
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | The Recycling Center -- Fodder Trading!
I dub thee snap, crackle and pop!

59 and 60 please, but they'll have to be holds for a bit - i need to upgrade my lair!
I dub thee snap, crackle and pop!

59 and 60 please, but they'll have to be holds for a bit - i need to upgrade my lair!
could i trade anyone in my fodder for 52?
could i trade anyone in my fodder for 52?

  • any pronouns
  • tumblr_inline_p3wmagzXr31tc3swm_540.png + tumblr_inline_p3wma5InsX1tc3swm_540.png

You got it! #59 and #60 will have reserves put on :)


Absolutely! I'll put a hold on #52 for you, and when you're ready go ahead and set up a crossroads with the fodder you'd like to trade :)

You got it! #59 and #60 will have reserves put on :)


Absolutely! I'll put a hold on #52 for you, and when you're ready go ahead and set up a crossroads with the fodder you'd like to trade :)
@SpookyPotatos @MegaMaz @Drakamos @Alternatewarning [b]Ping! Two new babies available for trade![/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]#62 - Pearlcatcher Female[/b] Latte Skink Mauve Spinner Tomato Underbelly Eye Type Unusual [b]Exalt Date -- March 22nd[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]#63 - Spiral Male[/b] Algae Skink Raspberry Spinner Yellow Underbelly Eye Type Common [b]Exalt Date -- March 22nd[/b]

Ping! Two new babies available for trade!


#62 - Pearlcatcher Female
Latte Skink
Mauve Spinner
Tomato Underbelly
Eye Type Unusual
Exalt Date -- March 22nd


#63 - Spiral Male
Algae Skink
Raspberry Spinner
Yellow Underbelly
Eye Type Common
Exalt Date -- March 22nd
tysm! sending one rn
tysm! sending one rn

  • any pronouns
  • tumblr_inline_p3wmagzXr31tc3swm_540.png + tumblr_inline_p3wma5InsX1tc3swm_540.png
@zubious cr for the two skydancers on it's way :D

this thread is turning out bizarrely lucrative for me-tysm
@zubious cr for the two skydancers on it's way :D

this thread is turning out bizarrely lucrative for me-tysm

LOL good! It's helping me too! :D

Did you still want the two Bogsneaks you have on reserve? I can send them first if you'd like.

Edit: Hello I'm a big dingus that was looking at the front page of my thread and not my actual lair lmao disregard please

LOL good! It's helping me too! :D

Did you still want the two Bogsneaks you have on reserve? I can send them first if you'd like.

Edit: Hello I'm a big dingus that was looking at the front page of my thread and not my actual lair lmao disregard please

Thanks so much for your trade! Would you like to be added to the Ping List so you can be notified when new babies are available?

Thanks so much for your trade! Would you like to be added to the Ping List so you can be notified when new babies are available?
sure! also, i was wondering if i could donate a few dragons eventually? [not now, in the future]
i get a lot of nests i dont keep and feel iffy selling them
sure! also, i was wondering if i could donate a few dragons eventually? [not now, in the future]
i get a lot of nests i dont keep and feel iffy selling them

  • any pronouns
  • tumblr_inline_p3wmagzXr31tc3swm_540.png + tumblr_inline_p3wma5InsX1tc3swm_540.png

Great! I'll add you on!

I'm open to potentially taking dragons as donation, but it would depend on space limitations in my own lair. The dragons here are traded for fodder which is then exalted, or if the dragons aren't requested within their listed time limit, they're exalted instead. If you're okay with that, I could potentially take 2 or 3 off your hands. I would be keeping the fodder and exalting them or your traded dragons if that's what you'd like to do.

Great! I'll add you on!

I'm open to potentially taking dragons as donation, but it would depend on space limitations in my own lair. The dragons here are traded for fodder which is then exalted, or if the dragons aren't requested within their listed time limit, they're exalted instead. If you're okay with that, I could potentially take 2 or 3 off your hands. I would be keeping the fodder and exalting them or your traded dragons if that's what you'd like to do.