TOPIC | Theme Week: Greyscale-Black, White, Grey

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Yasss. I love me some B/W dragons.
In fact, this whole thread has just reminded me that I definitely need more of them!!
I'm a big fan or machanica/ robot dragons, like Hauku here! <3
I also plan to eventually migrate to Ice flight, so I can hopefully make an Ice subspecies out of these guys:
They're modeled after my favourite stone, Howlite! :D
Yasss. I love me some B/W dragons.
In fact, this whole thread has just reminded me that I definitely need more of them!!
I'm a big fan or machanica/ robot dragons, like Hauku here! <3

I also plan to eventually migrate to Ice flight, so I can hopefully make an Ice subspecies out of these guys:

They're modeled after my favourite stone, Howlite! :D
In fact, this whole thread has just reminded me that I definitely need more of them!!
I'm a big fan or machanica/ robot dragons, like Hauku here! <3

I also plan to eventually migrate to Ice flight, so I can hopefully make an Ice subspecies out of these guys:

They're modeled after my favourite stone, Howlite! :D
Essentially a walking crystal garden, he provides rare gems and fungi for the clan's mages and healers
A fighter who just really doesn't care about anyone. Except her familiars, who are very well cared for. She doesn't really trust most outside dragons.
WIP lore >:)
Twas hard to pick, but I did. :D
Ooooh, I have two triples for this!
Buuuut, first up is my precious little thief.
Beneviolet is one of my first hatchlings, along with her brother Taigazuai. I'm showing her off rather than him and his stripey goodness because she's going to be Python the MINUTE I get hold of the gene, and will then be properly themed after the reason I named her: search up her name and see where it takes you!
Now, my pale spectrum girl!
Magnificent, one of my best AH catches! With a solid maize spread, she and Resplendent always turn out GORGEOUS babs.
Last but never least...
Painted, my obsidian boy! Darker than night, but just as gentle. Just needs a mate who isn't so far off his colors like Myfanwy is, heh.
Ooooh, I have two triples for this!
Buuuut, first up is my precious little thief.

Beneviolet is one of my first hatchlings, along with her brother Taigazuai. I'm showing her off rather than him and his stripey goodness because she's going to be Python the MINUTE I get hold of the gene, and will then be properly themed after the reason I named her: search up her name and see where it takes you!
Now, my pale spectrum girl!

Magnificent, one of my best AH catches! With a solid maize spread, she and Resplendent always turn out GORGEOUS babs.
Last but never least...

Painted, my obsidian boy! Darker than night, but just as gentle. Just needs a mate who isn't so far off his colors like Myfanwy is, heh.
Buuuut, first up is my precious little thief.

Beneviolet is one of my first hatchlings, along with her brother Taigazuai. I'm showing her off rather than him and his stripey goodness because she's going to be Python the MINUTE I get hold of the gene, and will then be properly themed after the reason I named her: search up her name and see where it takes you!
Now, my pale spectrum girl!

Magnificent, one of my best AH catches! With a solid maize spread, she and Resplendent always turn out GORGEOUS babs.
Last but never least...

Painted, my obsidian boy! Darker than night, but just as gentle. Just needs a mate who isn't so far off his colors like Myfanwy is, heh.
Proudly Canadian
Glaze is THE beautiful grayscale dragon in my lair.
Lunafreya, even when she's far from her final plan, is pretty nice looking.
Scwarz also rocks that Jag/Ros look.
My beautiful Slate. I specifically bought him to have black primary and white secondary.
My awesome triple obsidian, Smoke.
And finally, my favorite of all my gray scaled dragons, my triple white, Crystaline.
the sanguin rose loving xxy obsidian snipsnap nightclaw
the lovely but dangerous snowfall
And the strong and lovely telia:
Alrighty then! I don't have many, but I'll contribute a few of my babes:
[/url][nextcol]First up is Kalliope, my lovely assassin! Though she's dangerous and dresses the part, she likes to throw a little flair into her look. Think of her like a thorny white rose. A very, VERY thorny rose.[/columns]
[columns]Next is Vritra. This little devil loves shiny things, and I do mean LOVES them. Anything she sees that catches her eye, she takes. That's why she's the thief in the lair. I never let her anywhere near the hoard.[nextcol][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=30414048]
[/url][nextcol]And finally, one of my latest hatchlings in my lair. He doesn't have a name yet, and he's not completely grayscale but he's still unique. He almost appears albino, minus the eyes. But I think he's cute, and adorable, and maybe someday I'll think of a theme for him![/columns]
And there's my contribution! I'll be here all week in my trash bin, looking at memes :)
Alrighty then! I don't have many, but I'll contribute a few of my babes:
And there's my contribution! I'll be here all week in my trash bin, looking at memes :)
And there's my contribution! I'll be here all week in my trash bin, looking at memes :)

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