TOPIC | Theme Week: Winter Dragons!

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[b]Icicle! [/b]
Bio Blurb:Cervine is an icy adventurer sent out to understand the vast tundras of the Icewarden's domain in conjunction with the Nature flight's need to counteract the ill effects of cold on their residents. Despite his innate element being nature, Cervine loves the ice and snow, and seeks to find ways to unite the two flights.
His crew and him fish and forage in this unforgiving wasteland as they discover new plants and animals. Along the way, they converse with locals on the Snowquall Tundra to learn techniques to better adapt to this land, and in return they provide these clans with rare foods from the Behemoth, and carefully carved weapons and utensils.
Every six months they set out on a month-long journey onto the ice-shelf. Every time, Cervine comes back to his home with ever-more icicles coating his wings, and an increasing numbness in them that never seems to go away...


Bio Blurb:Cervine is an icy adventurer sent out to understand the vast tundras of the Icewarden's domain in conjunction with the Nature flight's need to counteract the ill effects of cold on their residents. Despite his innate element being nature, Cervine loves the ice and snow, and seeks to find ways to unite the two flights.
His crew and him fish and forage in this unforgiving wasteland as they discover new plants and animals. Along the way, they converse with locals on the Snowquall Tundra to learn techniques to better adapt to this land, and in return they provide these clans with rare foods from the Behemoth, and carefully carved weapons and utensils.
Every six months they set out on a month-long journey onto the ice-shelf. Every time, Cervine comes back to his home with ever-more icicles coating his wings, and an increasing numbness in them that never seems to go away...
Her name is Winter! She's a sort of personification (dragonification?) of winter & cold c:
Frost is very wintery as well.
[center]Rukia from Bleach![/center]
[center]And Galahad our frosty prince[/center]
[columns][b]Marth[/b], my oldest dragon in my lair, forever my icy mascot. <3[nextcol][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/4180290][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/41803/4180290_350.png[/img][/url][/columns]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/9388282][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/93883/9388282_350.png[/img][/url][nextcol]Then there's [b]Nakia[/b], one of my first ever Gen1s[/columns]
[b]Permafrost[/b] has the appearance of a clear winter's night as ice creeps around the edges of your window.
Similarly, [b]Frostbite[/b] reminds me of dusty snow blowing across the ground. The enchanter's apparel feels like a chilly witch with spiky ice clinging to the cloth. A little bit spooky but that fits well with my fear of going outside in the cold hehe

Permafrost has the appearance of a clear winter's night as ice creeps around the edges of your window.

Similarly, Frostbite reminds me of dusty snow blowing across the ground. The enchanter's apparel feels like a chilly witch with spiky ice clinging to the cloth. A little bit spooky but that fits well with my fear of going outside in the cold hehe

Myiagros - shared again because I've no shame.
Skywarn. Water freezes, don't it?

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