
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Share Your Unknown Fandragons
I think we all have that one set of fandragons from a series not too well-known or represented here on FR. They don't get picked for the IKTR very much if at all, but you still love them to death and want to show them off. It could be from an old show, indie movie, comic, even board or video game that didn't get much attention, but you noticed it! And you loved it so much, you made a dragon about it. For me, that's Mot: [url=][img][/img][/url] "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death... and Hell followed with him." He's based off one of the protagonists from the WebToon comic, Apocalyptic Horseplay. The comic put its own spin on the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and the infamous Judgement Day prophecy with the simple premise: What if the Horsemen had decided to retire and write a newspaper? I have scries for his 'brothers' as he called the other horsemen in the comic in his bio. Share your more unknown fandragons. Let's give them some love!
I think we all have that one set of fandragons from a series not too well-known or represented here on FR. They don't get picked for the IKTR very much if at all, but you still love them to death and want to show them off.

It could be from an old show, indie movie, comic, even board or video game that didn't get much attention, but you noticed it! And you loved it so much, you made a dragon about it.

For me, that's Mot:
"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death... and Hell followed with him."

He's based off one of the protagonists from the WebToon comic, Apocalyptic Horseplay. The comic put its own spin on the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and the infamous Judgement Day prophecy with the simple premise: What if the Horsemen had decided to retire and write a newspaper?

I have scries for his 'brothers' as he called the other horsemen in the comic in his bio.

Share your more unknown fandragons. Let's give them some love!
GiKj6f3.gif MUliTJ2.gifoa2NJIM.gif oa2NJIM.gif MUliTJ2.gif GiKj6f3.gif ---
Sprites by @DogiCrimson
[emoji=red star size=1]
GiKj6f3.gif MUliTJ2.gifoa2NJIM.gif oa2NJIM.gif MUliTJ2.gif GiKj6f3.gif ---
Sprites by @DogiCrimson
Ooh I like Mot! I really wish more people knew/got into Leverage. Everyone I know has never heard of it :(. It’s one of my favorite shows of all time and I’m doing a rewatch right now. Think of it as a show full of heists, con artists, anti-capitalism, cheesiness, and absolute heart + sincerity. Here’s my fictional crush from the show, Eliot Spencer (to anyone who’s seen it, who [i]doesn’t[/i] have even the tiniest crush on him???? It’s impossible) [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] All my fandragons are otherwise from well-known media, lol. Or OC-fandragons B)
Ooh I like Mot!

I really wish more people knew/got into Leverage. Everyone I know has never heard of it :(. It’s one of my favorite shows of all time and I’m doing a rewatch right now. Think of it as a show full of heists, con artists, anti-capitalism, cheesiness, and absolute heart + sincerity.

Here’s my fictional crush from the show, Eliot Spencer (to anyone who’s seen it, who doesn’t have even the tiniest crush on him???? It’s impossible)

All my fandragons are otherwise from well-known media, lol. Or OC-fandragons B)

Mot is lovely - I may have to take a look at that webcomic, seems like an interesting premise! Looking forward to seeing everyone's unknown fandragons! [rule] I have a number of rather obscure/unknown fandragons, but I feel these two fit best here! Both have been recognized very few times (Ballad not at all, and Leona twice in five years). [columns] Ballad is based on The Forgetmenauts's song "Gay Werewolf Murder Ballad" (the song's subject is pretty self-explanatory, ha). On first hearing it, I sort of... locked on and listened to it for no less than four hour on loop. And then again and again for the next week or two. I really like how the dragon's design came out, and looking at him makes me happy, reminding me of the song! [size=2]Note for anyone considering giving the song a listen: It does discuss some heavy discrimination-related topics. Please be careful if that may upset you![/size] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] Leona is a character from etra Erika Nordlund's now-unavailable comic [i]Prague Race[/i]. I really enjoyed the webcomic, and Leona was a very fun character therein (and fairly easy to represent here on Flight Rising). I don't recall all that clearly, but I'm pretty sure I made this fandragon immediately upon the release of the grasp apparel, as it's a near-perfect fit for an important part of Leona's canon design! It was just too perfect to pass up, ha. [/columns]
Mot is lovely - I may have to take a look at that webcomic, seems like an interesting premise!

