
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Open a a Door
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Tried one of these and loved it. First player sets up the scene of three doors. Next three players ping the set up player picking a door. Winners get pinged, and the one that picks the dragon sets up the next round. I'll go first.

I was on my way home from gathering one day when I noticed a series of caves along the path. I thought I heard a noise, so I entered and followed the curiously lit pathway until I came to a three way branch in the tunnels.. The first was guarded by a gilded door. The gold shimmered and sparkled in the torchlight. It looked heavy and expensive. The second door was pitch black, and glimmered like obsidian. I had a heavy lock, but the key was next to it. The final door seemed ordinary, if not for the arcane sparkle I could see around the edges of the wood. I stepped forward and reached for the...
Tried one of these and loved it. First player sets up the scene of three doors. Next three players ping the set up player picking a door. Winners get pinged, and the one that picks the dragon sets up the next round. I'll go first.

I was on my way home from gathering one day when I noticed a series of caves along the path. I thought I heard a noise, so I entered and followed the curiously lit pathway until I came to a three way branch in the tunnels.. The first was guarded by a gilded door. The gold shimmered and sparkled in the torchlight. It looked heavy and expensive. The second door was pitch black, and glimmered like obsidian. I had a heavy lock, but the key was next to it. The final door seemed ordinary, if not for the arcane sparkle I could see around the edges of the wood. I stepped forward and reached for the...
A friend is someone who picks you up when you fall. A best friend? Well they're the one that tripped you in the first place!
@LyzDrake Can I please Open the Glimmering black door?
@LyzDrake Can I please Open the Glimmering black door?
@LyzDrake - could I have the gold door, please? ^^
@LyzDrake - could I have the gold door, please? ^^

I'd like the Arcane door please c:

I'd like the Arcane door please c:
@Whirlwish The shining gold door is heavy, and you struggle for several minutes, but ultimately end up a bit disappointed. At one pint it was probably important, but now there are just a few left behind items in the bedroom. You grab the green Fuiran skin and leave. [img][/img] @Etahrey The Obsidian door unlocks easily, and inside, it's easy to see that this is a laboratory of some sort. It seems to have been used recently, so you grab the Sizzling Phosphorous and two Glass Beakers and leave quickly. [img][/img] [img][/img] @Arrowfeathers "Well Finally!" A Female Skydancer snaps once you unseal the arcane door. "I've been waiting!" She says impatiently. "I'm Evren. Let's go home!" [img][/img]
The shining gold door is heavy, and you struggle for several minutes, but ultimately end up a bit disappointed. At one pint it was probably important, but now there are just a few left behind items in the bedroom. You grab the green Fuiran skin and leave.
The Obsidian door unlocks easily, and inside, it's easy to see that this is a laboratory of some sort. It seems to have been used recently, so you grab the Sizzling Phosphorous and two Glass Beakers and leave quickly.
"Well Finally!" A Female Skydancer snaps once you unseal the arcane door. "I've been waiting!" She says impatiently. "I'm Evren. Let's go home!"
A friend is someone who picks you up when you fall. A best friend? Well they're the one that tripped you in the first place!

Door One: A bright green door that when opened leads to an area full of HUGE DRAGONS...without..wings? And with Tiny arms..?
Wow now would be a good time for a dragon to know how to read english, maybe that big sign has a clue?
Jur...asssic..Perk? Huh...But why were their wings replaced with tiny arms...

Door Two: It's just a mouth, with a doorknob, that is continually screaming. It's very loud, and probably how many of us feel inside.

Door Three: Happy Shark Week!
You open this door and water pours out. It fills the room and suddenly you're dressed in scuba gear. theres a great white shark coming for you...wait two...three! SIX!
You're doomed, better start swimming for that boat that randomly appeared

I am going to bed!! Prizes will be posted come morning. Sorry it's 2:30am here eh

Door One: A bright green door that when opened leads to an area full of HUGE DRAGONS...without..wings? And with Tiny arms..?
Wow now would be a good time for a dragon to know how to read english, maybe that big sign has a clue?
Jur...asssic..Perk? Huh...But why were their wings replaced with tiny arms...

Door Two: It's just a mouth, with a doorknob, that is continually screaming. It's very loud, and probably how many of us feel inside.

Door Three: Happy Shark Week!
You open this door and water pours out. It fills the room and suddenly you're dressed in scuba gear. theres a great white shark coming for you...wait two...three! SIX!
You're doomed, better start swimming for that boat that randomly appeared

I am going to bed!! Prizes will be posted come morning. Sorry it's 2:30am here eh
@Arrowfeathers I would love door two with the screaming doorknob :)
@Arrowfeathers I would love door two with the screaming doorknob :)
I cannot paint what then I was.
My Dragon Sale Thread | My Dream Dragon | Fr + 2
@Arrowfeathers Door three please (: Come at me sharks!
@Arrowfeathers Door three please (: Come at me sharks!
@Arrowfeathers yo i'll take door one (freaking love dinos man)
@Arrowfeathers yo i'll take door one (freaking love dinos man)
*Screaming because I FORGOT SORRY?!* @AzzerthePirate -Your username is goals tho. You approach one of the stubby armed wingless dragons. It just kind of stares at you, for a long time. How...odd. Then you get a SUPER EPIC STUBBY HAND HIGH FIVE ROCK ON. While you highfive he slips this in your hand like some sort of secret item then just leaves. Well...these plants are kinda cool I guess. [item=Dew Laden White Rose] [item=Green Olive Wreath] @PyroBlaze Inside the screaming door that represents all of us inside is... a screaming dragon. You decide to take her home, and scream into the void about the darkness and despair that is life, TOGETHER. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] @TheOddDucky The sharks woosh at you was a hologram. Well thats poop. But hey, the fish weren't [Item=Warmwater Wanderers]
*Screaming because I FORGOT SORRY?!*

-Your username is goals tho.
You approach one of the stubby armed wingless dragons. It just kind of stares at you, for a long time. How...odd. Then you get a SUPER EPIC STUBBY HAND HIGH FIVE ROCK ON. While you highfive he slips this in your hand like some sort of secret item then just leaves. Well...these plants are kinda cool I guess.

Dew Laden White Rose Green Olive Wreath

Inside the screaming door that represents all of us inside is... a screaming dragon. You decide to take her home, and scream into the void about the darkness and despair that is life, TOGETHER.


The sharks woosh at you was a hologram. Well thats poop.
But hey, the fish weren't
Warmwater Wanderers

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