of December to spread happiness around Flight Rising :)

What is the Challenge?

The 31 Day December Kindness Challenge is where there will be a list of things for you to do every day of the month that relate to giving, helping and/or bringing joy to the community of Flight Rising. It is up to you whether you give a little or a lot, there's no lock in contracts or anything haha, nor is anything expected of you, give what you feel comfortable giving.

What do I get out of it?

The most important thing you'll be getting out of this is the knowledge that you've just put a smile on someone's face and the fuzzy feelings that come with it.

This year, however, I will be running a small raffle for all those who participate in the Challenge, this is my gift to you.

Do I have to do all 31 days?

No, you do not have to do all 31 days if you do not want to, though each task completed will get you a ticket into the raffle.

You can pick the days that you wish to complete and do them then, or you can do days in advanced if you're going away etc, or you can simply do what you can. Personally I am going to attempt all 31 days, and there will be a pinglist below for those who wish to be on it and pinged for each day.

What if I am away from FR or miss days? Can I make it back up?

Though the challenge has daily tasks and it is preferred that tasks are completed on the day they're sent out, I understand that there are things that pop up in one's life that will mean they have to step back from FR and/or makes them unavailable for a certain amount of time. As long as those who will be absent from FR let me know they're going to make those days back up after their absence, that will be ok, you will still get tickets for the days made up. So yes, you can definitely do those tasks when you get back!

There is no "eliminated from the challenge" in the December Kindness Challenge ^^ Users are free to do all days, some days or one day, it is all up to them on what they can and can't do! You will not be penalised or barred from the challenge for missing a day or two <3


