TOPIC | Fathom Swap Hub!

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Interested in swapping G1 Females if you like her!
Would you happen to be interested in trading your boy for mine?
Sorry, he's not really vibing with me either. Good luck though!
Sorry, he's not really vibing with me either. Good luck though!
Sorry, he's not really vibing with me either. Good luck though!
Sorry, he's not really vibing with me either. Good luck though!
Scry included in bio, ping/PM with offers please, otherwise I wont see it!
Looking to trade! Mostly interested in natural Colors or blues but I’m open for anything!
[img] https://www1.flightrising.com/dgen/preview/dragon?age=1&body=99&bodygene=57&breed=16&element=3&eyetype=1&gender=0&tert=149&tertgene=17&winggene=87&wings=56&auth=04e5946250afa6ed726fd25949769fde0fb5dfcd&dummyext=prev.png[/img]
I like the girl more than the boy but I’m open to offers for either.
I will consider it! I'll try to find a dragon to swap her with but if I don't I'll ping you back!
I will consider it! I'll try to find a dragon to swap her with but if I don't I'll ping you back!
I will consider it! I'll try to find a dragon to swap her with but if I don't I'll ping you back!
I will consider it! I'll try to find a dragon to swap her with but if I don't I'll ping you back!
[center]Have these 2 for any potential trade! Hoping for either blue/bluegreen range, brown ranges, or very bright colors!
Water or Ice eyes are highly preffered too
UMA wishlist
WARNING: Will sell soul to obtain all the sunflower themed UMAs!
Like please, if you have any that have sunflowers in it that I dont have yet I want it. PM me about it, ill make a deal! I want them all! Minus imperial tho
WARNING: Will sell soul to obtain all the sunflower themed UMAs!
Like please, if you have any that have sunflowers in it that I dont have yet I want it. PM me about it, ill make a deal! I want them all! Minus imperial tho
[quote name="Saintlucky" date="2024-06-14 12:53:17" ]
Looking to swap my M for another M, cute scries in his bio
Ideally he'd somewhat match my Blackberry/shale/black F, but I'll look at anything.
Not for Trade:

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