@NyxianDragons Any dragon can be an ally if you want to join!

TOPIC | The Rex Army(hiatus)

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Yeah, I'm trying to figure out which of my dragons would even consider it.. because most of mine are just too serious. And I don't think I even have any bright colored dragons..
I don't know, I suppose I'll be back when I feel a bit better.
Are there clones available at the moment? I guess I could start saving up.
I don't know, I suppose I'll be back when I feel a bit better.
Are there clones available at the moment? I guess I could start saving up.
Yeah, I'm trying to figure out which of my dragons would even consider it.. because most of mine are just too serious. And I don't think I even have any bright colored dragons..
I don't know, I suppose I'll be back when I feel a bit better.
Are there clones available at the moment? I guess I could start saving up.
I don't know, I suppose I'll be back when I feel a bit better.
Are there clones available at the moment? I guess I could start saving up.
[center]@Lovelock Rex2 YEETS this chaotic familiar at you at mach speed. " ENJOY THE CHAOS I stole this from some old light flight dragon who yelled at me once to get off his lawn while I was spraypainting his nice ivory towers poop colored. "
You got:
[item=Miniature Sornieth Globe][/center]
@Lovelock Rex2 YEETS this chaotic familiar at you at mach speed. " ENJOY THE CHAOS I stole this from some old light flight dragon who yelled at me once to get off his lawn while I was spraypainting his nice ivory towers poop colored. "
You got:
You got:
Slightly dumb question but, are clones considered officers or a separate role? I want to link to this thread in Rexis' bio with the badge
After reading the rules and such for your babies, I think I will make an ally instead. I def understand your rules around your lineage hatchling, permababs just aren't my thing. Though I will be back with an ally eventually! I love this project and its vibes, also all the art is amazing!
After reading the rules and such for your babies, I think I will make an ally instead. I def understand your rules around your lineage hatchling, permababs just aren't my thing. Though I will be back with an ally eventually! I love this project and its vibes, also all the art is amazing!
+3 Hours
Always tired, so I apologize if I take forever to respond
Always tired, so I apologize if I take forever to respond
[quote name="CrustyGlowstick" date="2022-06-09 15:08:38" ]
[center]@Lovelock Rex2 YEETS this chaotic familiar at you at mach speed. " ENJOY THE CHAOS I stole this from some old light flight dragon who yelled at me once to get off his lawn while I was spraypainting his nice ivory towers poop colored. "
You got:
[item=Miniature Sornieth Globe][/center]
[/url]"AAERTRHNFGKDMLFSDKEAJIHWRKG [b]I N [/b] .... [b]M O U T H[/b]!!!#$R#TE"[/center]
[center](I believe this means "thank you")[/center]
CrustyGlowstick wrote on 2022-06-09 15:08:38:
@Lovelock Rex2 YEETS this chaotic familiar at you at mach speed. " ENJOY THE CHAOS I stole this from some old light flight dragon who yelled at me once to get off his lawn while I was spraypainting his nice ivory towers poop colored. "
You got:
You got:
(I believe this means "thank you")
[center]Oh no this is such an awesome concept!
I love it, while I yet to find an aberration would perma bab I would love my anniversary hatch be ally if he can of Rex2 [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
He yet to get a name, but he is good at causing havoc and spook other dragons and people and just be all over the place.[/center]
@killything I really ought to make a special badge for them haha..... BUT for now please use the officer badge!
@killything I really ought to make a special badge for them haha..... BUT for now please use the officer badge!
@Bluwingskitty Thats fair! Sorry they are super strict hhhh, I just really love my babies and want them to stick to the lore! I look forward to seeing your ally!
@Bluwingskitty Thats fair! Sorry they are super strict hhhh, I just really love my babies and want them to stick to the lore! I look forward to seeing your ally!

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