Ok so I might've lied about the only thing you get out of this being good feelings and potential raffle prizes. Something you also get out of this is a cute participation badge made by the fantastic Zemael! Even if you do only one single task, you may claim this badge! :D There is a much larger badge available if you want as well
~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[center][size=4][font=Georgia][color=000033][url=]Story[/url] | [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Task List [/url]| [url=]Raffle[/url] | [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Thanks[/url][/color][/font][/size] [/center] [center][size=6][font=Georgia][b]Task List[/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Below you will find the task list for the month of December! Each day will correspond with a certain task that involves doing something nice for friends and strangers. Hopefully they will be interesting enough to do! In the instance that you cannot complete a task for whatever reason whether it be you don't like the task/can't complete the task/other, you are more than welcome to simply gift something to a stranger. If you're at a loss on finding someone to give things to, perhaps peruse through [url=]this list[/url] and pick a random player :) [img][/img] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 1st[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]List up to 5 people (though you can do more if you wish!) you think make Flight Rising a better place for you and potentially for others! Tag them here and tell them why, spread the love <3[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 2nd[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Donate familiars to your Flight's Free/Trade Familiar Thread or similar[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 3rd[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Create a small starter pack for one or two newer players! Optional: In doing this perhaps give them something a little harder to obtain[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 4th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Brew a Baldwin Item for someone and gift it to them If you don't have a high level, brew whatever you can and give it as a random gift, it's the thought that counts![/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 5th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Gift Bomb 3-5 people! Doesn't have to be big :)[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 6th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Send in a donation to your flight and/or support your fellow flight members! Send in a donation to your Dom Bank or perhaps another program![/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 7th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Head on over to the [url=]'Make A Wish' thread[/url], look at the more recent posts and see if you can grant a couple wishes![/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 8th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Help someone with a lair expansion (can be a newer or older player)[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 9th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Donate apparel to your Flight's Free Apparel Thread or similar[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 10th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Time for another random gift to a random person! Try for something substantial[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 11th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Give a skin/accent to a random person, perhaps something that isn't a fest skin. If you can only afford to give fest skins, perhaps something that is older or suits their dragons more![/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 12th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Help another member get an achievement! Eggs are the easiest way, or achievements suited for newer members, but I'm sure you can all think of something :D[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 13th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Write a really nice review of someone's lair or a few of their dragons. You can ping into here if you'd like to! Be sure to say plenty of nice things about their pretty dragons, it's always nice to know others appreciate your hard work[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 14th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Look at a bunch of hatcheries. Maybe even sign up for a ping list or two. Perhaps even buy a couple dragons ^^[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 15th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Look at some art/lore shops, sign up for ping lists, support our creative communities by potentially ordering something from a user. With this one you can do what is most comfortable for you and your budget. As always, if you just simply want to gift someone instead, go right ahead![/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 16th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Give an awesome familiar to a random person or Gift someone a familiar not in their Bestiary[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 17th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Give an item you can only get from Swipp to a random person, perhaps something a little harder to obtain :)[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 18th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Donate battle items to your Flight's Free battle item Thread or similar[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 19th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Participate in [url=]'Give a Surprise, Get a Surprise' [/url]or something similar[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 20th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]If you know who they are, ping the Breeders/original owners of some of your most favourite dragons and let them know why![/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 21st[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]We all love the occasional warm brew, gift some Baldwin Materials to someone[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 22nd[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Donate food to your Flight's Free Food Thread or similar[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 23rd[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Come up with something nice to do for someone on Flight Rising, do it, and post it below :D[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 24th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]The holidays needs more positive feelings! Review something! Whether that be a lair, a dragon, lore, or perhaps ping people in to tell them how nice they are, anything! Sometimes all it takes to make someone smile are a couple nice words :)[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 25th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]It's Christmas, which means sharing the day with family and friends. Extend the warm festive fuzzies to your friends on FR. Ping them in here and write a message to your good friends on this site, or perhaps those that are like family. Let them know how much they mean to you. Gifts are optional[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 26th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]It's Boxing Day! Look through your hoard and give any stuff you don't really need away to members who might have not got much this holiday season[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 27th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Give a Nocturne egg or Night of the Nocturne Exclusive familiar to a member not doing so well this festival[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 28th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]This time of year can be hectic and stressful, so please take a moment to be kind to yourself. Treat yourself to a small gift on FR; perhaps that one apparel piece you've been eyeing, or that lair reorganising you've been meaning to get to. Or perhaps just even take the day to yourself if you can and read a book, have a chocolate or grab a coffee at some point. Anything you can think of! Just remember to be kind to yourself <3[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 29th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Give a hatchling/dragon from your lair to someone who will appreciate them and will give them some love! This can simply be a case of donating dragons to newer players or potential programs within your flights, or could be giving an expensive breeding hatchling to someone on your pinglist, up to you! [/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 30th[/s][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Do something nice for someone! It's up to you what that is :D[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b]December 31st[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Give someone a gene/breed change scroll or an egg. This is designed to be the hardest challenge, seeing as it's at the end of the list. So be sure to save up ahead of time! Otherwise if you don't feel like you can make this a reality you can just gift a 'high-end' item instead[/size][/font][/center] [img][/img]

Task List

Below you will find the task list for the month of December! Each day will correspond with a certain task that involves doing something nice for friends and strangers. Hopefully they will be interesting enough to do!

In the instance that you cannot complete a task for whatever reason whether it be you don't like the task/can't complete the task/other, you are more than welcome to simply gift something to a stranger. If you're at a loss on finding someone to give things to, perhaps peruse through this list and pick a random player :)