Looking forward to seeing everyone's unknown fandragons!

I have a number of rather obscure/unknown fandragons, but I feel these two fit best here! Both have been recognized very few times (Ballad not at all, and Leona twice in five years).

Ballad is based on The Forgetmenauts's song "Gay Werewolf Murder Ballad" (the song's subject is pretty self-explanatory, ha). On first hearing it, I sort of... locked on and listened to it for no less than four hour on loop. And then again and again for the next week or two.

I really like how the dragon's design came out, and looking at him makes me happy, reminding me of the song!

Note for anyone considering giving the song a listen: It does discuss some heavy discrimination-related topics. Please be careful if that may upset you!

47715884_350.png Leona is a character from etra Erika Nordlund's now-unavailable comic Prague Race. I really enjoyed the webcomic, and Leona was a very fun character therein (and fairly easy to represent here on Flight Rising).

I don't recall all that clearly, but I'm pretty sure I made this fandragon immediately upon the release of the grasp apparel, as it's a near-perfect fit for an important part of Leona's canon design! It was just too perfect to pass up, ha.

*Ice / Icefang
*Any pronouns
*Please ping me


*Main fandragon tab
*Sales tab
*Icon dragon

I have a lot of fandragons for my favorite band, including one for each of the three main members. The singer and guitarist don't get recognized a ton but they do get recognized. The bassist, though... [url=][img][/img][/url] He hasn't been recognized a single time. I also have a dragon for each of their albums, and only the first one really gets any recognition (and it's not often.) These guys have never been recognized: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] and this guy's only been recognized twice [url=][img][/img][/url] Most of my other fandragons are of pretty popular characters or from pretty big franchises, so they get recognized an okay amount. The only one who hasn't gotten as much love as I expected was this guy: [url=][img][/img][/url] Shinjiro, from persona 3. I've seen lots of persona 5 fandragons (and have a few that get recognized) and p3 just had a remake come out, so I thought he'd get recognized more. But so far it's only been twice. It's always a little disheartening when some of your fandragons just don't get any love. I put a lot of love and care into their designs lol
I have a lot of fandragons for my favorite band, including one for each of the three main members. The singer and guitarist don't get recognized a ton but they do get recognized. The bassist, though...
He hasn't been recognized a single time.

I also have a dragon for each of their albums, and only the first one really gets any recognition (and it's not often.) These guys have never been recognized:

and this guy's only been recognized twice

Most of my other fandragons are of pretty popular characters or from pretty big franchises, so they get recognized an okay amount. The only one who hasn't gotten as much love as I expected was this guy:
Shinjiro, from persona 3. I've seen lots of persona 5 fandragons (and have a few that get recognized) and p3 just had a remake come out, so I thought he'd get recognized more. But so far it's only been twice.

It's always a little disheartening when some of your fandragons just don't get any love. I put a lot of love and care into their designs lol
................. 7d78c3efd2b36e801813259cc89702f50b77e6ee.png /////hh5n4WA.png
///My name has 2
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] SixSix is a character from Ben 10, which is not an obscure series, but he is a relatively minor character so naturally he's only been recognized one time. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Krampus is a character from the mobile gacha game Crash Fever, which is now no longer available outside of Japan as of December 2023. He is my only fandragon who has never been recognized. If you recognize either of these characters, feel free to say hello! :)

SixSix is a character from Ben 10, which is not an obscure series, but he is a relatively minor character so naturally he's only been recognized one time.

Krampus is a character from the mobile gacha game Crash Fever, which is now no longer available outside of Japan as of December 2023. He is my only fandragon who has never been recognized.

