I know Skydancer isn't one of the breeds you're looking for, but I have a girl who I think would make a very pretty Mirror, Ridgie or Pearlcatcher if you were inclined to do a breed change.
For visual reference:
Let me know if you're interested! I wouldn't ask for much.
I know Skydancer isn't one of the breeds you're looking for, but I have a girl who I think would make a very pretty Mirror, Ridgie or Pearlcatcher if you were inclined to do a breed change.

For visual reference:
Let me know if you're interested! I wouldn't ask for much.
This space left intentionally blank.
@Vibe I've got this guy! 40k on the AH, happy to haggle.
Vibe I've got this guy! 40k on the AH, happy to haggle.

[right][size=6][b][i]February 3rd[/b][/i][/size][/right]
[i]Daughter of Notus and Nephtali[/i]
hickory cherub
camo peregrine
honey runes
[size=5][b]20,000 treasure[/b][/size][/center][/columns]
[i]Son of Notus and Nephtali[/i]
hickory cherub
forest freckle
banana runes
[size=5][b]20,000 treasure[/b][/size][/center][/columns]
February 3rd

Daughter of Notus and Nephtali
hickory cherub
camo peregrine
honey runes
20,000 treasure

Son of Notus and Nephtali
hickory cherub
forest freckle
banana runes
20,000 treasure
My lair is 100% earthy/brown dragons with matching eyes!
I have these 2 WC pairs on a nest set to hatch soon if you'd like a ping? I'm happy to add you to other pinglists for my other pairs if they catch your eye too :)
My lair is 100% earthy/brown dragons with matching eyes!
I have these 2 WC pairs on a nest set to hatch soon if you'd like a ping? I'm happy to add you to other pinglists for my other pairs if they catch your eye too :)

I've got her! She has a red sister too.
[b]canyon beauty pair[/b]
Mesa, Female Ridgeback, 9kt or 11g
Brown Clown/Caramel Shimmer/Platinum Basic
I've got her! She has a red sister too.
canyon beauty pair

Mesa, Female Ridgeback, 9kt or 11g
Brown Clown/Caramel Shimmer/Platinum Basic
I have this male...
Dirt Cherub
Sunshine Butterfly
Sand Glimmer
I have this male...

Dirt Cherub
Sunshine Butterfly
Sand Glimmer
I just hatched these pretty dancers.
Bronze, buttercup, silver
Terracotta, buttercup, pearl
And this boy.
I just hatched these pretty dancers.

Bronze, buttercup, silver

Terracotta, buttercup, pearl
And this boy.