December 1st
List up to 5 people (though you can do more if you wish!) you think make Flight Rising a better place for you and potentially for others! Tag them here and tell them why, spread the love <3
December 2nd
Donate familiars to your Flight's Free/Trade Familiar Thread or similar
December 3rd
Create a small starter pack for one or two newer players!
Optional: In doing this perhaps give them something a little harder to obtain
December 4th
Brew a Baldwin Item for someone and gift it to them
If you don't have a high level, brew whatever you can and give it as a random gift, it's the thought that counts!
December 5th
Gift Bomb 3-5 people! Doesn't have to be big :)
December 6th
Send in a donation to your flight and/or support your fellow flight members! Send in a donation to your Dom Bank or perhaps another program!
December 7th
Head on over to the 'Make A Wish' thread, look at the more recent posts and see if you can grant a couple wishes!
December 8th
Help someone with a lair expansion (can be a newer or older player)
December 9th
Donate apparel to your Flight's Free Apparel Thread or similar
December 10th
Time for another random gift to a random person! Try for something substantial
December 11th
Give a skin/accent to a random person, perhaps something that isn't a fest skin. If you can only afford to give fest skins, perhaps something that is older or suits their dragons more!
December 12th
Help another member get an achievement! Eggs are the easiest way, or achievements suited for newer members, but I'm sure you can all think of something :D
December 13th
Write a really nice review of someone's lair or a few of their dragons. You can ping into here if you'd like to! Be sure to say plenty of nice things about their pretty dragons, it's always nice to know others appreciate your hard work
December 14th
Look at a bunch of hatcheries. Maybe even sign up for a ping list or two. Perhaps even buy a couple dragons ^^
December 15th
Look at some art/lore shops, sign up for ping lists, support our creative communities by potentially ordering something from a user. With this one you can do what is most comfortable for you and your budget. As always, if you just simply want to gift someone instead, go right ahead!
December 16th
Give an awesome familiar to a random person or Gift someone a familiar not in their Bestiary
December 17th
Give an item you can only get from Swipp to a random person, perhaps something a little harder to obtain :)
December 18th
Donate battle items to your Flight's Free battle item Thread or similar
December 19th
Participate in 'Give a Surprise, Get a Surprise' or something similar
December 20th
If you know who they are, ping the Breeders/original owners of some of your most favourite dragons and let them know why!
December 21st
We all love the occasional warm brew, gift some Baldwin Materials to someone
December 22nd
Donate food to your Flight's Free Food Thread or similar
December 23rd
Come up with something nice to do for someone on Flight Rising, do it, and post it below :D
December 24th
The holidays needs more positive feelings! Review something! Whether that be a lair, a dragon, lore, or perhaps ping people in to tell them how nice they are, anything! Sometimes all it takes to make someone smile are a couple nice words :)
December 25th
It's Christmas, which means sharing the day with family and friends. Extend the warm festive fuzzies to your friends on FR. Ping them in here and write a message to your good friends on this site, or perhaps those that are like family. Let them know how much they mean to you. Gifts are optional
December 26th
It's Boxing Day! Look through your hoard and give any stuff you don't really need away to members who might have not got much this holiday season
December 27th
Give a Nocturne egg or Night of the Nocturne Exclusive familiar to a member not doing so well this festival
December 28th
This time of year can be hectic and stressful, so please take a moment to be kind to yourself. Treat yourself to a small gift on FR; perhaps that one apparel piece you've been eyeing, or that lair reorganising you've been meaning to get to. Or perhaps just even take the day to yourself if you can and read a book, have a chocolate or grab a coffee at some point. Anything you can think of! Just remember to be kind to yourself <3
December 29th
Give a hatchling/dragon from your lair to someone who will appreciate them and will give them some love! This can simply be a case of donating dragons to newer players or potential programs within your flights, or could be giving an expensive breeding hatchling to someone on your pinglist, up to you!
December 30th
Do something nice for someone! It's up to you what that is :D
December 31st
Give someone a gene/breed change scroll or an egg. This is designed to be the hardest challenge, seeing as it's at the end of the list. So be sure to save up ahead of time! Otherwise if you don't feel like you can make this a reality you can just gift a 'high-end' item instead