If you recognize either of these characters, feel free to say hello! :)
4AWGelx.png x mNlaEyR.png x xxFree Dragons!
xxfandragons: lair | hibden | plans
[center]Never had any of these guys be recognized in IKTR or outside of it which is a shame because I love them and their sources so much <3 [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img],51673&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] [url=][img],26279,3692,27989,27983,28783,21867,28803,28786,3621,15747,3680&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img],35205,944,48176,12909,37390,33698,12930,35212,33699,37370,472&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url]
Never had any of these guys be recognized in IKTR or outside of it which is a shame because I love them and their sources so much <3





A digital art drawing of a blue furred tundra. He has a blue and gold magician's hat, a silver star earring and silver and blue wingdrapes. The background has a space pattern, also in blue.
I just finished a fandragon of Cori Sunset from the podcast Friends at the Table: Palisade! but i'm not holding my breath for her to get any iktr picks anytime soon haha [url=][img][/img][/url] and i also have a Slumbous from another FATT season, Sangfielle! [url=][img][/img][/url]
I just finished a fandragon of Cori Sunset from the podcast Friends at the Table: Palisade! but i'm not holding my breath for her to get any iktr picks anytime soon haha
and i also have a Slumbous from another FATT season, Sangfielle!
note: my username has an 'S' at the end!

[font=times]I've got some fandragons that are from somewhat lesser known media but usually they'll still get recognized by a person or two. [url=][img][/img][/url] I know Sanrio overshadows San-X in terms of popularity but they're still rather big and have a lot of merch. Even so Rilakkuma is the more popular San-X character so Sumikko Gurashi gets overshadowed by them as well... There's been one person on here so far who knew Tokage but that was outside of iktr [url=][img][/img][/url] This one still kind of shocks me a little but somehow there's been no recognition yet for my fandragon of the Treasure album Reboot. Then again I haven't seen anyone else on FR who likes k-pop (or at least I don't think I have) [url=][img],30037,41630,28775,28778,3701,3639,3690&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] This one, uh... she's relatively new in my lair but I don't see her getting recognized any time soon. Nami is from a small (and sadly discontinued) DnD podcast I really like called Tales of Aeradella. I plan on scrying up fandergs for the three other characters as well, and maybe even the DM? I dunno, I just really wish the podcast were more popular so that I had other people to talk about it with :( [size=1]Honourable mentions to [url=]Knight[/url] and [url=]Red Spring[/url] though, relatively unknown but they have gotten recognized at least once each so I didn't want to add them.[/size]
I've got some fandragons that are from somewhat lesser known media but usually they'll still get recognized by a person or two.

I know Sanrio overshadows San-X in terms of popularity but they're still rather big and have a lot of merch. Even so Rilakkuma is the more popular San-X character so Sumikko Gurashi gets overshadowed by them as well...

There's been one person on here so far who knew Tokage but that was outside of iktr

This one still kind of shocks me a little but somehow there's been no recognition yet for my fandragon of the Treasure album Reboot. Then again I haven't seen anyone else on FR who likes k-pop (or at least I don't think I have)

This one, uh... she's relatively new in my lair but I don't see her getting recognized any time soon.

Nami is from a small (and sadly discontinued) DnD podcast I really like called Tales of Aeradella. I plan on scrying up fandergs for the three other characters as well, and maybe even the DM? I dunno, I just really wish the podcast were more popular so that I had other people to talk about it with :(

Honourable mentions to Knight and Red Spring though, relatively unknown but they have gotten recognized at least once each so I didn't want to add them.
33722.png previously GenderlessCrow
"A little rag dolly, plain as can be, has a friend who's as lovely as you" - Rag Dolly by Joe Raposo
@GenderlessCrow Well make that one MORE person who knows who Tokage is! [img][/img] I own a lot of merch with them! You see, I play online kuji lotteries and San-X will show up a lot in lotteries. I never have any good luck with San-X lotteries sadly because they have so many small prizes. I think I only ever won (one) plush in the last two years of attempts. It was not a Tokage plush, unfortunately. But I appreciate that lil guy so much. Seeing your fandragon brought a smile to my face!

Well make that one MORE person who knows who Tokage is!


I own a lot of merch with them!
You see, I play online kuji lotteries and San-X will show up a lot in lotteries.

I never have any good luck with San-X lotteries sadly because they have so many small prizes. I think I only ever won (one) plush in the last two years of attempts.

It was not a Tokage plush, unfortunately.
But I appreciate that lil guy so much.

Seeing your fandragon brought a smile to my face!