~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[center][size=4][font=Georgia][color=000033][url=]Story[/url] | [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Task List [/url]| [url=]Raffle[/url] | [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Thanks[/url][/color][/font][/size] [/center] [center][b][size=6][font=Georgia]Raffle[/size][/font][/b][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]~~Prizes will be added depending on number of participants~~ [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]The rules for the raffle are pretty straight forward: 1. You will earn a ticket for each daily task you complete, making a max of 31 possible tickets** 2. Names will be placed against a number and then drawn out using an [url=]RNG[/url] 3. The drawings will be done in rounds of 10 4. If you are pinged, you have 24 hours to respond with your prize preferences. In order of what you want most (e.g. if you're 2nd you'll pick 2 prizes, 8th you'll pick 8) 5. If there is no reply after 24 hours, you will go to the bottom of the next drawing. 6. If after the 2nd chance you still haven't replied, your ticket will be discarded. However, you will be eligible to be drawn again. 7. This will continue until all prizes are drawn (**All of this will be based on trust. I am doing this as my December Kindness Act and I trust that you will do the right thing by completing the tasks when you say you have. If you would like to provide screenshots of the messages etc, you may, though it is not necessary.) [center][img][/img][/center] [quote name="1. Claus"] [center] claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="2. It shall be an uprising!"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="3. Good boys"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="4. Watery companion"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="5. Look mum, I'm a fish!"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="6. Aztec warrior"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="7. Whale of a time"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="8. Christmas stars"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="9. I am the night"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="10. Follow that trail!"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="11. What trail?"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="12. The trail that we blaze!"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="13. That one rare coli drop"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="14. Noc noc, who's there?"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="15. Swirly"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="16. Pleggy"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="17. Where? There!"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="18. Blank canvas"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="19. Bowssss yaaaaassss"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="20. Nightmare before christmas"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="21. Sleeping beauty"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="22. Poff"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="23. Roar fish?"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="24. Underappreciated"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="25. 1 level, 2 levels, 3 levels, 4..."] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="26. Reach for the stars"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="27. Eye see you!...or not"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="28. Strike a pose"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="29. We wish you a merry coatlmas"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="30. Pretty in pink"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="31. Aaaaarrrrgh me hearties"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="32. Midas"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="33. Elusive raptor"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="34. Gotta go fast"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="35. Spaaaaaace"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="36. RNG please"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="37. Pawsitively purrfect"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="38. Night and day"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="39. Taste the rainbow"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [quote name="40. You can noct be serious"] [center]claimed[/center] [/quote] [center][img][/img][/center]

~~Prizes will be added depending on number of participants~~


The rules for the raffle are pretty straight forward:
1. You will earn a ticket for each daily task you complete, making a max of 31 possible tickets**
2. Names will be placed against a number and then drawn out using an RNG
3. The drawings will be done in rounds of 10
4. If you are pinged, you have 24 hours to respond with your prize preferences. In order of what you want most (e.g. if you're 2nd you'll pick 2 prizes, 8th you'll pick 8)
5. If there is no reply after 24 hours, you will go to the bottom of the next drawing.
6. If after the 2nd chance you still haven't replied, your ticket will be discarded. However, you will be eligible to be drawn again.
7. This will continue until all prizes are drawn

(**All of this will be based on trust. I am doing this as my December Kindness Act and I trust that you will do the right thing by completing the tasks when you say you have. If you would like to provide screenshots of the messages etc, you may, though it is not necessary.)


1. Claus wrote:
2. It shall be an uprising! wrote:
3. Good boys wrote:
4. Watery companion wrote:
5. Look mum, I'm a fish! wrote:
6. Aztec warrior wrote:
7. Whale of a time wrote:
8. Christmas stars wrote:
9. I am the night wrote:
10. Follow that trail! wrote:
11. What trail? wrote:
12. The trail that we blaze! wrote:
13. That one rare coli drop wrote:
14. Noc noc, who's there? wrote:
15. Swirly wrote:
16. Pleggy wrote:
17. Where? There! wrote:
18. Blank canvas wrote:
19. Bowssss yaaaaassss wrote:
20. Nightmare before christmas wrote:
21. Sleeping beauty wrote:
22. Poff wrote:
23. Roar fish? wrote:
24. Underappreciated wrote:
25. 1 level, 2 levels, 3 levels, 4... wrote:
26. Reach for the stars wrote:
27. Eye see you!...or not wrote:
28. Strike a pose wrote:
29. We wish you a merry coatlmas wrote:
30. Pretty in pink wrote:
31. Aaaaarrrrgh me hearties wrote:
32. Midas wrote:
33. Elusive raptor wrote:
34. Gotta go fast wrote:
35. Spaaaaaace wrote:
36. RNG please wrote:
37. Pawsitively purrfect wrote:
38. Night and day wrote:
39. Taste the rainbow wrote:
40. You can noct be serious wrote:

~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[center][size=4][font=Georgia][color=000033][url=]Story[/url] | [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Task List [/url]| [url=]Raffle[/url] | [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Thanks[/url][/color][/font][/size] [/center] [center][size=6][font=Georgia][b]Pinglists[/b][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][font=Georgia][b]Pinglist For Start of the Event[/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][color=7c081a]1.[/color]@/AcaraTheDragon @/Welgan @/PepperClove @/Smols [color=7c081a]5.[/color]@/Mistywolf77 @/spaceyfeather @/Theophilus @/Jaeyoon @/Cheshly [color=7c081a]10.[/color]@/AlbinoDiamond @/Greenwolfkate @/toadmonkey @/Renocide @/TheClassCalico [color=7c081a]15.[/color]@/kvon @/mayanaz @/aurora58002 @/TheAwesoMew @/InuKimi [color=7c081a]20.[/color]@/BaldwinBogsneak @/Loreka @/greyxfoxx @/WishUponADragon @/TinyGryphon [color=7c081a]25.[/color]@/Starwindrider @/QUACK2 @/Kunikida @/Catsrevenge @/Shadowember [color=7c081a]30.[/color]@/Rocwylde @/PelicanBitten @/Starcloud @/Cataclasm @/Kairo [color=7c081a]35.[/color]@/Watercolour @/BlueJaysFeather @/mithrel @/starblaziing @/Veritable [color=7c081a]40.[/color]@/Levengale @/Pteropoda @/Oriel @/CowboyMouth @/TooElfy [color=7c081a]45.[/color]@/danijust @/Jessaboo @/Nerds @/ArowanaPrincess @/Joeydragonz [color=7c081a]50.[/color]@/Aquatic @/RockyLemons @/beepboopitsme @/Ratiasu @/Edgedancer [color=7c081a]55.[/color]@/Zith @/Redeim @/Gryphoness @/Shiraya @/EndraPhoenix [color=7c081a]60.[/color]@/Siris @/TheGoodAku @/LucidFeathers @/Mnkn10 @/TemperDragoness [color=7c081a]65.[/color]@/NovaBlu @/Snek @/Allunar @/yellowstarfish @/Sebriniel33 [color=7c081a]70.[/color]@/NoodleMomma @/heavylobster @/croix @/Keryth @/Enasencca [color=7c081a]75.[/color]@/dransnake @/JonTargaryen @/Sillywinter @/WingedClaymore @/EverAthena [color=7c081a]80.[/color]@/Dalinar @/Ashki @/MythicalViper @/ApprenticeWriter @/woolly [color=7c081a]85.[/color]@/Xotik @/starrynightren @/Oakendrake @/Emmahaa @/absurditea [color=7c081a]90.[/color]@/L1BR4 @/septarianflare @/Yewwily @/mysticSpaghetti @/Shudder [color=7c081a]95.[/color]@/Tox @/LiveOak @/Eiira @/Rabigrace @/minty [color=7c081a]100.[/color]@/218715 @/brighteningskies @/Stellailluma @/DankNarwhal @/Endofighter [color=7c081a]105.[/color]@/Plushstiel @/BananaDr4gon @/iiSwizzle @/Breadsticc @/Gravebloom [color=7c081a]110.[/color]@/chocollama [/size][/font][/center] [center][size=5][font=Georgia][b]Daily Task Pinglist[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]@/toadmonkey @/kvon @/mayanaz @/Starwindrider @/Kunikida @/Catsrevenge @/Rocwylde @/Starcloud @/PelicanBitten @/Cataclasm @/Kairo @/Watercolour @/BlueJaysFeather @/mithrel @/Veritable @/Levengale @/Pteropoda @/Oriel @/CowboyMouth @/danijust @/Jessaboo @/Nerds @/ArowanaPrincess @/Welgan @/Joeydragonz @/Aquatic @/beepboopitsme @/Ratiasu @/Edgedancer @/Zith @/Redeim @/Gryphoness @/Shiraya @/EndraPhoenix @/Siris @/TheGoodAku @/LucidFeathers @/Mnkn10 @/TemperDragoness @/NovaBlu @/Snek @/Allunar @/yellowstarfish @/NoodleMomma @/heavylobster @/croix @/Keryth @/Enasencca @/dransnake @/JonTargaryen @/Sillywinter @/WingedClaymore @/EverAthena @/Dalinar @/Ashki @/MythicalViper @/ApprenticeWriter @/woolly @/Xotik @/starrynightren @/Oakendrake @/Emmahaa @/absurditea @/Yewwily @/mysticSpaghetti @/Shudder @/Tox @/LiveOak @/Eiira @/Rabigrace @/minty @/218715 @/brighteningskies @/DankNarwhal @/Endofighter @/Plushstiel @/BananaDr4gon @/iiSwizzle @/L1BR4 @/Gravebloom @/chocollama @/TinyGryphon @/Catvrix @/broodlords @/commoncomitatus @/Smols @/Emberglo @/Megan65 @/SerenityBreeze @/Cheshly @/ObsidianMage @/starshiny @/Kataracts @/SilentRiver @/LemonQuartz @/ShadyApocalpyse @/Autopsy @/Kitanya @/LemonyCurry @/BlazingSkyDragon @/Mystiki @/AlbinoDiamond @/Gusted @/SaltyLeti @/Interverse @/Possums @/Skylexar @/Ladylilitu @/WhimsicalWinds @/Screamingbirb @/DuoSora @/Zaratyst @/CallMeMoe @/RoyalSorceress @/EasilyAmusedKat @/Juxta13 @/sparklesdani @/Elves @/Siris @/Xirei @/Strawberrium @/Hyleoroi @/Punkinator919 @/Theophilus @/Goldia @/Lora24 @/GreenwolfKate @/Renocide @/Arianethel @/grandmaeblob @/Loreka @/Avifors @/Raedeshe @/dustclouds @/Bananacorn @/PheonixPonder @/Aersolace @/ilexopaca @/SkyDancer10 @/Lisegathe @/ElementalEntropy @/dancingcrane @/nostalgicgalaxy @/Reignswrath @/halforq @/Redsand @/CasiCasi @/Ramirez33 @/FoggyDownpour @/dreamscaperer @/SocklessWonder @/Kasairan @/usualuniqueness @/Taluwen @/SwampQween @/hawchoo @/Sylphiette @/TooElfy @/RileythePlagueDr @/UbertheInso @/Sagittariuss @/Trashess @/Atilwi @/Martinique @/pallida @/PopatoPips @/GalacticSeviper @/Kattalio @/Cunea @/Dezrend @/Rockmama @/MariKatt @/Hinumi @/24Finns @/Vaguity @/PandaOverlord [/size][/font][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]


Pinglist For Start of the Event
1.@/AcaraTheDragon @/Welgan @/PepperClove @/Smols 5.@/Mistywolf77 @/spaceyfeather @/Theophilus @/Jaeyoon @/Cheshly 10.@/AlbinoDiamond @/Greenwolfkate @/toadmonkey @/Renocide @/TheClassCalico 15.@/kvon @/mayanaz @/aurora58002 @/TheAwesoMew @/InuKimi 20.@/BaldwinBogsneak @/Loreka @/greyxfoxx @/WishUponADragon @/TinyGryphon 25.@/Starwindrider @/QUACK2 @/Kunikida @/Catsrevenge @/Shadowember 30.@/Rocwylde @/PelicanBitten @/Starcloud @/Cataclasm @/Kairo 35.@/Watercolour @/BlueJaysFeather @/mithrel @/starblaziing @/Veritable 40.@/Levengale @/Pteropoda @/Oriel @/CowboyMouth @/TooElfy 45.@/danijust @/Jessaboo @/Nerds @/ArowanaPrincess @/Joeydragonz 50.@/Aquatic @/RockyLemons @/beepboopitsme @/Ratiasu @/Edgedancer 55.@/Zith @/Redeim @/Gryphoness @/Shiraya @/EndraPhoenix 60.@/Siris @/TheGoodAku @/LucidFeathers @/Mnkn10 @/TemperDragoness 65.@/NovaBlu @/Snek @/Allunar @/yellowstarfish @/Sebriniel33 70.@/NoodleMomma @/heavylobster @/croix @/Keryth @/Enasencca 75.@/dransnake @/JonTargaryen @/Sillywinter @/WingedClaymore @/EverAthena 80.@/Dalinar @/Ashki @/MythicalViper @/ApprenticeWriter @/woolly 85.@/Xotik @/starrynightren @/Oakendrake @/Emmahaa @/absurditea 90.@/L1BR4 @/septarianflare @/Yewwily @/mysticSpaghetti @/Shudder 95.@/Tox @/LiveOak @/Eiira @/Rabigrace @/minty 100.@/218715 @/brighteningskies @/Stellailluma @/DankNarwhal @/Endofighter 105.@/Plushstiel @/BananaDr4gon @/iiSwizzle @/Breadsticc @/Gravebloom 110.@/chocollama
Daily Task Pinglist
@/toadmonkey @/kvon @/mayanaz @/Starwindrider @/Kunikida @/Catsrevenge @/Rocwylde @/Starcloud @/PelicanBitten @/Cataclasm @/Kairo @/Watercolour @/BlueJaysFeather @/mithrel @/Veritable @/Levengale @/Pteropoda @/Oriel @/CowboyMouth @/danijust @/Jessaboo @/Nerds @/ArowanaPrincess @/Welgan @/Joeydragonz @/Aquatic @/beepboopitsme @/Ratiasu @/Edgedancer @/Zith @/Redeim @/Gryphoness @/Shiraya @/EndraPhoenix @/Siris @/TheGoodAku @/LucidFeathers @/Mnkn10 @/TemperDragoness @/NovaBlu @/Snek @/Allunar @/yellowstarfish @/NoodleMomma @/heavylobster @/croix @/Keryth @/Enasencca @/dransnake @/JonTargaryen @/Sillywinter @/WingedClaymore @/EverAthena @/Dalinar @/Ashki @/MythicalViper @/ApprenticeWriter @/woolly @/Xotik @/starrynightren @/Oakendrake @/Emmahaa @/absurditea @/Yewwily @/mysticSpaghetti @/Shudder @/Tox @/LiveOak @/Eiira @/Rabigrace @/minty @/218715 @/brighteningskies @/DankNarwhal @/Endofighter @/Plushstiel @/BananaDr4gon @/iiSwizzle @/L1BR4 @/Gravebloom @/chocollama @/TinyGryphon @/Catvrix @/broodlords @/commoncomitatus @/Smols @/Emberglo @/Megan65 @/SerenityBreeze @/Cheshly @/ObsidianMage @/starshiny @/Kataracts @/SilentRiver @/LemonQuartz @/ShadyApocalpyse @/Autopsy @/Kitanya @/LemonyCurry @/BlazingSkyDragon @/Mystiki @/AlbinoDiamond @/Gusted @/SaltyLeti @/Interverse @/Possums @/Skylexar @/Ladylilitu @/WhimsicalWinds @/Screamingbirb @/DuoSora @/Zaratyst @/CallMeMoe @/RoyalSorceress @/EasilyAmusedKat @/Juxta13 @/sparklesdani @/Elves @/Siris @/Xirei @/Strawberrium @/Hyleoroi @/Punkinator919 @/Theophilus @/Goldia @/Lora24 @/GreenwolfKate @/Renocide @/Arianethel @/grandmaeblob @/Loreka @/Avifors @/Raedeshe @/dustclouds @/Bananacorn @/PheonixPonder @/Aersolace @/ilexopaca @/SkyDancer10 @/Lisegathe @/ElementalEntropy @/dancingcrane @/nostalgicgalaxy @/Reignswrath @/halforq @/Redsand @/CasiCasi @/Ramirez33 @/FoggyDownpour @/dreamscaperer @/SocklessWonder @/Kasairan @/usualuniqueness @/Taluwen @/SwampQween @/hawchoo @/Sylphiette @/TooElfy @/RileythePlagueDr @/UbertheInso @/Sagittariuss @/Trashess @/Atilwi @/Martinique @/pallida @/PopatoPips @/GalacticSeviper @/Kattalio @/Cunea @/Dezrend @/Rockmama @/MariKatt @/Hinumi @/24Finns @/Vaguity @/PandaOverlord
~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[center][size=4][font=Georgia][color=000033][url=]Story[/url] | [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Task List [/url]| [url=]Raffle[/url] | [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Thanks[/url][/color][/font][/size] [/center] [center][size=6][font=Georgia][b]Thanks[/b][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]People ask why I do these sorts of things, why I gift others and what I want in return. Answer is nothing. My reward is the messages I receive when someone has realised they've been gifted something, messages both written in length and/or those with a few words of disbelief. My reward is knowing that I have managed to put a smile on someone's face and make their day that little bit better. That is what I get out of all of this. Making others' happy means the world to me and it warms my heart to see so many people getting into the spirit of random acts of kindness and sharing this challenge/journey with me. So thank you guys, you are the reason why I did this before and will continue to do this as long as I can. Thanks also goes to the wonderful [url=]Zemael [/url]for her stunning art and the talented [url=]PunchingSolas [/url]for his superb writing for the story and the daily stories. You guys put up with my frantic messages and oddly worded requests, thank you for being awesome and for adding that special touch to this thread and the challenge. <3 Also thanks goes to both of those two again and also the wonderful [url=]EverAthena [/url]for helping me lodge tickets and keep up with this thread! Also for their kind words and support during what will be/has been a hectic time [img][/img] [/size][/center]

People ask why I do these sorts of things, why I gift others and what I want in return. Answer is nothing. My reward is the messages I receive when someone has realised they've been gifted something, messages both written in length and/or those with a few words of disbelief. My reward is knowing that I have managed to put a smile on someone's face and make their day that little bit better. That is what I get out of all of this. Making others' happy means the world to me and it warms my heart to see so many people getting into the spirit of random acts of kindness and sharing this challenge/journey with me. So thank you guys, you are the reason why I did this before and will continue to do this as long as I can.

Thanks also goes to the wonderful Zemael for her stunning art and the talented PunchingSolas for his superb writing for the story and the daily stories. You guys put up with my frantic messages and oddly worded requests, thank you for being awesome and for adding that special touch to this thread and the challenge. <3

Also thanks goes to both of those two again and also the wonderful EverAthena for helping me lodge tickets and keep up with this thread! Also for their kind words and support during what will be/has been a hectic time

~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her

Unfortunately yes I do, I am so sorry! But thank you so much for your kind words. I can happily add you to the pinglist for the start of the event if you'd like! :D

Unfortunately yes I do, I am so sorry! But thank you so much for your kind words. I can happily add you to the pinglist for the start of the event if you'd like! :D
~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
(I’ll delete this one too)
(I’ll delete this one too)

I'll add you to the list :)

Oh gosh no that is ok you don't have to delete that one! <3

Anyone is able to post from now on and expressions of interests and any questions are greatly appreciated!

I'll add you to the list :)

Oh gosh no that is ok you don't have to delete that one! <3

Anyone is able to post from now on and expressions of interests and any questions are greatly appreciated!
~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her